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Applying for ATHENS

What are the available courses?

List of available courses can be found here. 

Please be aware, that it is not possible to choose program organized by CTU Prague as Athens is primarily designed to gain an international experience.

YOU ARE REQUIRED TO PICK AT LEAST 3 COURSES. Applicants with a lower number of selected courses may be rejected/ put at the end of the queue for course allocation.

How should I apply?

Where should I apply?

APPLICATION to Paris central Office

As the sending institution selects Czech Technical University (CTU) - through which UCT Prague is connected to the ATHENS network.

Print the Application form in .pdf and let it be signed by the vice-dean for the education of your faculty (in the case of School of Business students it is doc. Vlachý) and by you at the Student Commitment part. 

Important!!! To finish a successful Application you MUST also fill in the registration form and enclose a scan of the above-described document from the Application part here: 


Where can I learn more?

Are there any selection criteria?

Yes, there are. Due to the interest exceeding the number of participants that UCT can support to join, we have to apply certain selection criteria. First, we prioritize students who have not joined the ATHENS programme yet, then we line up applicants according to their study results.  The number of participants we can support to join is 30. 

Updated: 17.12.2024 17:24, Author: Lenka Polanská

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.