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FAQ - outgoing students in ERASMUS+ Programme

When is the best time to apply?

There is one major Application Call in spring every year when all students willing to travel in the next academic year should submit their application.

There is often one more, additional Call in autumn, but this is something you should not rely on. There might be financial limitations or the universities already unavailable.  Furthermore, due to administrative reasons, the only option left would be to go on the summer semester. No sooner.

How many universities I should look at and search for?

Definitely search for more than just one university, it is always good to have a backup plan in case your dream university is unavailable due to a high number of applicants.

!When applying, you can upload up to 3 Learning Agreements Before Mobility - which means, you can be prepared for 3 different options when on selection interview!

It either shows that you are really willing to go abroad and that you are capable of responsible and solid planning. On the other hand, we are aware, that sometimes it is truly difficult to find at least one good match to your study plan.  All of this is taken into consideration when accessing your application. 

What if I struggle with finding the right match for my study plan?

Before making the final decision, you will ask the vice-dean coordinator for confirming your application (Learning Agreement Before Mobilities). Do not hesitate to contact them earlier in case you are not sure about your study plan.

In case you still prefer to go even when your stay does not match well with your study plan, consider prolonging your studies and discuss such option with the dean's office. But never forget - to study 25 ECTS with at least one eligible subject is a must.

How much ECTS am I obliged to achieve in my study abroad?

When planning your study, you have chosen a subject in the summary of 25 ECTS from which you are obliged to bring min. 15 ECTS and one subject of recognition (eligible). 

Magister student on traineeship and ECTS?

Magister (Bachelor) students are obliged to fulfil their student duties during their stay abroad. 

Only if you go for a traineeship into an institution, that is NOT our partner university (see the list here), you will apply for Traineeship (Learning Agreement for Traineeship - LA) and find yourself a subject, that will be fulfilled as a part of your study duties. Filled in part B2 in the LA. 

If you plan to go to our partner university, you will be applying for Study abroad, and the subject to study will be either "International Traineeship" for 2 - 3 ECTS or Project A for 30 ECTS, Project B for 15 ECTS or Project C for 10ECTS. If the traineeship is meant to be as work on your diploma thesis, then you will fulfil the "diploma thesis" which corresponds to Project A for 30 ECTS.

Traineeship and  "Monitoring plan" in the Learning Agreement Before Mobility?

Please fill in the planned communication with the hosting supervisor, how and with whom you plan to consult your work during your traineeship abroad, how often, etc... 

Traineeship and "Evaluation plan" in the Learning Agreement Before Mobility?

Please fill in who is going to assess and evaluate your work and how the result of your work is to be used. Could be the publishing of an article, part of an ongoing project and cooperation with colleagues abroad, the start of a new project etc... 

Updated: 23.5.2024 15:25, Author: Marie Nováková

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