On 8th February there were NEW forms uploaded. Please note, that the previous form of Learning Agreements will be also accepted in the Application procedure (8th March deadline) if you have it already prepared.
Before mobility
NEW Learning Agreement for Traineeship, Before the Mobility (UCT - Bachelor + Master)
NEW Learning Agreement for Traineeship, Before the Mobility (UCT - Doctoral)
NEW Learning Agreement for Traineeship, Before the Mobility (UCT -School of Business)
Erasmus+ Financial Contract (will be prepared by Dpt of Internationa Relations)
During mobility
NEW Learning Agreement for Traineeship, During the Mobility (UCT)
NEW Learning Agreement for Traineeship, During the Mobility (UCT - School of Business)
Application for study stay extension
After mobility
NEW Learning Agreement for Traineeship, After the Mobility
Final Report (only for NON - ERASMUS mobilities, mainly MOBI)