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            [paticka_budova_a_popis] => Rector, 
Department of Communications, 
Department of Education, 
FCT Dean’s Office, 
Centre for Information Services
            [paticka_budova_b_nadpis] => BUILDING B
            [paticka_budova_b_popis] => Department of R&D, Dean’s Offices:
Computer Centre, 
Department of International Relations, 
            [paticka_budova_c_nadpis] => BUILDING C
            [paticka_budova_c_popis] => Crèche Zkumavka, 
General Practitioner, 
Department of Economics and Management, 
Department of Mathematics
            [paticka_budova_1_nadpis] => NATIONAL LIBRARY OF TECHNOLOGY
            [paticka_budova_1_popis] =>  
            [paticka_budova_2_nadpis] => CAFÉ CARBON
            [paticka_budova_2_popis] =>  
            [paticka_adresa] => UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre. [paticka_odkaz_mail] => [zobraz_desktop_verzi] => [drobecky] => You are here: UCT Prague - International office - [social_in_title] => Instagram - UCT Prague [social_fb_title] => Facebook - UCT Prague [social_tw_title] => Twitter - UCT Prague [social_yt_title] => YouTube - UCT Prague [more_info] => [kalendar_nadpis] => Upcoming events [cely_kalendar] => Whole calendar [zobraz_mobilni_verzi] => [nepodporovany_prohlizec] => [social_li_odkaz] => [den_kratky_6] => [novinky_kategorie_1] => [novinky_kategorie_2] => [novinky_kategorie_3] => [novinky_kategorie_4] => [novinky_kategorie_5] => [novinky_archiv_url] => /news [novinky_servis_archiv_rok] => [novinky_servis_nadpis] => [novinky_dalsi] => more news [novinky_archiv] => [archiv_novinek] => [dokumenty_kod] => [dokumenty_nazev] => [dokumenty_platne_od] => [dokumenty_platne_do] => [den_kratky_3] => [den_kratky_0] => [den_kratky_4] => [den_kratky_1] => [den_kratky_2] => [den_kratky_5] => [stahnout] => ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [41897] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [41903] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 41903 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [41904] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 41904 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [41902] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 41902 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 41897 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [41898] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [49139] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Department of International Relations of UCT Prague [seo_title] => Welcome to the website of Department of International Relations [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 49139 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /home [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_novinky [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [49142] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Student [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Under construction. Please refer to the current website for International Students:

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 49142 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); 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}); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [49143] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => International Staff [seo_title] => International Staff [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 49143 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /international-staff [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [51112] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => International cooperation [seo_title] => International cooperation [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => svet [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>
The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT Prague) works continuously to deepen its international integration. It actively supports international cooperation in the field of education, science, and research, both with European and non-European partners.
UCT Prague considers international cooperation in research and the educational field to be a necessary condition for maintaining and further developing the level of these areas. Student mobilities, both outward and inward, the creation and implementation of joint study programs and the internationalization of other areas of university life create an inspiring environment at UCT Prague, in which new stimuli are created for improving the level and forms and methods of teaching our students, for improving conditions for studies, for the development of the activities of students and academic staff and the expansion of all forms of international cooperation. Similarly, international contacts in the field of science and research are also a source for the development of UCT Prague's science and research activities.
The cornerstones of international activities are inter-institutional cooperation agreements, joint study programs with foreign universities, mobility of students and employees within the Erasmus+ program and other international programs, and international scientific and research projects.
International cooperation of UCT Prague is coordinated by the Department of International Relations in cooperation with the Project Centre and Research and Technology Transfer Office and the relevant vice-rectors.


Overview of an international student or employee mobility programs in which UCT Prague is involved:
  • ERASMUS+ (KA137, KA171)
and more
Furthermore, the school offers its students studies within the master's and doctoral study cycle in the DOUBLE DIPLOMA regime and the possibility of trips to non-European institutions as part of the institutional mobility program MOBI.
More about the possibilities of studying abroad.
UCT Prague also closely and intensively cooperates with international student organizations such as ESN (Erasmus Student Network) and supports the activity of its students who are involved in them.


List of universities that cooperate within the framework of accredited double-degree doctoral study programs:
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Lille, France
  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes (ENSCR), France
  • KU Leuven, Belgium
  • STU Bratislava, Slovakia
  • UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø, Norway
  • Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy
  • Universität Regensburg, Germany
  • Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France
  • Normandy Université, Caen, France


The faculties of UCT Prague are actively involved in a whole range of international scientific and research projects, e.g. HORIZON 2020, Norwegian funds, and NATO.
UCT Prague organizes or co-organizes several prestigious scientific conferences or specialized professional seminars with international participation.
Per the long-term plan, UCT Prague also has a priority interest in increasing the frequency of visits by representatives of foreign universities and other institutions to UCT Prague, inviting foreign experts to lecture stays at the university and establishing new contacts that can contribute to intensifying the school's international cooperation.


UCT Prague is a member of several international organizations. Among the most important is membership in the EUA (European University Association), which brings together almost 800 universities from 46 European countries. Thanks to EUA membership, the university has the opportunity to participate in all its significant activities supporting higher education in Europe and thereby present itself to the entire academic community in Europe.
Employees of the foreign department are members of the EAIE (European Association for International Education) network, whose goal is the development of professional competencies in the field of internationalization of the higher education environment.

Membership in international networks and associations

 ◳ PRIDE Network (png) → (šířka 215px)

PRIDE Network

Professionals in Doctoral Education - an association focused on the professional development of administrative staff and academics who support or ensure the doctoral education agenda. This includes in particular the management and employees of doctoral schools or other supporting organizational units that ensure the course of doctoral studies and the personal and professional development of young researchers and their supervisors.
VŠCHT became a member in July 2022.
 ◳ EUA-CDE (png) → (šířka 215px)


The EUA Council for Doctoral Education (EUA-CDE) was established in 2008 at the initiative of the European University Association in response to the growing interest in doctoral education and research training in Europe. An integral part of the European University Association is now the largest European network in this field, which includes more than 267 universities and institutions dealing with issues of doctoral education and training in research in 37 countries. By promoting cooperation and the exchange of best practices among its members and by disseminating the results of its work, EUA-CDE contributes significantly to the development of doctoral education and training in research in Europe.
VŠCHT became a member in October 2022.

Interesting internationalization data 

More information is in the school's Annual Reports.
[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 51112 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /international-cooperation [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [51113] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Department of International Relations [seo_title] => Department of International Relations [seo_desc] => Contacts Department of International Relations of UCT Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 Office Hours of the Department of International Relations

Monday 13:30–15:30


Wednesday Closed


Friday 9:30–11:30

The Department of International Relations is located on the first floor in building B. The closest entrance door is on Zikova Street (see in Google Maps). 


Vice-rector for External Relationship and Communication

 prof. Dr. RNDr. Pavel Matějka ◳ Matějka (jpg) → (originál)


e +420 220 444 177


 Curriculum vitæ

Head of the Department

Bc. Filip Faltejsek

Designated Head of Department in the Absence of Mgr. Žilíková

e +420 220 444 456

Room: B2312 (Zikova street, 1st floor)


Staff Business Travel 

Šárka Zavadilovávýška 215px

Economist, Staff foreign business travels (advances), Payment of conference fees, Hosting of international experts

e +420 220 443 897

Room: B2311 (Zikova street, 1st floor)


International (degree-seeking) Student Admission Manager

Ing. Lenka Balíková ◳ Balikova_UCT Prague_ (jpg) → (šířka 215px)

Admission manager for international degree students, Erasmus MUNDUS

+420 220 443 158

Room: B2310 (Zikova street, 1st floor)

Information for degree-seeking students

Mgr. Helena Pekárková


Admission manager for international degree students


+420 220 443 841



Student Exchange Mobility Coordinators

Mgr. Adéla Habartová

Incoming exchange students and trainees: ERASMUS+, CEEPUS, AKTION, Short-term Freemover;  Erasmus KA171 – International Credit Mobility

e +420 220 443 159

Room: B2309 (Zikova street, 1st floor)

Information for Incoming Students

Bc. Lenka Polanská

Outgoing students within the programs: ERASMUS+ , MOBI, ATHENS, CEEPUS, AKTION

e +420 220 444 309

Room: B2311 (Zikova street, 1st floor)

Information for outgoing students

International Staff Mobility Coordinators

Ing. Anna Mittnerová

International staff, advisory in the field of social security, health insurance, and income taxes for foreigners and outgoing employees

Project MŠMT INTER-EXCELLENCE, LTI19 PRADIP, Guidelines to Administrative Issues for International Workers in the Academic Environment                                  
   +420 220 443 675

Room: B3305 (Zikova street, 2nd Floor)

Information for international staff

Ing. Jitka Tomanová ◳ jitka-tomanova (jpg) → (šířka 450px)

Welcome Office – International Staff

e +420 220 443 896

Room: BS10 (Technická street, ground floor)

Information for international staff

Ing. Jitka Šípková ◳ sipkova (1 of 1) (jpg) → (šířka 215px)

Welcome Office – International Staff

e +420 220 443 899

Room: BS10 (Technická street, ground floor)

Information for international staff

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 51113 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /contacts [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [73038] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Sitemap [seo_title] => Sitemap [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 73038 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /sitemap-en [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => sitemap [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [24134] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 24134 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 41898 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => web [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )


stdClass Object
    [nazev] => Incoming student
    [seo_title] => Incoming student
    [seo_desc] => 
    [autor] => 
    [autor_email] => 
    [obsah] => 
    [submenuno] => 
    [urlnadstranka] => 
    [ogobrazek] => 
    [pozadi] => 
    [newurl_domain] => ''
    [newurl_jazyk] => 'en'
    [newurl_akce] => '/student/incoming-student'
    [newurl_iduzel] => 59527
    [newurl_path] => 1/41862/41864/41898/49142/59527
    [newurl_path_link] => Odkaz na newurlCMS
    [iduzel] => 59527
    [platne_od] => 20.05.2021 12:51:00
    [zmeneno_cas] => 20.05.2021 12:51:41.99713
    [zmeneno_uzivatel_jmeno] => Jan Kříž
    [canonical_url] => 
    [idvazba] => 70179
    [cms_time] => 1715143676
    [skupina_www] => Array

    [slovnik] => Array

    [poduzel] => stdClass Object
            [59531] => stdClass Object
                    [nazev] => Short Term Study Exchange
                    [seo_title] => Short Term Study Exchange
                    [seo_desc] => 
                    [autor] => 
                    [autor_email] => 
                    [perex] => 

There are several study exchange possibilities. UCT Prague currently cooperates with various programs regarding the student's needs. Students themselves can decide which program is more suitable, considering several factors such as personal projects, duration, language and conditions.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Welcome to our university's study exchange programmes webpage for exchange students!

 ◳ UCT Prague (png) → (originál)

We are excited to offer international students the opportunity to experience our vibrant academic community and immerse themselves in a new cultural and educational environment. UCT Prague allows students from partner universities to spend a short period studying at our institution, broadening their horizons, and fostering international collaboration and understanding.


  Navigation for this website:

  • Information about semesters and deadlines, how to apply for a study exchange, how to choose the right courses for your study plan, visa procedure or where to find accommodation options can be found on webpages: Academic Year, How to apply, Accommodation for Exchange students, Course Catalogue and Visa.
  • Information on pre-arrival steps, study confirmation, Buddy registration options, downloading guidelines, health insurance or life in Prague can be found on webpages: Before Arrival and Living in Prague.
  • Information about Enrollment Day, Orientation Week, study obligations upon arrival, the structure of the academic year and study information system (SIS) at UCT Prague, login and password, exam period, grading system, study departure, study tips and services can be found on webpages: Arrival (Enrollment), Study-related Information and Before Departure.
  • Information on medical and psychological care, integration, and helpful information about university support can be found on webpages: Student Support and Assistance and Medical Care and Health Insurance.
  • Information regarding the card centre, copy centre, library, canteens, university services, and tips on where to study and relax can be found on webpages: UCT Services Facilities and Campus and Student Life.



Details of short-term study exchange programmes:



Erasmus+ is a comprehensive programme that supports education, training, youth, and sports activities in Europe. The programme offers students, staff, and organizations various opportunities to participate in mobility projects and develop partnerships across the European continent.

Through our Erasmus+ Exchange Programme, students can study or work at partner universities, institutions, or organizations across Europe.

 ◳ Eramus+ (jpg) → (originál)


The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience is commonly known as IAESTE. It is an international, non-profit organization with a mission to connect science, engineering, technology, and applied arts students with paid, course-related professional internships abroad. Founded in 1948, IAESTE has since grown to encompass over 90 member countries, making it one of the world's largest and oldest student exchange organizations. IAESTE serves 3500+ students, 3000 employers, and 1000 academic institutions through career-focused professional internships abroad, social and intercultural reception programmes, international networking, and other worldwide career and employer branding activities.

 ◳ IAESTE (jpg) → (originál)


CEEPUS (click for more info)

CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. CEEPUS is an academic exchange program established in 1994, comprising Central and Eastern European countries. It aims to promote the exchange of students and academic staff in various fields, encourage joint research activities, and strengthen regional cooperation in higher education. CEEPUS network includes universities and institutions from a range of Central and Eastern European countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and other participating countries. 

