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Nepřihlášený uživatel
iduzel: 57205
idvazba: 67022
šablona: stranka_ikona
čas: 16.9.2024 14:11:48
verze: 5476
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW
iduzel: 57205
idvazba: 67022
---Nová url--- (newurl_...)
domena: ''
jazyk: 'en'
url: '/international-staff/prospective-staff/immigration-from-non-eu/commitment'
iduzel: 57205
path: 1/41862/41864/41898/49143/49146/57078/57205
CMS: Odkaz na newurlCMS
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW


Commitment is a written engagement of a public university or public research organisation to cover all the costs related to your residence in the Czech Republic after your residence permit expires, including the costs of your departure from the Czech Republic, if such costs have been incurred within six months from the date the hosting agreement ends and have been paid from the public funds. However the Hosting agreement stipulates that the researcher must leave the Czech Republic at his own expenses after the termination of his/her employment contract.

Updated: 9.6.2023 14:29, Author: Jitka Šípková

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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.