- Partnerská instituce: Università degli Studi di Cagliari (UniCa), Itálie
- Délka studia: 2 roky celkem
- Jazyk výuky: AJ (minimálně na úrovni B2)
- První rok studium na domácí univerzitě, druhý rok na partnerské.
- Departmental Coordinator/Kontaktní osoba: doc. Ing. Zdenek Slouka, Ph.D.,
- Přihlašování k výjezdu, který proběhne v ak. roce 2025/26, proběhe v srpnu 2024 - studenti přijatí do studijního programu N401 budou informování o možnosti a postupu přihlášení - termín podání přihlášek do soboty 31.8.2024 (23:59)
Přihlášení do programu
Studenti, kteří mají zájem o studium v tomto programu si podají přihlášku ke studiu navazujícho magisterského programu Chemické inženýrství a bioinženýrství (N401) a AN406 Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering. Na začátku zimního semestru 1. ročníku bude možnost přihlásit se do režimu studia "Double Degree". Studenti, kteří úspěšně projdou výběrovým řízením budou vyjíždět na partnerskou instituci v 2. ročníku, tj. v akademickém roce 2025/2026 a budou postupovat dle studijního plánu níže, včetně studia 1. ročníku v AJ na VŠCHT Praha.
Přihlášky podávejte zde: https://forms.office.com/e/H0baCEEf39
Studijní plán, organizace studia a další informace:
- The students planning to enroll for the programme must have successfully completed at least 3 academic years (or 6 semesters), corresponding to 180 ECTS credits (Bachelor of Science).
- The mandatory language level in English (attested by certification) is at least at B2 level.
- Students having successfully followed the programme will obtain the degrees of the two partner institutions (double degree), i.e. “Inženýr” (“Ing.”) having completed the Master Degree Programme in “Chemické inženýrství a bioinženýrství” (Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering) from UCT Prague, and Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Chimica e dei Processi Biotecnologici (Master of Science in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnological Processes) from UniCa (academic title “Dottore Magistrale”).
- Double Master degree is defined as two national degrees issued separately by the partner institutions.
- The Diploma is issued together with a Diploma Supplement with a note that the degree and diploma is awarded in the framework of cooperation between the two partner institutions.
Study plan - !only informative - please always look up the updated data at the partner university website!
Semester |
Module offer (ECTS) |
Location |
1 |
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering III Separation Methods in Biotechnologies Semestral Project I Safety Engineering Mathematical modeling of processes in chemical engineering Fluid Mechanics Mass Transfer Heat Transfer |
5 4 4 3 5
4 4 4 |
UCT Prague |
2 |
Process and System Engineering Semestral Project II Chemical Reactor Engineering Mass-transfer Process Design Modular Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
ELECTIVES : Technical Thermodynamics Bioengineering Methods Processes for energy and specialties |
5 4 4 5 3
4 4 4 |
UCT Prague |
3 |
Process modeling and simulation Chemical and biological reactors Environmental engineering and safety |
9 9 12 |
UniCa |
4 |
Diploma thesis |
30 |
UniCa |
List of courses from UCT Prague equivalent to the courses from UniCa:
Component at UCT Prague |
Component at UniCa |
Mathematical modeling of processes in chemical engineering |
5 |
Process modelling and simulation |
9 |
Process Engineering and Design
4 |
Industrial Reactors |
5 |
Chemical and biological reactors |
9 |
Trends in biotechnologies |
5 |
Chemical Engineering: Project |
2 |
Environmental engineering and safety |
12 |
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering |
5 |
Safety engineering |
3 |
Diploma thesis |
30 |
Diploma thesis |
9 |
Internship |
6 |
Elective (Type D) |
9 |
Other activities (Type F) |
3 |