 ◳ ceepus (jpg) → (originál)


ATHENS (click for more info)

The ATHENS Programme is an academic exchange network that brings together universities and students from various European countries. Founded in 1991, ATHENS aims to promote intercultural dialogue, foster academic collaboration, and enhance students' personal and professional growth through transcontinental mobility. The ATHENS Programme is aimed at carrying out intensive specialization courses, given at each member institution during one or two defined periods ("Sessions") of the academic year (November and March), enabling students to attend one of the courses offered by the network universities during 7 days. 

 ◳ Athens banner (png) → (originál)


Visegrad fund (click for more info)

The Fund is an international donor organization established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries—Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia—to promote regional cooperation in the Visegrad region (V4) as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions.

 ◳ Visegrad Fund (png) → (originál)


AKTION Austria - Czech republic (click for more info)

The AKTION Programme is an academic exchange initiative facilitating mobility between Austrian and Czech universities. Established as part of the Austrian-Czech Intergovernmental Agreement, AKTION aims to strengthen educational ties and encourage academic collaboration between the two countries. 

The programme offers scholarships for the preparation of final theses (master's or dissertation) for students; research stays for doctoral students or academics, scholarships for the preparation of habilitation for postdoctoral students and scholarships for participation in summer language schools.

AKTION also financially supports cooperation projects with themes of bilateral or regional interest and the aim of long-term cooperation. These activities include, e.g. summer colleges, joint scientific seminars and workshops, scientific excursions for students, professional schools, and research stays to acquire scientific background. It also supports the publication of outputs from completed projects and supports the preparatory phase for double degree programmes.

 ◳ AKTION (png) → (originál)


Free mover

The Freemover Exchange Programme allows students to independently arrange their study abroad experience at a university of their choosing, regardless of whether our university has an established exchange agreement with that institution. This programme is ideal for students seeking specific academic programs and unique cultural experiences or who wish to explore countries not covered by formal exchange partnerships.

While the Freemover Exchange Programme offers flexibility, it requires careful planning and research to ensure a successful and fulfilling experience.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [66855] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => CEEPUS at UCT Prague [seo_title] => CEEPUS at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies and is a multilateral university exchange program. CEEPUS is based on lean management. The highest-ranking decision making CEEPUS body is the Joint Committee of Ministers that meets once a year and takes all strategic decisions. There are 15 member states who joined the current CEEPUS III agreement, each member state has a National CEEPUS Office. See list of National CEEPUS Offices.


 ◳ CEEPUS_LOGO (jpg) → (originál)

CEEPUS is an exchange programme that awards scholarships to students, who are citizens of the member countries, are studying at a CEEPUS network university and would like to go for a study exchange at another CEEPUS network university.

CEEPUS offers network mobilities and freemover mobilities. Network mobility is a mobility between universities which are part of the same CEEPUS network. List of currently registered CEEPUS networks is available hereFreemover applications are for students who would like to do exchange in the member countries but on a university which is not in the same networks as their home university. First the network scholarships are awarded, then for the summer semester, if there is still funding, freemover round is opened.


Who can apply?

  • Citizens of member countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Prishtina/Kosovo) or students with “equal status” (e.g. residency in the member country)
  • Students from CEEPUS network universities
  • Students of Bachelor, Master and PhD
  • Students who finished at least 2 semesters of a regular course of studies by the time they are being exchanged
  • Students from network universities (winter semester and summer semester) or freemovers (summer semester)

 ◳ CEEPUS (png) → (originál)

Students can arrive to UCT Prague for a traineeship or to study courses. Bachelor and Master students can apply for exchange stay of 3-10 months. Shorter exchange stays are only allowed for students working on their thesis. The students can get scholarship for maximum 10 months per cycle.


Application process

To study at UCT Prague with CEEPUS grant, you should apply both for CEEPUS scholarship and to UCT Prague.

  • Contact your home university and your National CEEPUS Office to find out about the application process for the scholarship
  • Find a supervisor at UCT Prague for your traineeship OR Ask your university to nominate you for a semester of study stay (courses)
  • Submit application documents to UCT Prague either STUDY STAY or TRAINEESHIP according to the type of mobility you planning to do



CEEPUS deadlines:

  • Winter semester: June 15th
  • Summer semester: October 31st
  • Summer semester – Freemover: November 30th

UCT Prague deadlines:

  • Winter semester or whole academic year: June 30th
  • Summer semester: November 30th
  • In case of traineeships the deadlines can be moved upon agreement.

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66855 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/ceepus-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66854] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => AKTION at UCT Prague [seo_title] => AKTION at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

LOGO-AKTION-05 (výška 215px)


The AKTION Programme outlines bilateral co-operation between the Czech Republic and Austria in the field of science and education and fosters implementation of joint research projects and academic exchanges between institutions of higher education in both countries.

The programme includes scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding. Austrian students can apply for Aktion scholarships to finance their study stay / traineeship in the Czech Republic.

  • Aktion is administered by OeAD (Österreichische Austauschdienst) in Austria and DZS (Centre for International Cooperation in Education) in the Czech Republic.

There are several scholarship opportunities within this programme every year – the application process and deadlines depend on the chosen scholarship. The application for the scholarship is handled directly by Aktion, students have to apply to UCT Prague as well. If you were awarded an Aktion scholarship and are planning to spend the traineeship at UCT Prague please contact the Department of International Relations to get more information about the administrative process.

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 66854 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/aktion-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66852] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service [seo_title] => DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => mikroskop [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Students from Germany have the possibility to apply for a scholarship via Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

The organisation offers funding possibilities for both study stays and traineeships. You can search among over 200 scholarship programmes.

The application process depends on the kind of scholarship you are applying to. Application for a scholarship is handled directly by DAAD.

Application to UCT Prague is handled by Department of International Relations – application documents depend on the kind of exchange that you will be applying to (study stay, traineeship or research stay), so it is advised to contact us for more details once you have decided which scholarship you would like to get.

DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66852 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/daad-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66851] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Visegrad Fund [seo_title] => Visegrad Fund [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>


[ikona] => banka [obrazek] => 0001~~MzAwMIyP97YoLg7JNigLzq70Cqks8ws2yQuoDI0PyDKI9_YONXBzdAQA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 ◳ Visegrad Fund (jpg) → (originál)

The International Visegrad Fund was founded in 2000 by the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic, also known as Visegrad Group (V4) countries. The purpose of the fund is to promote closer cooperation in the V4 region and between the region and other countries (especially Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions).

The scholarships are available for students from Visegrad countries (intra-visegrad scholarships) and for students from Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine).


Application process

Scholarship applications are collected once a year – before 31 January. The application process and administration is being handled by the Visegrad Fund. UCT Prague can assist with acceptance letter and working plan, which are part of the application. For more information follow the main website of the Visegrad Fund.


[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66851 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/visegrad-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66850] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => A.T.H.E.N.S. courses at UCT Prague [seo_title] => A.T.H.E.N.S. courses at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~MzAwMI2PDzYzyA8ONvYOcTao9E0PdQQA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

ATHENS or Advanced Technology Higher Education Network, is an international programme started in 1997. Universities participating in this programme organize week-long intensive courses in technological fields. The courses are held twice a year (March and November), language of instruction being English, French or Spanish. The courses consist of approximately 30 hours of lectures, seminars and excursions, they are complemented by 12-15 hours of cultural programme so that the participants will also learn about the culture and environment of the host country.

UCT Prague is part of this programme together with Czech Technical University. We organize two Athens courses in November and one course in March - language of instruction is always English. More information about our courses can be found on this page. 

Applications are possible via official ATHENS website. (Our courses are listed together with the Czech Technical University's courses.)



Course coordinator: Prof. Aleš Procházka

Date: each year in november

Short description: 

The main goal of the course is to:

(1) present selected mathematical and algorithmic structures in MATLAB environment used for signal analysis and processing,

(2) study fundamentals of discrete Fourier transform and its properties in connection with signal and image analysis and discretization,

(3) analyse principles of digital filtering in the time (FIR, IIR) and frequency domains for signal de-noising and image enhancement,

(4) discuss selected mathematical methods of signal analysis and to present fundamentals of wavelet transform in signal decomposition, modification and reconstruction with applications,

(5) summarize basic principles of signal modelling in its prediction using both linear and nonlinear methods including neural networks,

(6) present selected applications of signal processing in environmental engineering, biomedical signal and image processsing and energy consumption data prediction 


  ◳ ATHENS (jpg) → (originál)



Course coordinator: Dr. Pavla Šmejkalová

Date: each year in November

Short description: 

The main goals of the course are to summarize basic principles of environmental technology in water and wastewater treatment, water and soil contamination removal and solid waste treatment, to study the fundamentals of biochemical transformations of pollutants, to discuss economical, energetical and social aspects of environmental protection, analyse the main problems of environmental protection in the Czech Republic and EU and to present selected technological methods used in environmental protection.


Fotografie0495 (šířka 450px)



Course coordinator: Ing. Martin Člupek, Ph.D.

Date: each year in March

Short description: The main goal of  the course is to provide an introduction to practical application of infrared and Raman spectroscopy, microscopy and nanoscopy.

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66850 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/athens-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59549] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Contact (incoming) [seo_title] => Contact (incoming) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => logo [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

  Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations is located in the Building B, Zikova street 4, Room B2309.

Office hours:

Mon: 13:30 - 15:30
Tue: 13:30 - 15:30
Wed: closed
Thu: 9:30 - 11:30
Fri: 9:30 - 11:30

To contact us, please write to this e-mail address: b - use this email only for questions related to short-term exchange studies.

  ◳ UCT_Zikova_entrance (jpg) → (originál)

Delivery address

University of Chemistry and Technology                 
International Relations Office
Adéla Habartová
Technická 5
160 00 Prague 6 – Dejvice, Czech republic

Faculty Coordinators

⇒ in case you want to ask about the possibility of applying for an internship at UCT Prague

Faculty of Chemical Technology


prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek

Faculty of Environmental Technology


Doc. Ing. David Kubička, Ph.D. MBA.

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology


Ing. Monika Tomaniová, Ph.D.  

Faculty of Chemical Engineering


Ing. Pavel Hrnčiřík, Ph.D

Campus Dejvická

 The main campus of UCT Prague is located northwest of the Dejvická metro station, at Vítězné náměstí in Prague 6 - Dejvice

There are three buildings:

  • Building A – Technická 5 – further from the metro station, opposite the National Technical Library
  • Building B – Technical 3 – closer to the metro station
  • Building C – Studentská 6
  • From 2021, the university is also located in Prague 7 - Holešovice (School Of Business): Jankovcova 23 - near the Maniny tram stop

Visitors can only enter the buildings through the main entrances. The main entrances to buildings A and B are located on Technická street. The Department of International Relations, as well as the Dean's offices, are located in building B, with the closest entrance being on Zikova street

  When going to Enrollment Day or to the classes on the first day, we strongly recommend using the school EMIL application which will help you find your way to the class. 

 ◳ Mapa campusu (jpg) → (originál)


How to get to UCT Prague?


 From the airport:
We recommend using public transportation when going from the airport Letiště Václava Havla to the city as it is the cheapest and easiest option. See this instructional video on how to get from the airport by bus and metro.
Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). Take a bus no. 119 to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station. From there take a metro to Dejvická station - line A (green) - direction to Depo Hostivař station. The whole ride from the airport to Dejvice where UCT Prague is located takes approx. 20-25 minutes.
 From the dormitory (Sázava and Volha)

Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). Take a bus from the Volha bus stop to Chodov station and from there take a metro C (red) – direction Letňany. When you arrive to Muzeum station, here change to metro route A (green) direction Nemocnice Motol to Dejvická station.

How to get to dormitory?


When going from the airport to the dormitories, you will use the same direction as when going to the university. 

Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). In front of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2, get on board bus 119 and ride to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station. After getting off the bus go inside the metro station, and catch a metro train in the direction to Depo Hostivař station. Ride to station Muzeum station and change lines - from line A (green) to line C (red) - and take the metro C to the Chodov station. At Chodov, there is a large shopping center just right above the metro station, therefore, you can do some after-arrival shopping if needed. After getting out of the metro, catch bus 177 and ride to the bus stop Volha. From there, dormitories are 3 minutes of walk away.

It will take about 40-50 minutes to get from the airport to the dormitories. 

  For more information regarding public transportation in Prague, please visit our webpage Public Transportation.  

Don’t forget to buy a ticket for public transport. You can do so by purchasing the ticket in a machine at the bus stop at the airport, or by buying the ticket in the PID Litacka application (we recommend using this app as you can also find the timetables of the public transportation there.)

 ◳ Metro Linka A (png) → (originál)    

                                                                                         (Click on the image)

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59549 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/contact-incoming [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59562] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => FAQ (incoming) [seo_title] => FAQ [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => info [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Welcome to our FAQ section for exchange study programmes! Here, we have compiled some of the most common questions asked by students interested in participating in exchange programs at UCT Prague. If you have any additional inquiries, feel free to reach out to us directly: 


1. May I participate in the Erasmus+ programme if I study in a non-EU country?

The Erasmus+ programme is designed for students studying in a Programme Country: member states of the EU and third countries associated with the Programme: North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey. For more information, check Erasmus + Programme Guide created by European Commission which you can find here.

