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Upon Arrival

Here below you will find a list of things you will need to arrange just after your arrival

UCT Halls of Residence ◳ BUDOVA (png) → (originál)

The UCT Prague provides the possibility of accommodation at the Residence Halls of UCT Prague during the first 3 months of your stay. The halls are located at the outskirts of Prague, about 40 minutes away from the university campus by public transport. Although you will not get the comfort of your own place, it is the cheapest and the easiest option for you before you start searching for a private flat. To book a room, please contact your UCT Mobility Coordinator.

Your room key will be prepared for you either in the dorm office at Sázava building or at the reception, depends on the time when you reach the dorms.

You will be paying a deposit, which is 5000 CZK in cash per person (this amount will be returned to you after you move out from the dorms).

You will sign a contract only for 3 months. It is highly recommended to start looking for private accommodation during this period.

Medical check-up

 ◳ DOKTOR1 (jpg) → (ořez 215*215px)Before signing the employment contract, you will have to make a medical check-up with the general practitioner of UCT Prague.

Our university doctor is located at the University Campus.


Studentská 6, Prague 6, Room C413/C414

The doctor's office is located in another university building, next to the kindergarden Zkumavka.

You should bring with you conformation about the tetanus vaccinaton and medical history form from your general doctor.  If you don’t have any doctor,  you can just fill-in a declaration and sign it.

Signing your employment contract

After the visit of our doctor you will have an appointment at the Personnel Department to sign your employment contract and paperwork related to your employment. Usually it is done on the same day.

Your UCT Mobility Coordinator will provide you with the time and date of your appointment.

Card centre

After the signature of your employment contract you are going to receive your employee card. The card  ◳ VNITRA (jpg) → (šířka 215px)centre is located in the basement of the building B, Room (B)S06.

You will need to bring your passport or ID card and make a photo.

Registration at the Ministry of the Interior

Within the first 3 days after your arrival, you should make a registration at the Ministry of the Interior - OAMP.

During the Pandemic it is possible to do so after the end of the quarantine.

Adaptation and Integration Course

Third country citizens with a long-term residence permit or permanent residence permit issued after 1.1.2021 are oblidged to take an Adaptation and Integration course within 1 year from the collection of their residence permit, at their own costs. It takes approximatelly 4 hours and the cost is around 1000 CZK.

You can make a reservation for this course at the webpage of the Integration centers.

This obligation does not apply to:

  • long-term residence permit with a purpose of study  
  • EU citizens
  •  Change of purpose (only if your long-term residence permit had been issued before 01/2021)
  • Holders of temporary residence permit (during the period of its validity)
  • Persons under 15 years
  • Persons above 61 years
  • Persons who already took the course
  • Persons who paid a penalty fee for not having taken the course
Updated: 3.11.2023 14:23, Author: Jitka Šípková

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.