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Course Catalogue

Here, you will find a comprehensive list of courses offered to our international students, designed to cater to various academic interests and fields of study.  Please read the information below carefully; choosing your study plan correctly is very important for your application process.


 Creating your Study Plan

Creating a study plan in your Learning Agreement is crucial for exchange students to ensure a successful and fulfilling academic experience.  Here are some tips to help you create an effective study plan:

  1. Research Course Offerings: Before creating your Learning Agreement, research the available courses in your field of study. Look for courses that align with your academic interests, degree requirements, and learning goals. Check the course descriptions, credit values, and prerequisites. Remember to check only courses offered in the Course Catalogue (see the document below)! To see the syllabi, go to our Student Information System (SIS) and search for the courses from the Course Catalogue there.
  2. Contact Department of International Relations: Reach out to the Department of International Relations ( at both your home institution and UCT Prague. Seek guidance to ensure your chosen courses will transfer seamlessly to your home institution and count towards your degree.
  3. Credit Transfer: Understand the credit transfer process between your home university and UCT Prague. Make sure you know the minimum and maximum credit requirements for your exchange period. The minimum required ECTS credits for exchange students at UCT Prague is 20 ECTS/semester.
  4. Course Compatibility and Flexibility: Your schedule will be known when you arrive for your enrollment. To ensure that your chosen courses have no timetable clashes or overlapping schedules, stick to rules that the Department of International Relations will communicate with you via e-mail communication. Also, read carefully the information below. UCT Prague cannot guarantee that your study plan will work 100%; therefore, after your enrollment, it would be possible to fix the schedule and change some courses If necessary. Please be open to adjusting your study plan if you need to. Some courses may fill up quickly, or there might be unexpected changes in the course offerings. Please have backup course options to make sure you have a well-rounded plan.
  5. Balance Your Studies: While it is essential to challenge yourself academically, keep your schedule manageable. Consider each course's workload and difficulty level to maintain a balanced and manageable study plan. 
  6. Consider Cultural Experience: An exchange program is not only about academics but also about experiencing a new culture. Consider taking courses that introduce you to Czech culture, history, or language - for example Czech language course or Czech History and Culture course (check the Course Catalogue for more information).
  7. Get Approval: Once you have finalised your study plan, obtain the necessary approvals from your home institution's international releations office and academic advisors. Please make sure that your Learning Agreement is signed by all parties involved from your side before you send it to UCT Prague. 

Creating a well-thought-out study plan in your Learning Agreement will help you make the most of your exchange experience academically and ensure a smooth credit transfer process upon your return to your home institution. Stay organised, communicate with your advisors, and embrace the adventure of studying abroad!


 Course Catalogue

Colours in the Course catalogue indicate the faculty:

FCT = Faculty of Chemical Technology (in Czech FCHT)
FET = Faculty of Environmental Technology (in Czech FTOP)
FFBT = Faculty of Food and Biochemistry Technology (in Czech FPBT)
FCE = Faculty of Chemical Engineering (in Czech FCHI)
DEM = Department of Economics and Management (School of Business)

How to choose your courses from the Catalogue?

  • To prevent course overlap in your timetable, do not mix courses from FCT faculty with courses from FET and FFPB




  • Students should choose only within the respective level - Bachelor's or Master's! If you combine courses from Bachelor's or Master's level, you will most likely have to deal with timetable overlaps and change your Learning Agreement. Please avoid this and make your course selections based on the provided information.
  • The number of courses registered per semester must be for a minimum of 20 credits.
  • Due to the large number of courses offered, some schedule overlaps might occur even if you follow the instruction. 
  • UCT Prague uses the ECTS grading scale and credit system. For more information, check also information on the Study-related Information webpage.


Catalogue for 2024/2025

Please read carefully syllabi, requirements, and other important information related to individual courses. To read the syllabus, search for the course here

  • The capacity of courses is limited.
  • UCT Prague cannot guarantee that all the courses in the catalogue will open. It depends on the number of registered students. Students will be informed about the final course offer during the Enrollment day in September/February.  Students will be allowed to change their Learning Agreement during the first 3 weeks of the semester.

Bachelor's courses - the code of the course starts with AB

Master's courses- the code of the course starts with AM


If you are a chemistry student interested in enrolling in an economics course (code AB/M501XXX), we request that you consider doing so exclusively if the economics subject is obligatory for your recognition for your study plan. Please note that the availability of economics courses is limited due to seat capacity, and priority will be granted to students who are primarily pursuing economics majors. After your final registration at UCT Prague (Enrollment day), you could sign up for the economics subject if there is still a capacity.


UCT Prague Campuses

At UCT Prague, we have two campuses that students can visit:

  • Chemistry courses: you will study most of the time at our Dejvická campus. Here, you will have access to the laboratories, research facilities, canteens and library.
  • Economic courses: our School of Business campus is located on Jankovcova street. The distance between this campus and the Dejvicka campus typically takes around 30 minutes by tram.

More information can be found here.


Project A, B, C

To attend a project at UCT Prague, your personal initiative in searching for your UCT Prague supervisor is most appreciated - you or your home university coordinator are encouraged to address a potential supervisor directly. Links to all four faculty websites and their departments are available below. You can also ask the Faculty Coordinators to help you find a suitable supervisor.

  • Subsequent administrative work will be done with the Department of International Relations (contact e-mail:

  Please note that in case you do not have a supervisor before your arrival in Prague or you will not be able to do the project, you will have to delete the project and replace it with courses!

If you want to pursue a research project at UCT Prague, send your motivational letter, CV and Transcript of Records to the Faculty Coordinators and include the Department of International Relations ( in the CC of the email. In your email to the faculty coordinator/potential supervisor add these three attachments + also, introduce yourself and present your experiences and background:

  1. Area of interest/topic of your work
  2. Faculty and/or department suitable for your work
  3. Your laboratory experience and academic background
  4. UCT Prague supervisor's name (in case you have already been in contact with him/her)
  5. If you are interested in doing a Project please indicate the type (A-30credits, B-15 credits, C-10credits)


For those interested in the project in the Faculty of Environmental Technology, we suggest checking the offer from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering - their info sheet provides you with all the necessary information for the application process - the task description, literature, requirements and more.

  • To learn more and apply, send your CV and motivational letter to Ing. Vojtěch Kouba, Ph.D.:


Medical assessment

Work in the laboratories involves direct contact with chemicals that might endanger the student's health and put other persons' health in danger. For this reason, the signed Medical assessment of fitness to study at UCT Prague must be sent together with the rest of the application documents. 

! Once you are accepted for a project, it is only possible to cancel in exceptional cases (good reason should be provided, it has to be announced enough time in advance). This is because our laboratories are reserving the place for you (other applicants might be rejected, reservations for instruments are done, coworkers are registered for you etc.) which makes it very complicated for us to cancel the planned projects/traineeships at the last minute.


Faculty Coordinators

Faculty of Chemical Technology


prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek

Faculty of Environmental Technology


Doc. Ing. David Kubička, Ph.D. MBA.

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology


Ing. Monika Tomaniová, Ph.D.  

Faculty of Chemical Engineering


Ing. Pavel Hrnčiřík, Ph.D

Updated: 3.9.2024 09:03, Author: Adéla Habartová

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.