Important: Students can conduct an Erasmus+ exchange at UCT Prague if their home university has signed a bilateral agreement with UCT Prague. Please ask your home university's Erasmus+ coordinator for details.


2. What is the tuition fee for Erasmus+ exchange? 

As an Erasmus+ student, your tuition fee is waived. You do not have to pay any tuition fees to UCT Prague. This also applies to students who want to study here under an exchange program other than Erasmus+, including those who want to apply for a freemover programme.


3. What is the language of instruction for exchange students?

All courses listed in the Erasmus+ course catalogues are taught in English.


4. Do I need English Language Certification for my study exchange application process?

Yes, all exchange applicants are obliged, as part of their application process, to provide a confirmation to the Department of International Relations. It must confirm their English level that corresponds with the minimum B2 level (CEFR)


5. What if I am not sure my language qualifications will be recognised? 

Please contact the Department of International Relations.


6. How many credits should I take?

 As an exchange student, you are required to obtain min. 20 ECTS/ semester.


7. What courses can I choose? 

  • Bachelor's Students (Undergraduate Students): You can opt for courses designed for undergraduate students in the Course Catalogue. 
  • Master's Students (Graduate Students): You can choose courses from both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Course Catalogue. 

Note: if you combine undergraduate and graduate courses, some subjects might overlap in your schedule,  and thus Learning Agreement changes will be required.


8. I am a Bachelor's Student; can I enroll in Master's courses?

Only exceptionally, with previous permission from the Department of International Relations. Master's courses assume certain previous knowledge of subjects described in the syllabus of individual courses, under the title, Entry Requirements. Please read the syllabus of your chosen courses carefully.


9. If I am an applicant for the study exchange programme, may I also choose courses which are not listed in Course Catalogue?

Only exceptionally, with previous permission from the Department of International Relations. If you would like to study in the Czech language, discuss your request for courses in Czech with the Department of International Relations in advance.


10. I would like to do an internship/work on a final project at UCT Prague. What is the procedure?

First, it is important to send us your:

  • Motivation letter including your area of interest/topic of your research/laboratory experience/scientific background
  • CV
  • Transcript of Records (academic results from your previous university studies)

We can then start to search for your supervisor.  Please check how to apply for the internship here.

Note: internship might be done within the Erasmus+ programme or within any other programme at the applicant's home university.

Will I receive financial support for my internship from UCT Prague?

No, UCT Prague does not provide any financial aid to interns.


11. Are the originals of my application forms requested?

All documents will be submitted by e-mail; therefore, no original forms are necessary. Only Double degree students might be asked to bring officially approved copies or originals of their application documents.


12. I have submitted my application; when should I receive the decision? 

Application decisions are made only with complete applications, usually within four weeks of applying. Applications that are not complete or do not provide all the required documents/information will be delayed.


13. I have been accepted for Erasmus+/traineeship at UCT Prague. When should I arrive?

All exchange students are expected to arrive in Prague for the start of Orientation Week, which is an excellent opportunity to get important information about studies at UCT Prague (Enrollment Day), and it is also a pleasant introduction to life in Prague.

Please see the Academic Calendar to learn when the Orientation Week starts. Trainees' arrival and the start of their internship depend on their previous agreement with their UCT Prague supervisor.

14. I have been admitted, but I cannot participate in Enrollment Day and start my studies on time. What can I do?

Please inform the Department of International Relations sufficiently in advance, explaining the reason for your delayed arrival. Having missed Enrollment Day, your official enrolment will be completed individually after your arrival at UCT Prague upon agreement with the Department of International Relations. UCT Prague might excuse your absence in classes for max. of 14 days after the semester starts.


15. When is the Orientation Week? When do classes start? When are exams over? When are vacations?

Please see UCT Prague's Academic Calendar, Study-related Information and Arrival webpages for more information.

Note: Orientation Week normally starts one week before the beginning of the academic year.


16. I am an applicant from a Non-EU country and need a visa. What is the procedure?

The whole procedure is explained on the Visa webpage. Read all the information very carefully there as the visa process is a very long procedure.


17. Will I get accommodation at the University?

Exchange students can apply for student accommodation in the UCT Prague Halls of Residence, which so far has managed to offer accommodation to all UCT Prague international students applying to date.

The Application for Accommodation should be sent to the Halls of Residence accommodation office ( by the given application deadline.

Note: UCT Prague Halls of Residence offer accommodation for international students only in double roomsmore info here.


18. I have submitted my application for accommodation. When will I learn if my accommodation application has been accepted? 

Halls of Residence accommodation office will notify you by email approximately 14 days before your arrival, informing you in which residence you will be staying.


[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59562 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/faq-incoming [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59554] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Academic Calendar (incoming) [seo_title] => Academic Calendar (incoming) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Start date: 9 September 2024
  • End date:  7 September 2025


Winter Semester 

Orientation Week: 9 – 13 September 2024

Enrollment Day:  9 September 2024 (for exchange students)

Lectures, seminars, laboratory work (14 weeks):   16 September – 20 December 2024
Assessment period:                                                             2 January – 7 February 2025*

* !!!!  The date for check out from the UCT Prague dormitories for students staying only winter semester is 31.1.2025 !!!! 

Students are usually able to finish their exams before 31.1.


Summer Semester

Orientation Week: 3 February – 7 February 2024

Enrollment Day:  3 February 2025

Lectures, seminars, laboratory work (14 weeks):   10 February – 16 May 2025
Assessment period (5 weeks):                                         19 May – 27 June 2025



Events Calendar

For UCT Prague activities and events taking places throughout the academic year, see our Events Calendar


Public Holidays 2024

There are no lessons on public holidays. Also, official offices and shops are usually closed on public holidays.

Note that lessons may be shifted if a public holiday occurs on a working day. Check your Study Information System for updates! 

  • Jan 1 – Restoration Day of the Independent Czech State
  • Friday before Easter (Apr 18)
  • Easter Monday  (Apr 21)
  • May 1 – Labour Day
  • May 8 – Liberation Day
  • July 5 – Saints Cyril and Methodius Day
  • July 6 – Jan Hus Day
  • Sep 28 – Saint Wenceslas Day
  • Oct 28 – Independent Czechoslovak State Day
  • Nov 17 – Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day
  • Dec 24 – Christmas Eve
  • Dec 25 – First Christmas Holiday
  • Dec 26 – Second Christmas Holiday 

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 59554 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/academic-calendar-incoming [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59552] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Course Catalogue [seo_title] => Course Catalogue [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Here, you will find a comprehensive list of courses offered to our international students, designed to cater to various academic interests and fields of study.  Please read the information below carefully; choosing your study plan correctly is very important for your application process.


 Creating your Study Plan

Creating a study plan in your Learning Agreement is crucial for exchange students to ensure a successful and fulfilling academic experience.  Here are some tips to help you create an effective study plan:

  1. Research Course Offerings: Before creating your Learning Agreement, research the available courses in your field of study. Look for courses that align with your academic interests, degree requirements, and learning goals. Check the course descriptions, credit values, and prerequisites. Remember to check only courses offered in the Course Catalogue (see the document below)! To see the syllabi, go to our Student Information System (SIS) and search for the courses from the Course Catalogue there.
  2. Contact Department of International Relations: Reach out to the Department of International Relations ( at both your home institution and UCT Prague. Seek guidance to ensure your chosen courses will transfer seamlessly to your home institution and count towards your degree.
  3. Credit Transfer: Understand the credit transfer process between your home university and UCT Prague. Make sure you know the minimum and maximum credit requirements for your exchange period. The minimum required ECTS credits for exchange students at UCT Prague is 20 ECTS/semester.
  4. Course Compatibility and Flexibility: Your schedule will be known when you arrive for your enrollment. To ensure that your chosen courses have no timetable clashes or overlapping schedules, stick to rules that the Department of International Relations will communicate with you via e-mail communication. Also, read carefully the information below. UCT Prague cannot guarantee that your study plan will work 100%; therefore, after your enrollment, it would be possible to fix the schedule and change some courses If necessary. Please be open to adjusting your study plan if you need to. Some courses may fill up quickly, or there might be unexpected changes in the course offerings. Please have backup course options to make sure you have a well-rounded plan.
  5. Balance Your Studies: While it is essential to challenge yourself academically, keep your schedule manageable. Consider each course's workload and difficulty level to maintain a balanced and manageable study plan. 
  6. Consider Cultural Experience: An exchange program is not only about academics but also about experiencing a new culture. Consider taking courses that introduce you to Czech culture, history, or language - for example Czech language course or Czech History and Culture course (check the Course Catalogue for more information).
  7. Get Approval: Once you have finalised your study plan, obtain the necessary approvals from your home institution's international releations office and academic advisors. Please make sure that your Learning Agreement is signed by all parties involved from your side before you send it to UCT Prague. 

Creating a well-thought-out study plan in your Learning Agreement will help you make the most of your exchange experience academically and ensure a smooth credit transfer process upon your return to your home institution. Stay organised, communicate with your advisors, and embrace the adventure of studying abroad!


 Course Catalogue

Colours in the Course catalogue indicate the faculty:

FCT = Faculty of Chemical Technology (in Czech FCHT)
FET = Faculty of Environmental Technology (in Czech FTOP)
FFBT = Faculty of Food and Biochemistry Technology (in Czech FPBT)
FCE = Faculty of Chemical Engineering (in Czech FCHI)
DEM = Department of Economics and Management (School of Business)

How to choose your courses from the Catalogue?

  • To prevent course overlap in your timetable, do not mix courses from FCT faculty with courses from FET and FFPB




  • Students should choose only within the respective level - Bachelor's or Master's! If you combine courses from Bachelor's or Master's level, you will most likely have to deal with timetable overlaps and change your Learning Agreement. Please avoid this and make your course selections based on the provided information.
  • The number of courses registered per semester must be for a minimum of 20 credits.
  • Due to the large number of courses offered, some schedule overlaps might occur even if you follow the instruction. 
  • UCT Prague uses the ECTS grading scale and credit system. For more information, check also information on the Study-related Information webpage.


Catalogue for 2024/2025

Please read carefully syllabi, requirements, and other important information related to individual courses. To read the syllabus, search for the course here

  • The capacity of courses is limited.
  • UCT Prague cannot guarantee that all the courses in the catalogue will open. It depends on the number of registered students. Students will be informed about the final course offer during the Enrollment day in September/February.  Students will be allowed to change their Learning Agreement during the first 3 weeks of the semester.

Bachelor's courses - the code of the course starts with AB

Master's courses- the code of the course starts with AM


If you are a chemistry student interested in enrolling in an economics course (code AB/M501XXX), we request that you consider doing so exclusively if the economics subject is obligatory for your recognition for your study plan. Please note that the availability of economics courses is limited due to seat capacity, and priority will be granted to students who are primarily pursuing economics majors. After your final registration at UCT Prague (Enrollment day), you could sign up for the economics subject if there is still a capacity.


UCT Prague Campuses

At UCT Prague, we have two campuses that students can visit:

  • Chemistry courses: you will study most of the time at our Dejvická campus. Here, you will have access to the laboratories, research facilities, canteens and library.
  • Economic courses: our School of Business campus is located on Jankovcova street. The distance between this campus and the Dejvicka campus typically takes around 30 minutes by tram.

More information can be found here.


Project A, B, C

To attend a project at UCT Prague, your personal initiative in searching for your UCT Prague supervisor is most appreciated - you or your home university coordinator are encouraged to address a potential supervisor directly. Links to all four faculty websites and their departments are available below. You can also ask the Faculty Coordinators to help you find a suitable supervisor.

  • Subsequent administrative work will be done with the Department of International Relations (contact e-mail:

  Please note that in case you do not have a supervisor before your arrival in Prague or you will not be able to do the project, you will have to delete the project and replace it with courses!

If you want to pursue a research project at UCT Prague, send your motivational letter, CV and Transcript of Records to the Faculty Coordinators and include the Department of International Relations ( in the CC of the email. In your email to the faculty coordinator/potential supervisor add these three attachments + also, introduce yourself and present your experiences and background:

  1. Area of interest/topic of your work
  2. Faculty and/or department suitable for your work
  3. Your laboratory experience and academic background
  4. UCT Prague supervisor's name (in case you have already been in contact with him/her)
  5. If you are interested in doing a Project please indicate the type (A-30credits, B-15 credits, C-10credits)


For those interested in the project in the Faculty of Environmental Technology, we suggest checking the offer from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering - their info sheet provides you with all the necessary information for the application process - the task description, literature, requirements and more.

  • To learn more and apply, send your CV and motivational letter to Ing. Vojtěch Kouba, Ph.D.:


Medical assessment

Work in the laboratories involves direct contact with chemicals that might endanger the student's health and put other persons' health in danger. For this reason, the signed Medical assessment of fitness to study at UCT Prague must be sent together with the rest of the application documents. 

