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iduzel: 72845
idvazba: 89108
šablona: stranka
čas: 16.9.2024 15:59:23
verze: 5476
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW
iduzel: 72845
idvazba: 89108
---Nová url--- (newurl_...)
domena: ''
jazyk: 'cs'
url: '/studentske-vyjezdy/double-degree-cz/magisterske-dd-studium/Insubria'
iduzel: 72845
path: 1/41862/41863/41896/59863/59905/59906/72845
CMS: Odkaz na newurlCMS
branch: trunk
Obnovit | RAW

Master (MSc.) in Biotechnology / Laurea Magistrale (LM) in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology

Studijní plán, organizace studia a další informace:

Study Plan previewed by the agreement

UCT Prague students will attend at the UI the second year of LM Biotechnology for the Bio-based and

Health Industry:

  • Protein engineering (6 ECTS)                                                                          First semester
  • Project management & soft skills (2 ECTS)                                                      First semester

Three elective courses to be selected among the following for at least 18 ECTS:

  • Molecular Diagnostics (6 ECTS)                                                                   First semester
  • Applied pathophysiology (6 ECTS)                                                                First semester
  • Nutraceuticals (6 ECTS)                                                                               First semester
  • Molecular and applied microbiology (6 ECTS)                                               First semester
  • Industrial processes and safety (6 ECTS)                                                       First semester
  • Recombinant proteins (6 ECTS)                                                                     First semester

  • Laboratory internship for the research project (30 ECTS) + preparation of the thesis (4 ECTS)    First/Second semester

Aktualizováno: 5.8.2024 14:22, Autor: Lenka Polanská

Technická 5
166 28 Praha 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373
DIČ: CZ60461373

Datová schránka: sp4j9ch

Copyright VŠCHT Praha
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