- Partnerské instituce: ENSIC, Francie
- Délka studia: 2 roky
- Jazyk výuky na partnerské univerzitě: FJ (Level B2) některé předmety modulu S9 jsou anglicky
- První rok studium na domácí univerzitě, druhý rok na partnerské.
- Kontaktní osoby: Prof. Karel Bouzek (ústav 105) (akademické/pedagogické záležitosti)
- Uzávěrka podání přihlášek ke výjezdu v ak. roce 2025/26: TBA
Studijní plán, organizace studia a další informace:
Nominated UCT Prague students shall be registered in the first year of the Master degree at UCT Prague. They should be within one (1) year of receiving their Master degree diploma
A student needs to be qualified as a candidate of the double degree program through the Home Institution’s pre-selection. The candidate’s dossier shall include a student application, certificate of French knowledge (B2 level), Transcript of Records including a certified copy of the degree obtained, Learning Agreement, copy of ID and a detailed curriculum vitae. The dossier shall be drawn up in French (or English) and clearly indicate the double degree program nomination.
Following the nomination list of students received by the partner, the Host institution will hold an Admission Commission, to assess the candidates according to their academic standing and motivation. An acceptance letter/e-mail will be sent to the selected student and the Host Institution after the decision on students´ acceptance is made.
Entry to Program at Host Institution
UCT Prague |
Once a year (September) |
- Location of Courses
- In Master 2 “Génie des Procédés et des Bioprocédés“ GBPB (“Process and Bioprocess Engineering”), the courses will take place in Nancy - France, for the students from UCT Prague.
- In Master 2 “Chemie a chemické technologie“ (“Chemistry and Chemical Technologies”) the courses will take place in Prague - Czech Republic, for the students from UL-ENSIC.
- The students will pay:
For UCT Prague students: The students will pay application, matriculation and tuition fees only to their Home Institution if applicable.
The students will be responsible for all other expenses including, but not limited to:
- payment for extra-curricular courses and activities, and related expenses where applicable
- comprehensive medical and accident insurance as required by the Host Institution
- transportation to and from the Host Institution
- room and board expenses
- textbooks, clothing and personal expenses
Double degree exchange UCT Prague (Master 1) à UL-ENSIC (Master 2)
semester |
Module offer (ECTS) |
location |
1 |
- Applied Reaction Kinetics (5) - Engineering Thermodynamics (7) - Process Design (6) - Specialized Laboratory (7) - Surfaces of Solid Materials: Reactivity and Structure (5)
Optional elective courses
UCT Prague |
2 |
- Inorganic Technology (5) - Electrochemical Technologies (3) - Laboratory Project I (7) - Specialized Practice (3) - Advanced Chemical Informatics (3) - Membrane Processes (4)
Optional elective courses
3 |
- Management and Economics V (3) - Foreign Languages V (3) - Elective (3 mandatory amongst 5) (6) - Academic specialisation : A) or B)
A) Academic Specialisation : Innovative Products - from Chemistry to Process : - Specialty Products (6) - Product Properties and Qualities (6) - Case Study – Innovative Product Design Project (6)
B) Academic Specialisation: Process Engineering for Energy and Environment: - Process Engineering and Energy (6) - Dynamic Optimization and Advanced Control (6) - Process Intensification and Innovation (6)
30 |
4 |
Diploma Thesis Master Thesis Defence
30 |