! Once you are accepted for a project, it is only possible to cancel in exceptional cases (good reason should be provided, it has to be announced enough time in advance). This is because our laboratories are reserving the place for you (other applicants might be rejected, reservations for instruments are done, coworkers are registered for you etc.) which makes it very complicated for us to cancel the planned projects/traineeships at the last minute.


Faculty Coordinators

Faculty of Chemical Technology


prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek

Faculty of Environmental Technology


Doc. Ing. David Kubička, Ph.D. MBA.

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology


Ing. Monika Tomaniová, Ph.D.  

Faculty of Chemical Engineering


Ing. Pavel Hrnčiřík, Ph.D

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  Quick Menu:

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In order to be allowed to live in the Czech Republic for study purposes, Non-EU exchange students must apply for a long-term visa for the purpose of study in the Czech Republic. Applications must be submitted to the Czech Embassy or Consulate in the respective country. If you are unsure whether you need a visa to stay in the Czech Republic, please consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country or the embassy of the Czech Republic nearest to you. 

IMPORTANT: Non-EU citizens who have residency in another EU state still need a  visa in case they are staying longer than 90 days.

The following is a step-by-step explanation of the visa process. Please make sure to follow provided information before you apply for a visa.

  You can also   download our guideline that will help you summarise the necessary steps to obtain the visa successfully.

 ◳ Apply for Czech visa - Náhled (png) → (originál)


 Who needs to apply for the visa?

  • Thirds Country Nationals living outside or in the EU.*
  •  A third-country national is a citizen of a state that is not a member of the EU nor a citizen of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.


The EU Member States are Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Rumania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Note: Citizens of the United Kingdom are also considered as Visa students.

Non-EU students who are already studying and living in the EU (holders of residency card for study purposes) can apply for an appointment for the visa in the Czech republic or at the Czech regional visa centre in Dresden. These students should first consult their visa application with the Department of International Relations.


 Applying for the visa appointment

The appointment can be either scheduled: 

  • by the applicants
  • applicants from certain listed countries can apply for an appointment at the Czech Embassy through a governmental project for visa facilitation called Režim Student (Student mode)

UCT Prague has no authority to process visa applications or approve visa appointments with the Czech Embassy in other countries. The International Relations Department UCT Prague usually advises students to apply for a visa appointment as soon as they receive an acceptance letter (or signed Learning Agreement). For many students, it can take several weeks for appointments to be made. 


Student Mode 

Student Mode (Režim Student) is a governmental project designed to facilitate the visa procedure for selected students.  Student Mode only helps ACCELERATE ACCESS for getting the appointment at the Embassy, not the process itself, which takes about 60 days. 

The nomination is submitted to the Czech Ministry of Education, which decides whether the nomination will be accepted. If a nomination is accepted, the student is then contacted by the respective Czech embassy regarding the date of an appointment for visa application submission. 

The nominations can be sent only on specific dates the Ministry of Education announces. 

Note: you cannot use Student mode and schedule the appointment by yourself simultaneously. 

The criteria for applying for the Student mode (click for more info)
  • You must be a citizen of one of the enrolled countries for the Student Mode/ you are going to apply for the visa in the country that issued you travel documents/ you are going to apply for the visa in the country where you received your long-term/permanent residence; here you can check if your country is enrolled in the Student Mode - Countries in which the Embassy is participating in the Student Mode  
  • You must be officially accepted as an exchange student at UCT Prague. 
  • You must obtain confirmation from your coordinators at UCT Prague that they will nominate you for the Student mode. 

The Ministry of Education has 3–5 working days to process the nominations and, based on specific criteria, choose which ones are accepted.

The nomination for the Student mode:

  • Contact your coordinator at UCT Prague and ask about your options. 
  • Read the rules for obtaining a long-term visa and prepare all the necessary documents required for the appointment at the specified Czech embassy.

If your nomination is accepted, you need to:

  •  Prepare the required documents for your appointment at the embassy.
  •  Wait for the embassy to contact you. You will receive a proposal with a date and time for your appointment - the appointment is usually assigned within 1–4 weeks. 
  •  Ensure you are ready for the appointment and present yourself with all the documents


If the application is approved, the Ministry of Interior contacts the embassy, and the embassy contacts you to schedule an appointment for visa collection.

Nomination dates for 2023:

12.1., 16.2., 29.3., 20.4., 11.5., 25.5., 8.6., 22.6., 4.7., 20.7., 3.8., 17.8., 8.9., 21.9., 5.10., 19.10., 9.11., 23.11., 7.12

The visa procedure can take up to 60 days from your first visit to the Embassy. It is therefore strongly recommended to start the visa procedure as soon as possible. The courses start in September (winter semester) and in February (summer semester), and we can only accept students who arrive latest on 30th September/28th-29th February. Students arriving later are not registered at the university because they would miss too many lessons. 

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to arrange a visa appointment at the respective embassy in June – winter semester / November – summer semester at the very latest. 


Gathering all documents 

To apply for a long-term visa (visa for study purposes), among other documents, you must obtain three original documents (physical copies) from UCT Prague. You may request the documents after your application procedure is finished and confirmed. 

 Which documents can UCT Prague issue for you? 

  1.  Document the purpose of stay 
  2.  Letter of Acceptance 
  3.  Proof of accommodation (ONLY IN CASE you are staying at UCT dormitories) 

What should you provide? 

Please contact the Department of International Relations ( and send: 

  • copy/scan of your passport 
  • information at which embassy you will apply for a visa (name of the city)
  • information if you will be staying at UCT Prague dormitories

IMPORTANT: There may be variations depending on the country where you are applying for your visa, and additional documents may be required. Therefore, your primary source for obtaining the right and accurate information is the embassy´s website or the official website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech republic. 

  Here is the general list of the documents that you need to obtain for the visa:

PURPOSE OF STAY – most frequently acceptance letter or similar confirmation


FINANCIAL MEANS – OR proof that the student disposes of the financial amount that would constitute real housing expenses OR proof that all the costs will be covered by a third party (state institution, legal person or hosting organisation) – for example, a stipend OR grant

  • FEE
  • TRAVEL MEDICAL INSURANCE* – only if visa approved, not when applying; foreign nationals must take out travel medical insurance for their stay in the Czech Republic. When picking up your visa, submit an officially verified translation of the insurance policy and general conditions into Czech to prove that you possess such insurance and to what extent. Upon request, do submit the proof of payment for the insurance.

* As a result of being parties to the International Treaty on Cooperation in the Area of Health and Social Security, medical travel insurance is not required from citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Japan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, and Serbia. The same exception applies to participants of the Erasmus Mundus program, Fulbright scholarship program, European Voluntary Service of the EC Youth in Action programme, as well as holders of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by another EU member state and a GHIC card issued by the UK.


Delivery of the documents 

You must submit all the documents in paper form. To receive documents from UCT Prague, students need to contact the Department of International Relations ( after they receive confirmation that the documents are ready to be sent. 

Students have two options: 

  1.  use regular delivery – UCT Prague will prepare and register the delivery. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks to receive the documents (it can be even more, depending on the country); students do not have to pay for the service. 
  1.  use DHL – Students need to visit the DHL website and create an order for delivery. It will take approximately less than a week to obtain the documents safely; students pay for the express delivery service. 
    We recommend choosing express DHL delivery, as getting the documents as quickly and safely as possible is crucial. From our experience, it is the best way to obtain the documents without any problems. If students’ visa requests are not approved on time, UCT Prague reserves the right to cancel their study exchange. 


 The Visa Appointment 

 For the visa appointment, please pay attention to the information the Czech Embassy will communicate. Consulates schedule their own appointments, mostly by e-mail or phone – refer to consulate websites for guidance.

Applications are lodged in person. An interview is held and fingerprints are collected.  After applying for your visa, it can take up to 60 days from your first visit to the Embassy until you receive a response. If you have not been contacted or have no news after these 60 days, you can contact us by email. As mentioned above, we have no authority with the Czech embassy in other countries

Do not overlook:

  • Supporting documents may not be older than 180 days, with the exception of a passport and photo (if reflecting current appearance).
  • Supporting documents must be submitted in Czech. Documents in another language must also be submitted in official translation into Czech.
  • The following documents must always be submitted in their originalspassport and supporting documents on purpose of stay (in this case, acceptance letter or other similar confirmation). These originals will be returned to the applicant should they wish to keep them. The passport is always returned to the applicant and is submitted again when issuing the visa.
  • Other supporting documents may be submitted as originals or officially verified copies.
  • We kindly request that applicants also prepare a set of copies of all the requirements.
  • A long-term visa for the purpose of studies is issued for a period that is demonstrated with the confirmation of studies, however, not longer than 1 year.
  • Submit only complete applications containing all the documents ⇒ incomplete applications cannot be processed. Insufficient application processing must be suspended until the applicant adds the missing documents. This prolongs the overall processing!

After the appointment, wait for the decision. The legal processing time for a long-term visa for the study is 60 days.

IMPORTANT:  Make sure to arrive at the appointment at the embassy on time! Not arriving at the appointment at all or being late will result in postponing the process of obtaining the visa. In some cases, you may not be given another time slot to visit the Embassy, which will result in the impossibility to arrive in the Czech Republic for the Enrollment day and your non-acceptance to the studies!

Communication with the embassy

  • Kindly note that UCT Prague cannot legally help you with the visa appointment at the embassies; this is a responsibility of yours. You are also responsible for collecting all the required documents.
  • Please check the embassy website and follow their instructions and requirements. Note that the requirements vary from country to country; make sure to have the correct information related to your citizenship.
  • Please bear in mind that UCT Prague cannot communicate with the embassy or Ministry of Interior on your behalf. Information about your visa status is confidential and cannot be provided to UCT Prague. We understand that it might be stressful to wait for the embassy to contact you, but note that embassies are extremely busy during the summer. Once the visa is ready to be collected, you will be contacted.
  • UCT Prague provides no assistance or invitation letter for your friends/partners/family members. In such a case, you shall follow the instructions on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the respective embassy of the Czech Republic.


  Arrival in Prague

  The Department of International Relations UCT Prague can accompany you on your way to apply for a visa and provide information. Once you have arrived in the Czech Republic, we will gladly provide additional information regarding registration at the Foreign Police or visa extension. 

Third-country nationals are obliged to register their accommodation address in the Czech Republic with the nearest foreign police department within 3 working days of entering the Czech Republic if it has not been done by the accommodation provider (e.g. Hall of residence - dormitory). When performing their obligations, the third-country national must present a valid travel document and a completed registration form (available at the office). During the performance of registration obligations, the police are entitled to demand the presentation of a travel insurance certificate. More information here


 Visa Extension 

 Exchange students who want to extend their study stay at UCT Prague (stay one more semester or apply for the internship) must apply for an extension of their long-term visa. The extension can be done in the Czech republic by visiting the MOI  - Office of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy at Hládkov:

  MOI office Praha

Responsibility for foreign university students with residence in the Capital City of Prague and the Praha-Západ and Praha-Východ districts

Hládkov 682/9, 169 00 Praha III

Praha 6 - Střešovice

Tel.: 974 801 801

Opening hours: 

  • Mo till Th: 8.00 - 16.00 (only for clients with an appointment)
  • Fr: 8.00 - 12.00 (only for clients with an appointment)

 ◳ OAMP Hládkov 6829 (png) → (originál)

IMPORTANT: Check the online reservation where you can apply for the appointment! Ministry of Interior offers the applicant the closest term for an appointment possible. It needs to be checked whether offered term falls within the time limit prescribed by the law for the respective legal act (i.e. for submission of the application).

The necessary documents and information that you need regarding the extension can be found here. UCT Prague will issue the confirmation of the prolongation of studies. If you are staying at the dormitories, the Halls of Residence accommodation will issue the accommodation proof.

Note: the visa extension is only possible upon discussion with the Department of International Relations.

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Applying for an exchange study at UCT Prague involves several steps. UCT Prague, also known as the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, is a natural centre of first-rate study and research in the area of chemistry in the Czech republic and is one of the country's largest educational and research institutions focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies. Below is a detailed guide on how to apply for an exchange study at UCT Prague.

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Following the steps for applying for a study exchange at UCT Prague is crucial for a successful and enjoyable study abroad experience. It shows your commitment, organisation, and willingness to engage with the host university and facilitate a smooth integration into the academic and cultural life at UCT Prague.

It is essential to follow the below instruction and set deadlines. Any problems or concerns should be discussed with the Department of International Relations: 


Nomination by your Home Institution

Your home institution will be able to provide you with detailed information regarding exchange study programme opportunities and is responsible for the selection and official nomination procedures. You cannot apply for the study exchange programme at UCT Prague without the nomination.

The official nomination includes your:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Email
  • Period of stay

Nominations for the Academic year 2024/2025 must be done through a provisional nomination form for student mobilities. Your home university should contact the Department of International Relations at UCT Prague ( and request the link. UCT Prague, as the host university, confirms student admission for studies according to its selection criteria.

