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iduzel: 57804
idvazba: 67876
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čas: 8.9.2024 03:59:03
verze: 5476
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iduzel: 57804
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iduzel: 57804
path: 1/41862/41864/41898/49143/57064/57355/57804
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Paternity Benefit


Before asking your employer for this benefit, please make sure you meet the following conditions:

  • You must have been employed (and the social security insurance was paid by your employer) at least 3 months before the time paternity leave is to begin
  • You apply for this benefit only within the first 6 weeks from the date of birth
  • The supported period of this benefit is up to 14 calendar days, it MUST NOT be interrupted

What do you need to document when you apply for a paternity leave benefit? 

  • Completed application  "Žádost o dávku otcovské poporodní péče (otcovskou)" , download the form on the website of the Czech Social Security Administration -  ČSSZ
  • Bitth certifivate of your baby or any other document proving paterenity.

When the applicatioshould be submitted and to whom

  • The application is submitted to the Personnel department of UCT Prague, similarly to a request for annual leave
  • You can choose to take paternity leave at any time within 6 weeks of the child's birth
  • Salary compensation amounts to 70% of the reduced daily assessment base of your salary

More information in the Czech language on the portal

For further information and formalities, please contact our Personnel department.

Updated: 31.10.2023 10:05, Author: Anna Mittnerová

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.