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Universtitá degli Studi dell’Insubria

Universtitá degli Studi dell’Insubria collaborates with our Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology, where you will also be registered as a DD student. Here you can read the details related to the DD program.

  • Length of study (ECTS Credits): 2 years = 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits) 
  • Period studied at UCT Prague: 3rd and 4th semester (60 ECTS credits) 

 Number of ECTS credits acquired when starting at UCT Prague: 240 ECTS credits (180 for bachelor programme + 60 for the 1st year of master double degree) 

At UCT Prague: 

  • Master of Science (MSc) in Biotechnology and Food Science

At UI: 

  • Laurea Magistrale (LM) in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology at UI

Contact persons at UCT Prague 

Study Plan

You should complete your Learning Agreement based on this study plan. If you have any questions about the courses, please always consult the guarantor of the DD program at our university. 

Module Semester
Bioengineering I (4 ECTS)


Risks in Biotechnologies (5 ECTS)
Isolation and Separation Methods (4 ECTS)
Biotechnology and Food Science Laboratory project II. (7 ECTS)

Two or three elective courses to be selected among the following for at least 10 ECTS: 

  • Biotechnology in Food Industry (5 ECTS)
  • Brewing Technology (5 ECTS)
  • Molecular biology (3 ECTS)
  • Enzymology (4 ECTS)
  • Genetic engineering (ECTS 3)

Diploma work (30 ECTS)

Updated: 16.1.2025 09:48, Author: Adéla Habartová

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Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.