Nomination deadlines

Winter Semester or Full Academic Year

  • Admissions process is open from 1 April until 31 May (for Visa students deadline is 24 May)

Summer Semester

  • Admissions process is open from 1 September until 31 October (for Visa students deadline is 24 October)


Application Procedure

UCT Prague, like most universities, has application deadlines for exchange programs. After your nomination, the Department of International Relations will send you an informative e-mail explaining how to start the Application Procedure for study exchange at UCT Prague.

Application Deadlines and Documents

All completed, scanned, and mailed/uploaded application materials must be sent to To be successfully accepted to study at UCT Prague, students must follow the deadlines below:

Winter Semester or Full Academic Year

  • Admissions process is open from 1 April until 15 June (for Visa students deadline is 24 May)

Summer Semester

  • Admissions process is open from 1 September until 15 November (for Visa students deadline is 24 October)

Note: It is highly recommended to begin the application process as soon as possible. The Non-EU students need to ensure they have enough time to complete our application process and start the visa process. Information regarding the visa process can be found here.


Nominated students will receive an informative email on submitting their application documents. UCT Prague no longer accepts original paper forms, as scans and electronically signed copies are sufficientUCT Prague has created a comprehensive guideline for exchange students on how to apply for exchange studies. This guideline is designed to provide clear and step-by-step instructions so that students know how to correctly deal with the application process. The guideline covers various aspects of the application process and aims to assist in preparing for the study abroad experience at UCT Prague.

  Download Exchange Study Guideline

   ◳ Download_Guide How to Apply For Exchange Studies (png) → (originál)


The application process requires gathering various documents. Here is the application documents checklist:

1) Student Application Form

The form is used for registration in the university's internal system; therefore, it is necessary to obtain your personal data. The Student Application Form is online, and you will get the link when we receive the official nomination from your university. Please ensure that you fill in the data accurately - for example, your first and last name must be filled in and identical according to your passport/ID card, and the format of your date of birth should be dd/mm/yyyy.

 2) Learning Agreement for Study

The Learning Agreement is a crucial document in the context of study abroad programs or exchange studies. It is a formal agreement between the student, the home university (or sending institution), and the host university (or receiving institution) that outlines the courses the student plans to take and the academic recognition and transfer of credits between the two institutions.

What you need to watch out for (click for details) ​
  • Fill in your personal and university details correctly. Then fill in the name of our university in the Receiving Institution section, you can leave the faculty section blank, but then it is necessary to add Erasmus Code: CZ PRAHA01, university address: Technická 5, Prague 6 - Dejvice, contact person as follows: Adéla Habartová, International Relations Coordinator,
  • In Table A, you must fill in your study plan at UCT Prague. Please visit our webpage Course Catalogue to download our catalogue for exchange students. In this section, everything must be correct and in accordance with the Course Catalogue - so check that you have correctly filled in the period of study (month/year), course codes, name of the courses, semesters, number of credits and the total of all credits.
  • The Learning Agreement is sent to UCT Prague only in a signed version - that is, signed by the student and the sending institution. UCT Prague checks the document and signs last.
  • If there are errors and inaccurate information in the document, the document will be sent back to the student with a notice that correction is required. If the student does not return the corrected copy by the deadline (unless individually agreed otherwise), the application process will not be complete, and the nomination may be cancelled.

Download Learning Agreement:


3) Proof of English Language Skills

UCT Prague requires that you have a good command of English to study successfully here, and you will need to provide us with proof of your English language skills.

Non-Native English Speakers: The minimum requirement is level B2 and above, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Recognised Certificates that UCT Prague accept are:

  • Cambridge ESOL: minimum FCE
  • TOEFL iBT: minimum score 80
  • IELTS: minimum band score 5.5

Except the Cambridge ESOL, we only accept certificates for up to 3 years. Other Acceptable Formats (if you do not have any internationally-recognised certificate):

  • Online Linguistic Support Certificate
  • Certificate issued by a language center in the sending institution (accepted only if it confirms the minimum language skills level B2)
  • Certificate issued by a language school (accepted only if it confirms the minimum language skills level B2)
  • > Confirmation of language knowledge confirmed by a language center or a language school in case the student does not have any of the official documents mentioned above

Native English Speakers: Students whose mother tongue is English or who fully study in English at their home university are exempted from this obligation.


4) Medical Assessment Form

Work in the laboratories involves direct contact with chemicals that might endanger the student's health and put other persons' health in danger. For this reason, the  Medical Assessment of Fitness To Study at UCT Prague signed by a doctor is requested. The exception is for students who will study only courses from the School of Business. 

5) Transcript of Records (in English)

Providing the Transcript of Records  for a study exchange is of utmost importance, as it serves as comprehensive and official documentation of your academic achievements in your university. We need to check all the semsters that you passed and the grades as well.

6) Motivational letter and CV

Providing a CV and a Cover Letter for a study exchange is highly important, as they showcase your skills, experiences, and motivations, helping UCT Prague assess your suitability for the exchange program. 

7) Scan of your passport/ ID

Please provide us with your passport or ID card so that we can confirm your personal data. For Non-EU students who are studying in Europe, it is also essential to send their residence card as well.


 Learning Agreement, Confirmation of Language Knowledge, and Transcript of Records forms must be officially confirmed by the respective representatives.


Application Documents Submission

After submitting your application (send ONE email with all documents!), the Department of International Relations will review your documents. This process may take some time, so be patient. Once your application is reviewed, you will be notified about the acceptance decision by email.

  • In case the sending institution requires an official acceptance letter, this document can be issued upon request.

If the sending institution requires any original documents to be signed, those should be sent to the following:

b Address

University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
Department of International Relations
Adéla Habartová
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6
Czech Republic


Note for Students from Non-EU Countries

You will receive a Letter of Acceptance in the Czech language from us, which you must submit as part of your application for a student visa. Since it may take up to 60 days to process your visa application from the first visit to the Embassy (for more information, please get in touch with the Czech embassy nearest you), application documents should be sent to UCT Prague as soon as possible.

UCT Prague can only issue a Letter of Acceptance after receiving complete application documents.

For more information and details, visit our webpage Visa.



Accommodation for students is provided at UCT dormitories situatedont the outskirts of Prague. To apply for accommodation, you need to fill in the Application for accommodation and send it to:

  All the deadlines, information details and documents can be found on our webpage Accommodation for exchange students.

 The official website for our dormitories can found here.


Pre-Arrival Information

Carefully read and follow the instructions in the acceptance e-mail and read the information on the Before Arrival webpage to ensure a smooth transition and a successful exchange study experience. If you want to know when the Orientation week or the semester starts, visit the Academic Calendar webpage here. We are excited to have you join us at UCT Prague and look forward to welcoming you to our campus! Should you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to Safe travels, and see you soon! :-)

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UCT Prague offers limited accommodation options in dormitories Volha and Sázava located in the southern part of Prague near the metro station Chodov. 


  • Sázava dormitory: Chemická (Ekonomická) 952, 148 28 Praha 4 – Kunratice 
  • Volha dormitory: K Verneráku 950, 148 28 Praha 4 – Kunratice 


Sázava Dormitory 

  • Mainly apartments which include 2 rooms, each with 2–3 beds + kitchen + bathroom and toilet  
  • A limited number of single rooms with a bathroom 
  • The common laundry room is located on the ground floor of the dormitory 
  • Fitness centre with a gym, fitness zone, and table tennis 

Volha Dormitory 

  • Mainly apartments which include 2 rooms, each with 2–3 beds + bathroom and toilet  
  • A limited number of single rooms with a bathroom 
  • Each floor is equipped with a shared kitchen 
  • Laundry rooms located on the 1., 4., 7. and 11. floor 

Note: The kitchens are not equipped with any kitchen utensils; students bring their own pots and plates if they are going to cook in the kitchen.  

The price for accommodation in the dormitories ranges from 3 780 to 6 400 CZK per month. 


How to Apply for Accommodation in the Dormitories 

Short-term exchange students, once accepted to UCT Prague (fully signed Learning Agreement), will receive from an admission officer an Accommodation Application via acceptance e-mail. This form is to be filled out and sent directly to the dormitory admission office (instructions will be attached). The further communication is then direct, between the student and the dormitory officer.

! The update for Academic Year 2024/2025 will be in April 2024. !


Academic Year 2023/2024 

Exchange students must send their       Application for Accommodation for winter semester (can be used until 31.01.2024) to the Halls of Residence accommodation office ( by the given application deadlines. 

Please obey the      Accommodation Rules for the academic year 2023/2024 - winter semester.

Summer semester

     Application for Accommodation for summer semester

Please obey the      Accommodation Rules for the academic year 2023/2024 - summer semester


The room allocation 

In August (winter semester)/December (summer semester), you will be contacted by a dormitory officer who will provide you with information about which room has been assigned to you. The earliest arrival to the dormitories is usually possible in the 1-2 week prior to your Enrollment day.  

Note: your request for a specific type of room might not be met because of the limited capacity of the dormitories.  



Upon your arrival, you must visit the reception of the assigned dormitory, identify yourself with your passport, and the receptionist will provide you with documents, a room key, and bed linen. The documents must be signed and handed over to a dormitory officer (in the Student Accommodation office). Should you arrive on the weekend, you will be given the documents, and you must visit the Student Accommodation office on Monday morning.   

Note: Once you arrive in the dormitory, you must pay an administrative fee of 400 CZK and also a refundable deposit in the amount of 5000 CZK. The fee may be paid in cash in Czech currency, or by card (Visa or Mastercard).  

On Enrollment Day, you will be provided with login information into the dormitories system ISKAM. In the ISKAM system, you will see your monthly expenses (accommodation fee, laundry fee, gym fee...), and you can also report any malfunctions in the room. 

Bed Linen 

Each bed is equipped with a pillow and a duvet. Upon your registration, you will be provided with bed linen (1x pillowcase, 1x duvet cover) and with a fitted sheet. The fitted sheet shall be put on the mattress. The pillow shall be placed inside the pillowcase and the duvet shall be placed inside the duvet cover.  

We advise changing the bed linen and the fitted sheet for hygiene reasons optimally once a week. You can get a clean bed lined in the bedding storeroom or in the manager's office of your dormitory.  

Wi-Fi in the Dormitories  

In the dormitories as well as in buildings of the university, there is Wi-Fi "vscht" available in all areas, to which students log in using the same login details as they have for the Study Information System. 

On Enrollment Day, you will receive a password that must first be changed from the initial one to your own password. For more information, please visit our webpage Study-related Information. 

In addition, in the dormitories, there are two unlimited Wi-Fi "volha" and "sazava", which all students can access after providing their phone number at check-in to the dormitories. An SMS with a password is sent to their phone after the check-in. 


Dormitory website 

Detailed information about the dormitories and a price list is to be found on the official website of the dormitories here. 


How to Get to the Dormitories From the Airport 

When going from the airport Letiště Václava Havla to the dormitories, you will use the same direction as when going to the university. 

Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). In front of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2, get on board bus 119 and ride to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station. After getting off the bus go inside the metro station, and catch a metro train in the direction to Depo Hostivař station. Ride to station Muzeum station and change lines - from line A (green) to line C (red) - and take the metro C to the Chodov station. At Chodov, there is a large shopping center just right above the metro station, therefore, you can do some after-arrival shopping if needed. After getting out of the metro, catch bus 177 and ride to the bus stop Volha. From there, dormitories are 3 minutes of walk away.

It will take about 40-50 minutes to get from the airport to the dormitories. 

  For more information regarding public transportation in Prague, please visit our webpage Public Transportation.  

Don’t forget to buy a ticket for public transport. You can do so by purchasing the ticket in a machine at the bus stop at the airport, or by buying the ticket in the PID Litacka application (we recommend using this app as you can also find the timetables of the public transportation there.)


Buddy for Exchange Students 

You can also apply for a buddy. A “buddy” is a primary contact person who provides information and guidance to you during your first weeks in the Czech Republic and, if the circumstances allow, during the whole time of your stay. Our buddies are Czech students who usually have experience as exchange students abroad from the past. They will fo example pick you up at the airport, show you the way to the Dormitories and to the University, or help you to arrange your accommodation. 

Note: Please, do not forget that our buddies do their “job” as volunteers (they do it from their goodwill). Therefore, you can not demand any assistance from them that exceeds their competence as a helping contact person. 

Visit this website - ESN UCT BROADDY -  to register yourself and submit your buddy request. We recommend registering yourself at least three weeks prior to your arrival. 

If you have any questions concerning our Buddy Programme, do not hesitate to contact the coordinators of the buddy programme: 


Off-Campus Living 

If you wish to stay closer to the university and prefer privacy, you can search for a private flat. When looking for an apartment in Prague, be careful about fake offers. We highly suggest not paying anything before actually seeing the flat and signing a contract. We recommend reading articles about the issues, e.g. here or here. 

Note 1: You will have to register your place of residence at the Foreign Police (Non-EU nationals within 3 days from the arrival to the Czech Republic; EU nationals within 30 days). See the guide at the bottom of this page. 

Note 2: You have to take the accommodation contract with you to the Foreign Police office, therefore, make sure that the person who signed the accommodation contract is a legal owner of the apartment! 

International students living in the dormitories do not need to register their arrival to the Czech Republic at the Foreign Police; the dormitories take care of this. 



