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You are here: UCT Prague - International office -  → Student → Outgoing student → Traineeship → Erasmus+ traineeship → During stay
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čas: 16.9.2024 15:11:49
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url: '/student/outgoing-student/traineeship/erasmus-traineeship/during-stay-out-e-traineeship'
iduzel: 59585
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During stay

You can find the information sum up in this presentation.

There are a few moments during your stay, when you might need our support. 

Need to prolong your stay?

No later than 30 days before the end of your stay, you may ask for a prolonging of your stay.

If you have such an option, first agree on it with the UCT dean‘s office or your supervisor and with the local International Department. Then send a Request for prolonging the mobility to

Wait for the approval from! There might be financial limitations that could prevent our approval. 

Meanwhile, please  elaborate on the Learning Agreement During Mobility and send it fully signed to  when your application has been approved.

An amendment to your Financial Agreement will have to be arranged by our office.

What to do before returning home?

If possible, do not leave without Confirmation of Stay signed by the local International Department or your local Supervisor in original form and signed no sooner than 3 days before departure.

Updated: 30.5.2024 16:06, Author: Marie Nováková

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Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.