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BIP - Blended Intensive Program

BIP are short-term mobilities composed of the virtual part and physical mobility parts of the activity. It has similar features as a summer/winter school but always consists of a virtual part as well. The type of mobility must be announced as a BIP Programme.

In general:

• short-term mobilities 
• 15 – 20 participants
• combination of the virtual and physical parts of the activity
• physical part 5 – 30 days at the host institution
• compulsory virtual part not specified in length, online
• BIP should be of added value to the student's curriculum, minimum of 3 ECTS is granted when succesfully accomplished

NEW: The scholarship is limited to one trip per study cycle.

Searching for a BIP?

Have a look here

Are you heading on BIP?

To apply for BIP and the Erasmus+ scholarship you need to submit these documents via online Application Form. At the same time contact to speed up the whole process.

Application Form

Fill in the  "Student Application Form" print it and collect all the necessary approvals and signatures. 

Learning Agreement Before mobility

You have to fulfil a study duty when on BIP.  To agree on a course to be recognised back at UCT Prague, you have to fill in Learning Agreement for Studies - Before the Mobility. (School of Business students have different forms here). Fill in all yellow parts and ask for the signature of your faculty coordinator.  (contacts bellow). The rest of the signatures are to be collected after your BIP is approved. Course in Table A is the BIP course, course in Table B is a subject recognisable here at UCT Prague (e.g. International Practise ).

faculty coordinators:

FCHT - Prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek

FTOP - Prof. Ing. David Kubička, Ph.D., MBA

FPBT - Ing. Monika Tomaniová, Ph.D.

FCHI - doc. Ing. Pavel Hrnčiřík. Ph.D.

ÚEM - doc. Ing. Jan Vlachý, Ph.D. (všechny konzulatce nejprve s Martinu Novoveskou)

Language certifikát

Language Certificate in the language of your intended study (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge ESOL).  !Students studying UCT full-time in English do NOT need to prove their language proficiency. In case you do not have any language certificate yet, apply for a language test at Ústav Jazyků (UCT Department of Languages). 

Online Application

Apply online via this link and be sure you have the Application mentioned above Form signed and scanned, ready to be enclosed.  The application is open a whole year, but please always contact to inform us - we do not check the form daily.

on-line Application

Have you been selected and your scholarship has been approved? Prepare what is needed before departure:

OLA - Online Learning Agreement 

Fill in the online Learning Agreement and submit it in order to get approval from UCT Prague and the receiving institution via the OLA platform. 

Log-in to OLA

The responsible person is Lenka Polanská. The Contact person does not need to fill in. For instructions on who to fill in as a responsible person at the host institution, please contact their International Relations Office.  


You are obliged to arrange travel insurance, covering both Health and liability issues. A copy of your insurance contract must be filed at our office before departure.

Travel and accommodation

All travel arrangements including finding yourself accommodation are up to you. Financial support is a fixed amount of money no matter how high your travel or accommodation expenses are. 

our suggestion:

Contact Partner University International Department to find out all about the possibilities of provided accommodation, agree on the terms and confirm your arrival. 

Financial support

Your scholarship funding will be provided in EUR. In order not to lose much from the money transfer - get yourself a EUR account. The received financial support differs from the length of the stay.

Length (days) EUR/day
1. - 14. day of the activity 79 
15. - 30. day of the activity 56

Green Erasmus?

Students going on short-term mobility student receive travel grants next to the scholarship.  Students must travel Green (train, bus, bike, shared car with another participant)  when the destination does not exceed 500 km (see this calculator) and for travelling further there is a different higher grant for Green travel (see chart).  

Distance Green travel grant Non-green travel grant
10-99 km 56 EUR 28 EUR
100-499 km 285 EUR 211 EUR
500 - 1999 km 417 EUR 309 EUR
2000 - 2999 km 535 EUR 395 EUR
3000 - 3999 km 785 EUR 580 EUR
4000 - 7999 km 1188  EUR 1188 EUR
8000 and more 1735 EUR 1735 EUR

For more information contact  

Financial Agreement

No later than 14 days before departure. Contact prior to this date to arrange a meeting. 

What to have ready before signature:

Insurance (copy of agreement, travel card) proving you are insured for the whole stay

OLA signed by all stakeholders

EUR account details (account number, bank, BIC/SWIFT, IBAN).

Erasmus Student Charter

The important document you have to study before departure to find out about your rights and obligations.

What are your duties after arrival home?

Provide us (the Department of International Relations) and the Dean's office with these documents in original form - if possible no later than 14 days after the arrival or after the virtual part ends:

Confirmation of Stay

If possible, do not leave without Confirmation of Stay this document is signed by the local International Department in original form and signed by the partner university no sooner than 3 days before departure. Dates of your confirmed stay must be in accordance with your Financial Agreement (+/- 5 days tolerance).

Transcript of Records or Certificate

Please make sure, that you will obtain the original form in paper or electronically signed document via mail sent directly from the local International Department in cc to 

EU survey

This is obligatory feedback to the European Committee, part of it is Recognition Report, which can be added later (will remind you in 45 days).

Please check your mailbox (spam) – the invitation very often ends here.

 ◳ EN_Co-fundedbytheEU_RGB_POS (png) → (šířka 215px)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Updated: 17.12.2024 12:59, Author: Lenka Polanská

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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.