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How To Apply (incoming)

Applying for an exchange study at UCT Prague involves several steps. UCT Prague, also known as the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, is a natural centre of first-rate study and research in the area of chemistry in the Czech republic and is one of the country's largest educational and research institutions focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies. Below is a detailed guide on how to apply for an exchange study at UCT Prague.

 ◳ 1 (jpg) → (originál)


Following the steps for applying for a study exchange at UCT Prague is crucial for a successful and enjoyable study abroad experience. It shows your commitment, organisation, and willingness to engage with the host university and facilitate a smooth integration into the academic and cultural life at UCT Prague.

It is essential to follow the below instruction and set deadlines. Any problems or concerns should be discussed with the Department of International Relations: 


Nomination by your Home Institution

Your home institution will be able to provide you with detailed information regarding exchange study programme opportunities and is responsible for the selection and official nomination procedures. You cannot apply for the study exchange programme at UCT Prague without the nomination.

The official nomination includes your:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Email
  • Period of stay

Nominations for the Academic year 2024/2025 must be done through a provisional nomination form for student mobilities. Your home university should contact the Department of International Relations at UCT Prague ( and request the link. UCT Prague, as the host university, confirms student admission for studies according to its selection criteria.

Nomination deadlines

Winter Semester or Full Academic Year

  • Nomination process is open from 1 April until 31 May (for Visa students deadline is 24 May)

Summer Semester

  • Nomination process is open from 1 September until 31 October (for Visa students deadline is 24 October)


Application Procedure

UCT Prague, like most universities, has application deadlines for exchange programs. After your nomination, the Department of International Relations will send you an informative e-mail explaining how to start the Application Procedure for study exchange at UCT Prague.

Application Deadlines and Documents

All completed, scanned, and mailed/uploaded application materials must be sent to To be successfully accepted to study at UCT Prague, students must follow the deadlines below:

Winter Semester or Full Academic Year

  • Admissions process is open from 1 April until 15 June (for Visa students deadline is 24 May)

Summer Semester

  • Admissions process is open from 1 September until 15 November (for Visa students deadline is 24 October)

Note: It is highly recommended to begin the application process as soon as possible. The Non-EU students need to ensure they have enough time to complete our application process and start the visa process. Information regarding the visa process can be found here.


Nominated students will receive an informative email on submitting their application documents. UCT Prague no longer accepts original paper forms, as scans and electronically signed copies are sufficientUCT Prague has created a comprehensive guideline for exchange students on how to apply for exchange studies. This guideline is designed to provide clear and step-by-step instructions so that students know how to correctly deal with the application process. The guideline covers various aspects of the application process and aims to assist in preparing for the study abroad experience at UCT Prague.

  Download Exchange Study Guideline

   ◳ Download_Guide How to Apply For Exchange Studies (png) → (originál)


The application process requires gathering various documents. Here is the application documents checklist:

1) Student Application Form

The form is used for registration in the university's internal system; therefore, it is necessary to obtain your personal data. The Student Application Form is online, and you will get the link when we receive the official nomination from your university. Please ensure that you fill in the data accurately - for example, your first and last name must be filled in and identical according to your passport/ID card, and the format of your date of birth should be dd/mm/yyyy.

 2) Learning Agreement for Study

The Learning Agreement is a crucial document in the context of study abroad programs or exchange studies. It is a formal agreement between the student, the home university (or sending institution), and the host university (or receiving institution) that outlines the courses the student plans to take and the academic recognition and transfer of credits between the two institutions.

What you need to watch out for (click for details) ​
  • Fill in your personal and university details correctly. Then fill in the name of our university in the Receiving Institution section, you can leave the faculty section blank, but then it is necessary to add Erasmus Code: CZ PRAHA01, university address: Technická 5, Prague 6 - Dejvice, contact person as follows: Adéla Habartová, International Relations Coordinator,
  • In Table A, you must fill in your study plan at UCT Prague. Please visit our webpage Course Catalogue to download our catalogue for exchange students. In this section, everything must be correct and in accordance with the Course Catalogue - so check that you have correctly filled in the period of study (month/year), course codes, name of the courses, semesters, number of credits and the total of all credits.
  • The Learning Agreement is sent to UCT Prague only in a signed version - that is, signed by the student and the sending institution. UCT Prague checks the document and signs last.
  • If there are errors and inaccurate information in the document, the document will be sent back to the student with a notice that correction is required. If the student does not return the corrected copy by the deadline (unless individually agreed otherwise), the application process will not be complete, and the nomination may be cancelled.