Students can have breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner in the Residence Volha canteen. 

There are also two canteens on the university campus Dejvická close to UCT Prague: 

  • Menza Studentský dům ("Red canteen"): Bílá 6, Praha 6 
  • Technická Menza ("Blue canteen"): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Praha 6 

UCT Student Card holders can purchase meals in these canteens with a student discount. 

Read more about canteens here. 

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 68596 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/accommodation [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_galerie_velka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59556] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Before Arrival (incoming) [seo_title] => Before Arrival (incoming) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => info [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

The Department of International Relations will send students an informative e-mail regarding their study stay 2-3 weeks before the Enrollment/Administrative day. Please remember that Enrollment day is mandatory and might be excused only exceptionally


 Acceptance and Documentation

You are accepted for study exchange once you receive a signed Learning agreement from the Department of International Relations. Before you arrive, confirm your acceptance to the university and review the acceptance e-mail to ensure you understand all the requirements and deadlines.


Confirmation of Acceptance

A Letter of Acceptance will be sent to the International Relations Office at your university upon request. If you decide to withdraw from the study exchange programme for any reason, please inform the UCT Prague Department of International Relations – as soon as possible.


Confirmation of Accommodation

If you have applied for a room in the UCT Residence Halls, you will be informed via e-mail about the status of your application approximately 2-4 weeks before your arrival.

As for the private accommodation, make sure that your accommodation is valid. Be aware of scammer and false advertisements! We highly suggest not paying anything before actually seeing the flat and signing a contract. We recommend reading articles about the issues, e.g. here or here.


Notice of Arrival

The Department of International Relations asks you to confirm the exact date of your arrival, especially if it is after the Enrollment day of the respective semester.

  • Note: We reserve the right not to register you for studies if you arrive more than 14 days after the official beginning of the semester.


Student Visa

Non-EU students will have to apply for a student visa. Gather all necessary documents for your student visa, including your acceptance letter, passport, proof of sufficient funds, and any other required documents.

Applications must be submitted to the Czech Embassy or Consulate in the respective country. More information is available here.

  Download the guide on How to apply for the visa

 ◳ Screenshot_Visa Guide 1 (png) → (originál)

Note: This process may take several weeks or even months, so start early to avoid delays!


 Pre-Arrival Checklist

Before arriving in the Czech Republic as an international student, there are several pre-arrival obligations and tasks you need to complete to ensure a smooth transition and a successful start to your academic journey.


Health Insurance

As an international student in the Czech Republic, you must have health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay. The type of health insurance you need depends on your nationality and specific circumstances. 

  • EU Countries: You can use your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) if you are from an EU country. This entitles you to have free emergency healthcare here in Prague. We suggest you ask your health insurance company which covers medical care, and if necessary, to take out an additional policy in case of injury, serious illness, etc. More information is available here.
  • Non-EU Countries: Students from non-EU countries will submit proof of health/travel medical insurance as a part of their visa application to the respective Czech Embassy/Consulate. More information is available here.


Medical History

We recommend that you fill the Medical History form before you arrive in the Czech Republic and have it with you in case you will need to visit the UCT Prague doctor during your study stay at UCT Prague.


Travel Arrangements

Book your flight tickets well in advance to secure the best deals and to ensure you arrive in time for any orientation or pre-sessional activities. Enrollment Day at UCT Prague is held during the Orientation week. Participation in this specific event is compulsory; you can be excused only with permission from the Department of International Relations

  • More information is available here.


Cost of Living in Prague

The official currency of the Czech Republic is the Česká Koruna ( Czech Crown, CZK). We suggest familiarise yourself with the exchange rates and always check the current rate before you exchange money. The cost of living in Prague can vary based on personal lifestyle choices, but overall, it is considered more affordable compared to other major European cities.

Studying abroad in the Czech Republic can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to manage your finances wisely to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay.  You can use this website to compare Prague prices with those in your hometown. For more information, please visit Cost of Living in Prague here. (will be updated soon)


Public Transportation

Prague has an extensive public transport network rated as one of Europe's best and most reliable. Thanks to public transport, you can reach even the most remote corners of the metropolis quickly and easily.

  • You can use the underground (metro), trams, buses or suburban trains, i.e. public transport (MHD) to travel around Prague. All traffic information, latest news, schedules and travel rules are on the  ebsite of the Prague Public Transit (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy – DPP).

For more information, visit the Public Transportation webpage, where you can learn about the fares (prices), schedules, travel card etc.

How to get to UCT Prague/dormitory?

On the Contact webpage, you will find information regarding the campus address of the Dejvice section, UCT Prague and how to get from the airport to the university in the dormitory.


 Do not also forget... 


Contact your Supervisor for your project.

If you have been accepted for project work under the supervision of one of UCT's professors, you are expected to contact them before you arrive. You will inform him/her about your arrival and arrange your first meeting.  For more information, please visit the Course Catalogue webpage.


Learn about the Erasmus Student Network club

ESN UCT Prague is a student club run by students at UCT Prague. Its primary purpose is to care for international students who come to study at UCT Prague. Check their webpage for more information, including valuable tips on what you should do before arrival and also about student life in the Czech Republic:


Request a Buddy

You might be interested in having a "buddy" (i.e. student volunteer acting as a contact person). Buddies can help you get settled in your new hometown and assist you in several situations; for example, they can pick you up at the airport, accompany you to your residence, show you around the city, and more.

The Buddy Program is very popular among our international students, so please do not hesitate to apply for your "buddy"  at least three weeks prior to your arrival.

 Buddy is a volunteer programme organised by ESN; it is entirely free.


Check our Student Guides

We recommend checking the guides below, as you will find many useful tips and information for your upcoming stud stay here in Prague. 

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59556 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/before-arrival-incoming-exchanges [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59558] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Arrival (Enrollment) [seo_title] => Arrival (Enrollment) [seo_desc] => Erasmus + arrival University of Chemistry and Technology Prague UCT Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

  Quick Menu:

[ikona] => info [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>



After being officially accepted for study exchange at UCT Prague, you will receive an email about the enrollment process from the International Relations Department (usually 2-3 weeks before the Enrollment day). By enrolling, you will become a student of UCT Prague.

Enrollment Day at UCT Prague is held during the Orientation week. Participation in this specific event is compulsory; you can be excused only with permission from the Department of International Relations.

 ◳ Studying at UCT Prague (jpg) → (originál)


One week before the beginning of the semester, the Erasmus Student Network UCT Prague (ESN UCT Prague) and the Department of International Relations organise Enrollment Day and Orientation Week. The orientation week includes fun and informative activities such as a campus and city tour, fun trips and parties. By participating in this programme, you will not only quickly get to know both Prague and the university but also make friends from all around the world.

Important to check


Before the Enrollment Day

Via e-mail, the International Relations Department will send you information explaining the schedule of the Enrollment day and also ask you to read the registration documents (the documents will be attached).  You must read them since you will be asked to sign an informed consent during Enrollment day (no need to print them).

  • Personal Information Policy 
  • Initial Training – Safety and Health Protection 
  • Regulations for Using Computers 


 Download the School App EMIL (Android | Apple)

EMIL is a UCT university app specially developed for students. It has several features which will be helpful for you throughout the whole course of your studies. 

 You can use EMIL especially for: 

  • Map of study rooms and laboratories (use it for finding the room where the Enrollment takes place)
  • Schedule of your classes 
  • Real-time notifications related to your studies (e.g. exam results, cancellation of classes...)
  • Menus in canteens
  • Contact details of professors and university staff 

Note: you can log in there after you receive your login credentials during the Enrollment day.


  Download Guide for Exchange Students

To help you orientate yourself, we prepared a simple guideline with essential information regarding your study at UCT Prague.

   Arrival Guide UCT Prague



By the end of August, a dormitory officer will contact you to let you know which room has been assigned to you and information on when you can move into dormitories.

When you arrive, please visit the reception of the assigned dormitory, identify yourself with your passport, and the receptionist will provide you with documents, a room key, and bed linen. The documents must be signed and handed over to a dormitory officer (in the Student Accommodation office). If you arrive on the weekend, you will be given the documents and must visit the Student Accommodation office on Monday morning.  

  Kindly note that upon your arrival, you must also pay an administrative fee of 400 CZK and a refundable deposit of 5000 CZK. The fee may be paid in cash in Czech currency or by card (Visa or Mastercard). 

Find detailed information about the accommodation in dormitories here.


Enrollment Day

 During the Enrollment day, ESN and International Relations Department will help you register and show you the campus of UCT Prague.

 Pre-arrival tips:


The Enrollment Day will be held on Monday, September 11, 2023 (classroom BI, Technicka 3, Building B). Please note that your personal attendance on Enrollment Day is obligatory. If you cannot attend the Enrollment Day for a serious reason, you must contact the Department of International Relations.


Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (UCT Prague)
Technická 3, Prague 6 – Dejvice (Building B)

 ◳ UCT Prague_s názvem (jpg) → (originál)

Considering the day's hectic schedule, we recommend carrying water and a light snack with you. The lunch break will allow for a swift meal at the UCT canteen, as there will not be enough time to venture beyond the campus area.

Bring with you:

  • Pen
  • Passport / ID Card
  • Cash of 300 CZK if you want to purchase an ISIC card (payment by card is not possible)
  • Water and small refreshments
  • Prefilled arrival certificate

The schedule will be known 2-3 weeks before the Enrollment day. The International Relations Department will contact you with details and explain when and where is the meeting point.

 ESN members will guide you throughout the day, help you register, and explain everything about UCT Prague. 


Arrival Certificate/Confirmation of Arrival

Bring printed certificates/confirmations of arrival that your university might request. We will stamp and sign them for you , but only if prefilled! If you can, fill in your name, in the section for signature, prefill the name of your coordinator: Adéla Habartová, position: International Relations Coordinator, etc. 

We highly prefer that you bring them with you to the Enrollment day printed if your university requires an original paper copy. Please check with your university about what documents they will need. It is also possible to send the form by email to, and once electronically signed, you will receive it again by email.  


UCT Student Card

ESN will help you get the student card. You will visit our Card Center – Kartové Centrum (building B). 

You will be asked to show your ID card and fill in some form. Please bring your pen! The person in the Card Center will ask you if you want ISIC (international student card) or an university student card. ISIC costs 300 CZK and can be issued for students under 26. With ISIC, you get discounts in several shops, and you can also use ISIC to claim your student discount for public transportation in the PID Lítačka app. The university student card is free and is also sufficient.

  • Enter all three UCT buildings
  • Use university computers
  • Pay for the photocopies
  • Purchase meals in canteens with a student discount


Login and Password

You will obtain a login and password for accessing the Student Information System (SIS) and UCT computer network in the UCT Copy Centre.

Before using it, please change your given password according to the rules.


Orientation week

The  Erasmus Student Network (ESN) holds the Orientation week one week before the winter/summer semester.

The orientation week is organised for Erasmus students, but you can also meet degree-seeking students. There is a Welcome party, a Czech cultural evening, a Prague discovery game, trips outside Prague and much more prepared for you!

ESN will provide further information – check your emails, and you will get guidance to join a particular WhatsApp group for international students!


Join the official UCT Prague Facebook Group. 

You can follow the official UCT Prague Facebook page here: 
Most information on this page will be provided in the Czech language; however, it can be easily translated, and the page serves as a perfect overview of what is happening at the university. 


Arrival Obligation

When you arrive in the Czech Republic, you must familiarise yourself with the following obligations. Do not forget!


Foreign Police Reporting Duty

EU and Non-EU students Living in Residence Halls

Registration of your stay in the Czech Republic at the Czech Foreign Police is unnecessary if you stay in the Volha or Sázava residence halls; the residence halls will register on your behalf.

Students in Private Residences

If you are an EU student and will not live in Volha or Sázava, you must register at the Foreign Police office within 30 days of your arrival if your stay in the Czech Republic exceeds 30 days.

Non-EU Students in Private Residences

All non-EU students who do not live in Volha or Sázava must register at the Czech Foreign Police within three days of arrival.


Registration of European Health Insurance Card

Students from an EU country must register their national public health insurance (EHIC blue card) with a Czech health insurance company - VZP is recommended as the largest health care provider in the Czech Republic with the highest number of cooperating doctors. After showing the EHIC card or  confirmation that substitutes the card, the health insurance company will immediately issue a registration document with a registration number with a Czech health insurance company. Later, if you need to see a doctor, take this document along with the EHIC card.

Students from Turkey need to take to the VZP office the paper they have from their Health insurance provider in Turkey and register it as well.


Public Transport Pass

Under 26

If you are under 26, you might qualify for a public transport student discount. The Department of International Relations may prepare the confirmation of your student status upon request. If you have a buddy, they can pick up your confirmation before you arrive in Prague. Then you can go ahead and arrange your travel pass directly after you arrive in Prague with your buddy's help. In addition to the confirmation, you'll need a photograph and the amount of money. After obtaining an ISIC card at UCT Prague, you may purchase your ticket online via PID Lítačka with a student discount.

26 and older

If you are 26 and older, you must buy a traffic pass for the total price. A student discount is not available.


