Before you start working at UCT Prague (or the same day), you have to come to the Personnel Department (HR), room ZB 3408 (Zikova 4, 2nd floor). Your Mobility coordinator will inform you in advance about the date of your appointment that is usually at the same day as your medical check-up. Please be aware that medical examination needs to be completed prior to the conclusion of the employment contract (it does not apply to an Agreements on Work Performance)
Types of employment relationships with UCT Prague
- Employment Contract
- Agreement on Work Performance ( DPP)
- Agreement on Work Activity (DPČ)
- Glossary
What documents to bring to the meeting with HR:
- your passport or ID card
- long-term residence permit ( applicable only to citizens from outside the EU/ EEA Switzerland – if they already have it),
- original or certified copy of your academic diploma or highest completed degree in English or Czech ( Verification / Recognition of Foreign Education)
- Health insurance certificate or Health insurance card valid in the Czech Republic or in EU countries (if available)
- if you have been assigned a Czech birth number, provide proof of it
Please inform your payroll accountant whether you work or will continue to work for another employer, simultaneously or alternately, either in the Czech Republic or abroad, as these may affect your income tax; and determining a country in which the social security legislation applies to you.
Formalities to be administered at the Personnel department:
You will be given following documents to read and/or sign:
- Information on the content of the employment relationship
- Employment contract (in some cases also a Supplementary agreement)
- Salary statement with a specified salary tariff class based on assignment to your career/employment position
- If relevant a Personal bonus from the project
- Job description
- Personal profile form
- Consent to personal data processing in accordance with the GDPR
- Consent to the processing of personal data for MobIS
- Consent to the transfer of personal data to the grant provider from the OP RDE, or to the European Commission for registration and control purposes (if relevant)
- Your bank account details for the purpose of transferring your wage/salary
- Health and Safety Regulations, Fire Protection – Initial Training - you will receive a form with basic instruction. At the first day you will have to be trained at the workplace by your supervisor, you both will sign it and deliver this document to the Personnel Department.
- Declaration of the taxpayer liable to personal income tax from dependent activity - a “pink form”. You will be asked to fill in and sign it in case you are only employed at UCT Prague and not at the same time with another employer.
- Internal Standard Conditions of Employment of the University of Chemistry and Technology,
The payroll accountant will register you for social security and public health insurance in the Czech systems from the first day of your employment and she/he will pay statutory contributions. If you are an EU/EEA or Switzerland citizen who is and will be covered by the social security legislation of another Member State, provide your A1 certificate to your payroll accountant. It does not apply to "DPP" (Agreement on Work Performance) with monthly remuneration less than 10 500 CZK. It does not apply as well to DPČ (Agreement on Work Activity) if the monthly remuneration is less than 4 000 CZK.
Please do not forget to update your payroll accountant of any changes that occur during your employment. You can enter your changes and check your personal data and your payslips also in the electronic attendance system Okbase.
Your next step is to visit Card Centre which is a check point where you arrange your access to the UCT Prague on-line information system. Bring with you your passport, the Card centre staff will register you in the information system and will take your photo. You will be given a username and a password to the computer network and you will obtain an UCT Prague ID card. Your access to the system will not start until the next day.
Those who study and at the same time enter into an employment contract with the UCT Prague are recommended to apply to the Ministry of the Interior for the issuance of a Czech birth number (Rodné číslo), and thus avoid duplicating a user account with different login passwords. More detailed information can be found on the page "International student - personal identification & Czech birth number"
More information about ID card of UCT Prague can be found on the Computer Centre website https://vc.vscht.cz/idkarty