Download Learning Agreement:


3) Proof of English Language Skills

UCT Prague requires that you have a good command of English to study successfully here, and you will need to provide us with proof of your English language skills.

Non-Native English Speakers: The minimum requirement is level B2 and above, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Recognised Certificates that UCT Prague accept are:

  • Cambridge ESOL: minimum FCE
  • TOEFL iBT: minimum score 80
  • IELTS: minimum band score 5.5

Except the Cambridge ESOL, we only accept certificates for up to 3 years. Other Acceptable Formats (if you do not have any internationally-recognised certificate):

  • Online Linguistic Support Certificate
  • Certificate issued by a language center in the sending institution (accepted only if it confirms the minimum language skills level B2)
  • Certificate issued by a language school (accepted only if it confirms the minimum language skills level B2)
  • > Confirmation of language knowledge confirmed by a language center or a language school in case the student does not have any of the official documents mentioned above

Native English Speakers: Students whose mother tongue is English or who fully study in English at their home university are exempted from this obligation.


4) Medical Assessment Form

Work in the laboratories involves direct contact with chemicals that might endanger the student's health and put other persons' health in danger. For this reason, the  Medical Assessment of Fitness To Study at UCT Prague signed by a doctor is requested. The exception is for students who will study only courses from the School of Business. 

5) Transcript of Records (in English)

Providing the Transcript of Records  for a study exchange is of utmost importance, as it serves as comprehensive and official documentation of your academic achievements in your university. We need to check all the semsters that you passed and the grades as well.

6) Motivational letter and CV

Providing a CV and a Cover Letter for a study exchange is highly important, as they showcase your skills, experiences, and motivations, helping UCT Prague assess your suitability for the exchange program. 

7) Scan of your passport/ ID

Please provide us with your passport or ID card so that we can confirm your personal data. For Non-EU students who are studying in Europe, it is also essential to send their residence card as well.


 Learning Agreement, Confirmation of Language Knowledge, and Transcript of Records forms must be officially confirmed by the respective representatives. Additionally, remember that all documents must be in English.


Application Documents Submission

After submitting your application (send ONE email with all documents!), the Department of International Relations will review your documents. This process may take some time, so be patient. Once your application is reviewed, you will be notified about the acceptance decision by email.

  • In case the sending institution requires an official acceptance letter, this document can be issued upon request.

If the sending institution requires any original documents to be signed, those should be sent to the following:

b Address

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of International Relations
Adéla Habartová
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6
Czech Republic


Note for Students from Non-EU Countries

You will receive a Letter of Acceptance in the Czech language from us, which you must submit as part of your application for a student visa. Since it may take up to 60 days to process your visa application from the first visit to the Embassy (for more information, please get in touch with the Czech embassy nearest you), application documents should be sent to UCT Prague as soon as possible.

UCT Prague can only issue a Letter of Acceptance after receiving complete application documents.

For more information and details, visit our webpage Visa.



Accommodation for students is provided at UCT dormitories situatedont the outskirts of Prague. To apply for accommodation, you need to fill in the Application for accommodation and send it to:

  All the deadlines, information details and documents can be found on our webpage Accommodation for exchange students.

 The official website for our dormitories can found here.


Pre-Arrival Information

Carefully read and follow the instructions in the acceptance e-mail and read the information on the Before Arrival webpage to ensure a smooth transition and a successful exchange study experience. If you want to know when the Orientation week or the semester starts, visit the Academic Calendar webpage here. We are excited to have you join us at UCT Prague and look forward to welcoming you to our campus! Should you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to Safe travels, and see you soon! :-)

UCT Prague


Updated: 28.8.2024 10:37, Author: Adéla Habartová

DocumentProjects Information
DocumentMedical Assessment Form and Letter
DocumentLearning Agreement for Studies_Other programme_UCT Prague
DocumentErasmus Learning Agreement for Studies
DocumentConfirmation of Language Knowledge
GuideApply to UCT For Erasmus Exchange Students

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.