Studying at UCT

You start attending your classes from the first week of the winter/summer semester. You will find your schedule in the Study Information System – on Enrollment Day, we will provide you with login information and teach you how to access it.

Be prepared that studying at UCT Prague requires a lot of preparation at home – self-learning, repeating information learned in classes, and calculations. Study throughout the whole semester; there might be midterm tests! For more information follow Study-related information webpage.

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59558 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/arrival-incoming-exchanges [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_galerie_velka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72524] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Study-related Information [seo_title] => Study-related Information [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

  Quick Menu:

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


The information below applies to exchange students who have been officially accepted and enrolled at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague.


 Core Study Principles at UCT Prague

Exchange students must familiarise themselves with the following general study principles for a successful academic experience at UCT Prague. Additionally, students should review the specific study regulations and guidelines for detailed information about their course of study. 

 ◳ Study (jpg) → (originál)

  Arrangement of the Academic Calendar

 In the Czech Republic, the academic year in higher education institutions typically follows a two-semester system, similar to many other countries. The structure of the academic year at UCT Prague is as follows:

  •  Winter Semester: The winter semester at UCT Prague begins in September and runs until February. Students attend classes and lectures during this period, engage in practical sessions, and work on assignments and projects.
  •  Summer Semester: The summer semester at UCT Prague starts in February and continues until June. Similar to the winter semester, students attend classes and participate in various academic activities during this time.
  •  Exam Periods: At the end of each semester, there is an exam period during which students take their final exams or submit their major projects. The exam period can last several weeks, an essential time for students to demonstrate their understanding of the course material.
  •  Academic Holidays: Besides the winter and summer breaks, national holidays and public vacations are observed throughout the academic year.

Note: the specific dates and details of the academic year can vary slightly between different universities and study programs. Therefore, exchange students are advised to check the academic calendar of UCT Prague and finish their studies according to the deadlines.  Additionally, the academic year in the Czech Republic aligns with the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), making it easier for students to transfer credits between European universities.

 For more information, follow our webpage Academic Year.

What about classes?

Classes occur between 8:00–19:50 (8:00 AM – 7:50 PM). There may be long breaks between your classes; however, not that long that it would be worth going to the dormitories and back. You can relax in break/relaxation rooms called Respirium in building B.

Note: prolongation of study exchange must always be discussed with the Department of International Relations beforehand and in a timely manner!


  Study Information System (SIS)

 Study Information System (SIS) is a platform that UCT Prague uses to provide students with information regarding matters connected to their studies. You access SIS at the address: or through the university app EMIL (download here Android | Apple).

What You Can Find in SIS

  • Schedule 
  • Syllabuses of subjects 
  • Enrollment in Exams 
  • Grades 
  • Personal Details 

The login and password are the same as in the school email (you will not be able to log in with the initial password!).


Courses at UCT Prague have their materials mostly on the e-learning portal ( You will find presentations, recorded lectures and sometimes scripts or assignments/submissions of homework. You log in there with your school login and password.


  Study Plan and Schedule

During the application period, you already signed the Learning Agreement with UCT Prague and created your study plan according to our Course catalogue.

The Department of International Relations will register you for the courses in the Student Information System, which you will get access to after receiving your login credential during Enrollment. You can check your schedule after you officially register yourself at UCT Prague.

As you know, we have advised you to choose your subjects carefully in your study plans. We cannot guarantee that the courses will not overlap, so when you check your timetables and receive a list of open classes during the Enrollement day, you can check If you have any problem with your schedule. If so, you can change some courses by the predetermined deadline so that everything runs smoothly during the semester. You will fill in the so-called Learning Agreement during the mobility for us, and we will change the courses for you in the system according to your new study plan. More will be explained during the Enrollment day and in the e-mails you will receive from the Department of International Relations.

Note: after the given deadline, which you will learn at the beginning of your studies, it will not be possible to change your study plan!

The semester ends with fulfilling all subjects prescribed by the study plan and obtaining the number of credits corresponding to your Learning Agreement.


  School Email Address and Computer Network

The school email can be accessed at

Your school email, with the address in the form, will work immediately. We recommend checking this e-mail regularly as the official electronic communication between a student and the UCT concerning study matters occurs only through the assigned school email address.

Tip: you can set up the forwarding of information to your personal e-mail.

 As a student of the UCT Prague, you get an account in the computer network of the UCT Prague, which will allow you to:

  • log in to the UCT computer network (computer study rooms, network drives ...)
  • use UCT Wi-Fi "vscht"
  • use the university e-mail address
  • log in to the Study Information System (SIS)
  • log in to the Emil app

Password Change

You will get the username (login) and the initial password on Enrollment Day from the Department of International Relations.  You have to change the initial password before using it. On Enrollment Day, you will be guided on how to do that.

 Download Password to UCT Prague Computer Network - in this document you can read how to change to password and what to do in case you forget your new password


  Academic Integrity and Ethics

Higher education institutions in the Czech Republic place significant emphasis on academic integrity and ethical behaviour. Plagiarism and academic misconduct are strictly prohibited and can result in severe consequences!

UCT Prague, under any circumstances, will not tolerate cheating and plagiarism during the examination period. Please remember this. UCT Prague is constantly trying to improve the quality of education, and it is our high priority to provide you with the best education. For that reason, professors and students must live up to their responsibilities. We are deeply convinced that integrity is essential to an authentic educational experience, so please prepare yourself for the exams as much as possible and ensure you can finish your study exchange without any problems.

Here is included  the Code of Discipline for Students of the UCT for you to review. We highly recommend reading it and familiarising yourself with the rules. If we receive information about a cheating accident during the exam or plagiarism has occurred, the Department of International Relations will immediately begin to investigate it and seek appropriate action.


  Assessment (Exam) Period

During the examination period, students' performance is evaluated through various assessment methods, including assignments, presentations, and quizzes. At UCT Prague, exams play a significant role in the evaluation process. These exams can take different forms—some being written tests, others being oral assessments. Particularly challenging subjects often encompass both written and oral components. In such cases, passing a preliminary test is a prerequisite for advancing to the final oral exam.

Professors provide advance notice regarding the type of exam and its requirements, allowing students to adequately prepare. 

How it works with exams:

  • You schedule the exams yourself. It is up to you in which order you fulfil your duties, but your goal is to meet them all.
  • Your professors will insert dates for exams in the SIS section EXAMINATION TERMS – tab Register
  • You should be able to see the dates, times, and lecture rooms where the exam takes place.
  • Registering for the term is similar to enrolling in courses. You pick any date you like (if it's not complete, of course) and press "Register" at the bottom.
  • Now you should be able to see the registered exam in the section EXAMINATION TERMS – tab My dates.
  • If you need to change a term after registering, it's not a problem. You can change it in SIS. However, there is usually a deadline (hours before the exam), and after that, you cannot change the date of the exam anymore. If you do not attend the exam, you lose the attempt, and your professor will mark it as F (Fail) in SIS.

If a student has failed to unregister from the examination for severe reasons, they may excuse their absence in advance (!) directly to the examiner. Unexcused absence or unrecognised excuse for absence from the exam is assessed by the classification "F".

A student has the right to two re-sits should they fail the first term of the exam. However, they must respect the terms announced by the department conducting the subject. The right to re-sit an exam expires if the student has not used the opportunity to take the exam within the regular examination period.

Note: You must understand how to complete your course successfully. Please ensure you have all the information you need from your professor and meet the prescribed exam dates and deadlines for your presentations and papers. Your lack of knowledge does not excuse you from missing the exam date or not fulfilling the proper study obligations. If you need help understanding or are unsure, always ask your professor, the Department of International Relations or your classmates. Your studies are your responsibility.


See below the 4 “types” of examination you must pass. The examination type is mainly connected to the complexity of a subject.

  • Cr+ZK Course-credit + Exam ⇒ mostly the hardest subjects; this is a two-level exam. During the semester,  you will be handing in homework or assessments or writing one or more course-credit tests. You must fulfil all duties/pass the tests, and your professor then marks a course-credit (Cr) as passed in SIS. At this point, you should check it in the SIS section SUMMARY OF EXAMINATION RESULTS. If you cannot see the mark there, contact your professor. Without this Cr in SIS, you won’t be allowed to attend the Exam (ZK).
  •  ZK Exam ⇒ all you need to do is to pass the exam in the examination period.
  •  KZ Marked course credit ⇒ this means that there is no Exam in the examination period. You usually finish this subject at the end of the semester. It is similar to the course credit; however, you get a grade for your assessments or tests.
  •  Cr Course-credit ⇒ credit-course means that you complied with requirements of the subject during the semester (typically just attendance). There is no exam and you will be evaluated according to requirements specific to the course.

 If you feel a bit lost, don’t worry. Your professor will explain the requirements for that specific subject in your first lecture.



At UCT Prague, we use the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).  Each course or module is assigned a specific number of ECTS credits, reflecting the workload required to complete it. One ECTS credit is typically equivalent to 25 to 30 hours of student work, including attending lectures, seminars, lab work, self-study, and exam preparation. A full academic year usually amounts to 60 ECTS credits, and one semester is approximately 30 ECTS credits. As far as international exchange students are concerned, we require 20 ECTS/semester.

UCT Prague uses ECTS grading system
A excellent 100 - 90 ( %)  
B very good 89 - 80
C good 79 - 70
D satisfactory 69 - 60
E sufficient 59 - 50
F fail < 50


The examination classification is published in the SIS by the examining teacher.

 As an ECTS credit is a standardised unit, students can easily transfer their credits from one institution to another within Europe. For example, if a student completes a course worth 5 ECTS credits at their home university and decides to study abroad for a semester, the host university will recognise those 5 ECTS credits toward their academic program.

When students study abroad or transfer credits, the host institution may convert ECTS grades into its local grading system. There is usually a conversion table that helps translate ECTS grades into the corresponding grades of the host institution.

Note: while the ECTS system ensures a standardised approach to grading and credit recognition, individual universities may have additional assessment methods, grading scales, or requirements specific to their courses and programs. Therefore, exchange students should familiarise themselves with the particular regulations and grading policies of UCT Prague for accurate assessment of their academic performance.


  Advice from fellow students

  • Don’t waste your time! The exam period is usually around 5 weeks long (the spring exam period is a bit longer), which means 5 exams for 5 weeks.
  • You have 3 attempts for each exam in one examination period and can enroll in the same course 3 times throughout your studies. This may sound helpful, but there is a catch! The fact that you have 3 attempts for the exam tempts our professors to make them more challenging. They don’t want us all to easily pass on the first attempt, and they know that a lot of people will come to the first attempt just to look at the test and to know what to expect when they arrive, better prepared next time. We do not recommend these tactics, but they work for some people. The most important message here is: Do not stress too much when you fail on your first attempt. It is just how it works around here, it happens to many people, and it is good to have this experience. Believe it or not, it will make you stronger. And the second thing is to consider your possible failures when planning your exams. Not everything might go just as you would wish it.
  • Don’t postpone the most challenging exams! You need those the most and be done with them as quickly as possible.


   What to do at the end of the exam period...?

When you successfully passed all exams (or you have no more attempts for those you failed), and if you gained all required course credits at the end of the examination period, inform the Department of International Relations and request the Transcript of Records. For more information, visit our webpage Before Departure.


  Student Support Services

ESN offer various support services to help exchange students succeed academically and personally. ESN members are volunteers, so please keep this in mind. They will help you with questions and problems you may encounter during your study stay. ESN will prepare a lot of informative events for you, as well as an online group where you can communicate with other students from abroad. 

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As your study exchange program ends and you prepare to depart from UCT Prague, several necessary steps must be considered to wrap up your experience on a positive note. 

[ikona] => odejit [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


Departure information

Once the exam period starts, the Department of International Relations will email you and provide information about the check-out process and any specific requirements. You will be asked to inform us about your departure date, so please know when you want to leave. It is very important to check your e-mails during this period - especially your school e-mail, where you will receive many e-mails from your professors and the Department of International Relations.

Prolongation of stay

Extending your exchange stay at UCT Prague involves a series of steps and careful planning to ensure you can continue your study exchange programme.

Start considering the possibility of extending your exchange well in advance. Check the regulations and policies of your home university and UCT Prague to understand if extensions are possible and the requirements. For an extension of your stay, contact the Department of International Relations:, as your academic performance, attendance, and any prerequisites must be checked and aligned with UCT Prague's requirements for continuation.

  • Prolongation for a summer semester = Learning Agreement for Study that obtains the study plan for the summer semester needs to be signed.
  • Prolongation for an internship = Learning Agreement for Traineeship needs to be signed; for more information, visit the Traineeship website.

 Note: If your exchange involves obtaining a student visa, you also need to extend your visa to cover the additional period. For more information, check our webpage about Visa here.


Moving Out

Follow the procedures for checking out of the dormitory or apartment. Inform the dormitory or landlord of your intention to leave and learn any specific check-out procedures they provide, which may include submitting a notice in advance: for example, you are asked to announce your departure date to our dormitories and Department of International Relations one month in advance.

It is very important to make sure you clean and organise your living space and ensure you have returned any keys or access cards. Please check that you paid your rent or other housing-related bills as well. Also, If you paid a security deposit, inquire about the process for receiving it back. Ensure you follow the steps to ensure a timely return of your deposit.

