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You are here: UCT Prague - International office -  → Student → Outgoing student → Short term mobility → Conference → Application procedure
iduzel: 72250
idvazba: 88294
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čas: 16.9.2024 13:50:48
verze: 5476
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iduzel: 72250
idvazba: 88294
---Nová url--- (newurl_...)
domena: ''
jazyk: 'en'
url: '/student/outgoing-student/short-term/conferences/72250'
iduzel: 72250
path: 1/41862/41864/41898/49142/59528/59542/59615/72250
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Application procedure

Step by step

1. Send your application online

  • Fill in the Application Form and send it to the Department of International relations via the link below.
  • There are usually more calls for applying during the academic year. Deadlines are updated on our website in the schedule box on the front page.


2. Application approved? ... Great!

  •  You will receive an official confirmation (via email from that your application has been approved and get further information on the process.

3. Financial Contract 

  • No later than 1 week before your departure, we will ask you to come to our offices to sign required documents. You will be signing Financial contract and will receive a copy of Scholarship Decree. You can find links to their templates in English on this web page, however both documents are issued in Czech language.
  • Financial contract can also be signed after return from the conference as well. In case you cannot sign the contract regularly before departure, please let us know.
  • Scholarship will be sent to your bank account in a few days after signing the contract . The bank account number you state in your application should be the same as the one in SIS. If you wish to receive the money to another bank account please add it to your personal details in SIS.

4. After arrival duties

  • You must provide original form of confirmation of stay or a certificate (via email or the link below). 
  • There is usually an official certificate issued by the organisers of the conference. This document is often sent via email or you can upload it online. In other cases we ask you to bring us the Confirmation of Stay in ORIGINAL form (please ask to issue this or any similar document on the spot before leaving the conference).


Updated: 17.1.2024 09:59, Author: Lenka Polanská

UCT Prague
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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.