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Foreign Police (incoming)

Upon arrival, students from EU and non-EU countries are obliged to register after arrival with the Foreign Police, if it has not been done by the accommodation provider.

  Reporting duty 

 Registering at the Foreign police is obligatory for anyone who is staying in the Czech Republic for more than 30 days.

  • Non-EU citizens are supposed to register within 3 days within arrival.
  • EU citizens on the other hand have 30 days for the registration. 

Students from both non-EU countries and EU countries are obliged to report changes concerning their stay in the Czech Republic, such as a change in address, a change in their travel document or family status. Changes must always be announced within 30 days. 

The Foreign Police is responsible for:

  • checking on the legitimacy of stays in the Czech Republic
  • dealing with you reporting of your place of residence in the Czech Republic within the given statutory period
  • extending stays in the Czech Republic - only for holder of a short-term visa
  • verifing an invitation
  • issuing of short-term residence certificates or certificates certifying a legitimate right of residence in the Czech Republic (e. g. for marriage)

If you do not adhere to this obligation, you could be fined up to 3 000 CZK.


 EU and Non-EU students Living in Residence Halls

Registration of your stay in the Czech Republic at the Czech Foreign Police is not necessary if you are staying in the Volha or Sázava residence halls; the residence halls will register on your behalf.

  • Students from both non-EU countries and EU countries are obliged to report changes by themselves concerning their stay in the Czech Republic, such as a change in address, a change in their travel document or family status. 


 Students in Private Residences

If you are an EU student and will not live in Volha or Sázava, you are obliged to register at the Foreign Police office within 30 days of your arrival if your stay in the Czech Republic exceeds 30 days.

All non-EU students who do not live in Volha or Sázava must register at the Czech Foreign Police within 3 days after their arrival. This duty also applies to those visa students who are due to pick up their long-term or permanent residence permits in the Czech Republic.

Make sure to ask your accommodation provider first, If he/she registered you before you will go to the Foreign Police. An accommodation provider is considered to be anyone that provides accommodation in return for financial compensation or that provides accommodation to more than 5 foreigners, except for the case where the relationship between the accommodated foreigner and the accommodation provider can be regarded as being close.

For the purposes of the Aliens Act, an accommodation is understood to be a contractual relationship based on a contract for accommodation, rental contract, sub-rental contract or any other contract with similar contents.

Useful links

Address: Olšanská 2176/2, Praha 3, 130 00 (nearby Flora metro station)

Tel.: +420 974 820 317 (speaking Czech only)


Opening hours: Mon and Wed: 8:00 – 17:00 ; Tue and Thu: 8:00 – 15:00 


How and Where you should register?

All EU and non-EU citizens who are here on a visa need to register at the Foreign Police.

Contact details

Immigration - info for schools - Reporting of the place of aliens' residence

EU Nationals - reporting duty

Thirds Countries Nationals - reporting duty

It is a good idea to get there early to avoid long lines. 

Registration must be completed in person.

When you get to the station, you will need to get a number and fill out a form that you can get at the information desk. Although they will likely not speak much English, you can request an English registration form. Try to ask your Buddy or Czech speaking friend if he/she is willing to accompany you.

Documents required for the registration:

  • Passport or ID card
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of accommodation

There is a 3,000 CZK fine (penalty) for not registering on time - you can read more about the exact rules on the Czech Police website in English


 What do you need to be aware of?

 The police are allowed to stop you on the street and ask to see your passport and check your registration under various circumstances: if they suspect that you are undocumented, if you are in the proximity of a governmental buildings, travel terminals or other areas of importance. It is also common for police to check your documents late at night especially near popular bars. 

If you are stopped without your passport, the police will either take you to the station or will escort you home and check your documents there.

  • You can get an extra fine of up to 2,000 CZK for not having a passport or ID card on you at all times – this law is applicable almost everywhere in the EU. 
Updated: 4.8.2023 15:00, Author: Adéla Habartová

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.