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Before departure

What is done by our office for you before departure?


Feel free to consult us at about any struggle you may encounter while communicating with the Host University.

Before-departure meetings and presentations

The before-departure meeting is organised to share/repeat all important information, for dates see the Schedule. For more information see the presentation.


This is the first step by UCT (our department) soon after you have been selected and your application has been approved. You will be informed about the approximate time of your nomination and the response from the Host University should follow within a few days on your school e-mail.

Financial Agreement

The Financial Agreement together with the Statutory declaration is prepared for you to sign no later than 14 days before departure. When having ready all the necessary documents stated above, please upload them + answer all questions here.  Contact to arrange a meeting in order to sign the agreement.

The Financial Agreement is the last step before you go and you must fill the form and arrange the meeting no later than 14 days before departure.


What steps are up to you before you can sign the agreement and go to your Erasmus?

Application to the Host University

After nomination, you will be addressed and instructed directly by the Host University on how to submit an Application. Since this moment you are responsible for providing them with all the necessary documents.

OLA Online Learning Agreement

Students are obliged to fill in the online Learning Agreement.  Please do this step only after your application is successfully accepted and after having agreed on all your subjects with the Host University.

Log-in to OLA

!This document does NOT substitute the paper form of the Learning Agreement Before Mobility, which must be still finished, signed by vice deans and sent to the Erasmus Institutional Coordinator ( to be signed. Only then will be your OLA signed by the Sending Institution. If your OLA is also signed by the Receiving Organisation, their signature is no longer needed on a paper form. The responsible person for the Sending Institution is Lenka Polanská. The contact person could be left out.

What documents do you have to finalize or obtain?

Letter of Acceptance

When successfully accepted by the Host University, you will receive either a Letter of Acceptance or less formal confirmation via e-mail. Please note, that this procedure might take some time (months).

Learning Agreement for Studies Before Mobility

Finalize the Learning Agreement for Studies Before Mobility. Get all necessary signatures.

our suggestions
  • Check with Host University if all courses/subjects you have chosen are up-to-date and possible to study.
  • When ready, have this document signed by a responsible person at UCT and Host University.
  • Do not forget to have subject guarantors (eligible courses) at UCT signed as well. 


You are obliged to arrange travel insurance. An agreement covering also liability insurance is recommended. A copy of your insurance contract must be filed at our office before departure.

Financial Agreement

When having ready all the necessary documents stated above, please upload them + answer all questions here.  Contact to arrange a meeting in order to sign a Financial Agreement. All must be done no later than 14 days before your departure. 

Your scholarship funding will be provided in EUR. In order not to lose much from the money transfer - get yourself a EUR account. The received financial support differs from destination and length of stay.

How much is the scholarship?

What to have ready before signature

Letter of Acceptance showing exact days of sour stay

Insurance (copy of agreement, travel card) proving you are insured for the whole stay

Learning Agreement Before Mobility signed by all stakeholders (you, vice-dean for study, vice-dean Erasmus coordinator, receiving institution, subject guarantors)

OLA - submitted and signed by all stakeholders at the platform (in case you got into trouble, usually when the host university does not support OLA, and therefore it is not possible to finish - please bring/send proof - screenshot, email...)

EUR account details (account number, bank, BIC/SWIFT, IBAN).

What do you have to do in the meantime?

Travel and accommodation

All travel arrangements including finding yourself accommodation are up to you. Financial support is a fixed amount of money no matter how high your travel or accommodation expenses are. 

our suggestion

Contact Partner University International Department to find out all about the possibilities of provided accommodation, agree on the terms and confirm your arrival. 

Inform the Dean's office

Never forget to inform your Dean's office about your intended travel plans and confirm your departure when you know the exact days of your stay abroad.

What is important to know and what do we recommend additionally?

Tips from ESN

-  Search for an ESN section at your destination:
 - Culture Shock Presentation:

- Buddy System:
- ESN UCT Prague Instagram:

Erasmus Student Charter

The important document you have to study before departure to find out about your rights and obligations.

OLS (Online Language Support) 

This is not an obligatory thing to undergo (was before). Test of language proficiency is a newly VOLUNTARY test of your language skills, based on which you will gain access to numerous online language courses. The test and language courses are available here:

OLS - Academy Portal

If you struggle with logging, please look here [Instruction on the access to the platform]. 

Updated: 18.12.2024 15:08, Author: Lenka Polanská

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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.