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Want to make a little break in the middle of semester? Are you a 3rd year bachelor or master student? If yes, then ATHENS week is just for you. ATHENS network mediates cooperation between 15 partner institutions across Europe and offers their students and professors to participate in so called ATHENS week. Every semester around 30 students from UCT Prague travel to the destination of their choice and take 7-days intensive courses in interesting reaserch and development topics. It is an easy way to go abroad.

UCT Prague offers generous scholarships for ATHENS participants.

At the termination of an ATHENS Session, the home institution officially recognises the work carried out. Each complete Session is worth 2 credits.

For information on deadlines regarding the application process please see the Schedule and Guideline.

Who can join?

Available for students in 3rd year of study and higher [Be aware - some courses might have a higher minimum!]. After submitting the application, selection will take place, where the study results, and activities in student associations (ESN, IAESTE) will be considered. Previous participants in ATHENS program will be taken into account as well and students, who have not attended this course yet, will be prioritised. 

Updated: 19.4.2024 11:55, Author: Marie Nováková

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.