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You are here: UCT Prague - International office -  → Student → Outgoing student → Traineeship → Erasmus+ traineeship → Green Erasmus
iduzel: 68110
idvazba: 82469
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čas: 16.9.2024 14:51:42
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---Nová url--- (newurl_...)
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jazyk: 'en'
url: '/student/outgoing-student/traineeship/erasmus-traineeship/68110'
iduzel: 68110
path: 1/41862/41864/41898/49142/59528/59541/59582/68110
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 ◳ green erasmus (png) → (originál)

The Green Erasmus project will strive to improve the environmental sustainability of the Erasmus+ Programme and raise awareness across the European Higher Education sector about the importance of sustainable internationalisation. 

Students going on long-term mobility can get an additional 50€ grant in case they travel (to and back from the final destination) further than 100km by sustainable means of transport - namely train, bus, boat or carpooling (more than 2 students). Fulfilling these conditions, the student can receive also a grant for additional days for travel - a maximum of 4 days. 

Distance in km: 101 - 300 301 - 600 601 - 900 901 and more
Additional grant for : 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days

For more information contact  

Updated: 1.2.2024 14:37, Author: Lenka Polanská

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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.