If you are leaving before the end of your lease agreement, inform your landlord or dormitory as early as possible. They might have specific procedures for early termination. If you want to prolong your stay at dormitories, this must be discussed in advance with the Department of International Relations and the Residence Hall.

  Tip: Before you leave, take photos of the cleaned and tidy living space as evidence of its condition. This can be useful in case there are disputes over cleanliness or damages.


Transcript of Records

Once you finish all exams and collect all grades, inform the Department of International Relations and request an official Transcript of Records (TOR). This TOR will outline the courses you have taken and your grades earned during your study exchange. This document is essential for transferring credits back to your home institution. 

Note: Each student's responsible for ensuring all the grades are filled in the Study Information System (SIS). Remember that the exam period is limited, and you have a specific deadline that you need to follow. All the exams should be finished before the end of the semester.


Certificate of Attendance

The Certificate of Attendance is essential for exchange students participating in the study mobility program. It officially confirms your participation in the program and confirms the exact day of your study stay at UCT Prague.

At most, three days before your departure, you can send us the Certificate of Attendance (i.e. Departure Confirmation), which you must present at your home university. If your university has its own form, please take the prefilled form when you visit the Department of International Relations / send it via e-mail to .

You can also use our form:  Download Certificate of Attendance

 It is important to inform the Department of International Relations about the EXACT date of your departure:

  • Date of arrival  - the first day can also be the student accesses activities, for example, enrollment, welcoming events, language and intercultural courses organised by the host institution.
  • Date of departure  - the previous day can also be the student accessing activities, for example, the end of the exam period, courses or mandatory attendance period.


Project Evaluation

If you worked on a Project A, B or C within your study exchange stay, please first ask your UCT Prague supervisor to fill out your Project Evaluation form and send the signed original via e-mail to

  Download Project Evaluation 

Note: You can receive the grade in SIS only after the Department of International Relations receive the Project Evaluation.


UCT Card

Remember to check the balance on your UCT Card, and if you still have funds available, remember to collect them at the respective office. The card can be returned to the Copy centre at UCT Prague.


Close your Bank Account

Close your bank account before leaving the Czech Republic sufficiently in advance before your departure. Contact your bank in person, over the phone, or through their online banking portal. Inform them of your intention to close your student bank account. Ask if any specific requirements or documents are needed for the closure process. Also, make sure that all outstanding transactions, such as pending deposits or withdrawals, are completed before initiating the account closure.


ChemTK Library

Make sure that you have returned all library books, materials, and items that you've borrowed. Check your account to ensure that there are no pending checkouts. If you have any overdue items, return them as soon as possible. Libraries often charge fines for late returns, so it's best to clear them before closing your account.

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At UCT Prague, we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, including our international student community. We understand that studying abroad can be both exciting and challenging, and we are dedicated to providing support and assistance to ensure a successful transition to university life.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 ◳ Photobank_Unsplash (jpg) → (originál)


Pre-Arrival Guidance

Even before you arrive on campus, the Department of International Relations is available to help you with pre-arrival preparations. We provide valuable information about visa application processes, housing options, pre-arrival information, and any other queries you may have.

UCT Prague prepared many useful guides that are designed to assist you in preparing for your arrival at our campus, offering essential information and resources to help you make the most of your academic journey:

Housing Handbook - a comprehensive guide about university dormitories; here, you will find everything you need to know about our dormitories, accommodation options and tips about living there.

Freshmen's Guide 2022 - 2023 will be updated soon; this guide is more suitable for full-time degree students; however, you can still find valuable information about studying at UCT Prague.

Czech Survival Guide - UCT Prague strive for an ever-increasing number of students and workers from abroad. For years we have come across funny, bizarre, and sad stories that stem from cultural misunderstandings or a simple lack of information. That is why the university put together a brochure to prevent these situations as much as possible. Please read on and find out what makes us Czechs slightly different from others, making your experience in the heart of Europe smoother.

The arrival guide for Exchange students - the Department of International Relations prepared an easy guide for upcoming exchange students where they can read basic information about their arrival obligations and study tips.

Living in Prague website - still actively updated; here on this website, in the section Living in Prague, you can find essential information regarding public transportation, medical care and more.


International Student Orientation

Upon arrival, you will be warmly welcomed to our university through a comprehensive orientation program. This orientation week is specifically tailored to address the needs of international students, helping them familiarise themselves with the campus, local culture, academic expectations, and support services available.

  For more information, please visit our webpage Arrival.


Language Support

For exchange students who are non-native English speakers, we offer Czech language courses to enhance their language skills, academic communication and living in Prague experience overall. 


Counselling Services

We recognise that moving to a new country and adapting to a different culture can be emotionally challenging. UCT Prague counselling services provide a confidential and supportive space for international students to discuss any concerns, homesickness, or personal issues they may be facing.

For more information, visit the Counseling and Career Center website of UCT Prague, where you can read more details about the support and assistance for students.

Psychological counselling

Psychological counselling is a safe place for anyone who needs free mental health help. If you are worried about problems that make it difficult for you to study, don't be afraid to contact us and find a suitable solution together with the psychologist. Whether you are in a crisis situation, dealing with long-distance family, personal problems or troubled by interpersonal relationships, we can find the right help for you.

Studying with specific needs

UCT Prague aims to address any barriers arising from your disability that might restrict you in your studies. University provides diagnostics, counselling and other services to compensate for your disability without compromising the quality of your studies (compensatory aids, extra time in exams, a different form of exams, etc.). Counselling and Career Center work with faculties and individual teachers on support measures. If you are interested in these services, please register. All services are free of charge.

The positive social environment at UCT Prague

UCT Prague is dedicated, over the long term, to fostering a cultural, fair, and friendly social environment. UCT Prague rejects all forms of behaviour that violate human dignity, including discrimination, aggression, bullying, intimidation, sexual violence, or other forms of oppression.

UCT Prague fully supports positive relationships in the university environment, including respect for others and a collegial, open, and balanced way of acting and communicating. UCT Prague’s academic community and employees respect and adhere to the Code of Ethics. University now offers a consultation and notification service for discussing incidents you perceive as running against UCT Prague's ethical principles. Such incidents include, for example, misunderstandings between superiors and subordinates, co-workers, academic and non-academic employees, employees and/or students at any level of study; interpersonal conflicts; ambiguities in faculty policies and/or procedures; humiliating behaviour; unfair treatment; bullying; sexualised behaviour (and so on) in educational, creative, and other university-related activities.

⇒ SafeTalk application (anonymously, if you wish) can be found here.


Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

ESN is a platform for international and domestic students to come together, exchange experiences, and build lasting friendships. ESN hosts social events, cultural gatherings, and outings to help you feel at home within our university community.

 ◳ ESN (png) → (originál)

ESN organises various cultural adjustment programs and events to help international students adjust to the new cultural environment. These activities allow them to meet other students, engage with the local community, and explore the country's rich cultural diversity.

  ESN also participates in the so-called Buddy programme for exchange students. A “BUDDY” is a primary contact person who provides information and guidance to you during your first weeks in the Czech Republic and, if the circumstances allow, during your stay. Our buddies are Czech students who usually have experience as exchange students abroad from the past. They will pick you up at the airport, show you the way to the dormitories and the university, and help you arrange your accommodation. They will help you get “started” and provide you “inside” information about student life in Prague, the UCT Prague university and Czech culture in general.

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At UCT Prague, we take pride in providing good quality services and facilities to create a positive environment for students, faculty, and staff. University support extends beyond the classroom, ensuring that everyone has access to the resources they need to succeed and thrive. Below, we present a brief overview of the key services and facilities we offer:


 Central Laboratories

UCT Prague Central Laboratories are located in building A and B and consist of the following laboratories:

Laboratories provide research backgrounds for students, professors, and research staff and are equipped with modern and top-level instrumentation. The laboratory staff is experienced in routine as well as specialised experiments.  The services of Central Laboratories are used for grants,  industrial applications, or student projects, as well as are offered to external customers (universities, private companies, and others).

Central Laboratories staff teach several courses, seminars, workshops, and others for members of the UCT Prague community. The courses include practical skills as well as spectra interpretation.


UCT Prague Press

The UCT Prague Press publishes several scientific books, textbooks, and other publications in Czech and English. You can use the online catalogue of publications and buy the books in a bookshop located at the Czech National Library of Technology.


Computer Rooms 

Computer rooms are located in building B. Use EMIL (Android | Apple) maps to find the rooms

  • Ground floor (opposite Respirium)
  • First floor, room B13
  • Basement, rooms BS4 and BS5

There are also computer labs for students in their faculty departments.

In case further assistance (wi-fi, password) is needed, please get in touch with the technical support of the Computer center: 


Copy Center

The Copy Center provides printing, copying and scanning services. The price of printing a black and white page is 0,9 CZK, and the cost of a colour page is 6,5 CZK. 

Where can you find it?

If you need to print a document, you can do so at the self-service printers located in the Copy Center in building B. To find the Copy Center; from the main entrance door in building B, you go to the right-side hallway, pass the Respirium, and continue to the first staircase. You will see a sign Kopírovací centrum at the column of the stairs. You need to go one floor down where you will find the Copy Center behind the grey door. 

The printers are connected to all computers in adjacent classrooms, the study room, and virtual classrooms.

  • Location: Building B, basement S82
  • Opening hours: Mon– Thu 8:00–16:00 |  Fri 8:00–15:00

Note: Printing requires inserting money on your ISIC / university card (done by the copy centre staff). Remember that there are separate "wallets" in your ISIC / university card, meaning that with the money put on the card in the Copy Center, you cannot pay in the canteens and vice-versa. 



Study Breaks

 At UCT Prague, we understand the importance of balance in academic life. University study breaks allow students to relax, recharge, and indulge in enjoyable activities during their demanding educational journey. 



AT UCT Prague, there are two dedicated study rooms called "Respiria" located in building B. Respirium is a relaxation zone and a popular meeting place for students, especially during breaks. You can study there, enjoy a chat with your friends, have a snack, or hang around and meet new friends.

Respirium I (on the picture below) ⇒ ground floor to the right of the main entrance. This room offers a microwave, kettle, sink, vending machines and a cloakroom for storing clothes and luggage. You can also buy school promotional items. There are regular board games, occasional concerts and orchestra rehearsals.

Respirium I is open:

  • during the semester from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (collecting items from the cloakroom until 6:30 p.m.)
  • during the exam period, the staff presence time may be reduced (always indicated on the door
  • during the holidays, the staff is not present, but the respirium is usually accessible

Note: access to the respirium may be restricted during planned events.

Respirium II (room B2302) ⇒ 1st floor, the entrance from Zikova street is smaller, cosier, and thus provides a place to rest and prepare for lectures in the newest part of building B. One floor above, you can find vending machines.

 ◳ Respirium (jpg) → (originál)


Club Carbon

Club Carbon is a non-smoking student café in the basement of building B designed to be a modern and friendly place to meet with fellow students and teachers. In addition to small snacks, good beer and coffee, Carbon regularly hosts PubQuiz and other social events. It's a tradition to celebrate passing the exams with your friends there. The club is the best place for strengthening contacts and friendships.

 ◳ Carbon (jpg) → (originál)


Canteens and Buffets

There are two university canteens on the campus. When using a university card / ISIC, students can get student discounts. 

·      Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům): Bílá 6, Prague 6

·      Blue Canteen (Technická menza): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Prague 6

For more information visit our webpage Campus and Student Life.

If you are hungry after the lecture, there is a buffet in both buildings A and B. You can buy baguettes, sandwiches, panini, toasts, salads, pastries, cookies, as well as coffee, soup and other drinks. They are open most of the day, and you can pay by cash or card. In building A, you will find a buffet named "U Miláčka" ⇒ ground floor, to the right of the main entrance. In building B, you can find the buffet right next to the main entrance before the turnstiles. In addition to refreshments, you can also buy forgotten small school supplies here. 

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Campus Dejvická is located in the Dejvice district, which is known for its vibrant student community and excellent transportation connections. It is home to several educational institutions (Czech Technical University, Charles University – Catholic Theologic Faculty), including our university, which is one of the country's leading institutions in the field of chemical and technological sciences.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

The University of Chemistry and Technology consists of 3 buildings (A, B, C) on the Dejvická campus in Prague 6. We recommend using the university application EMIL (Android | Apple) for better navigation for UCT Prague buildings.


Campus Dejvická

Campus Dejvická is situated in the heart of Prague, making it easily accessible by public transportation. The Dejvická metro station, which serves the A (green) line, is within walking distance from the campus. Trams and buses also stop nearby, allowing students to explore the city conveniently.

 Tip: You can join the Facebook and Instagram pages so you do not miss exciting events.

How to get to Campus Dejvická?

You can check the instruction on our webpage Contacts.

 ◳ Campus Dejvická (jpg) → (originál)


Library ChemTK

The UCT Prague Library, ChemTK, is housed in the National Library of Technology (NTK), opposite building A. You can register at the NTK registration desk on the library's ground floor with your valid ISIC/university card and national ID Card or passport. 


 ◳ National Technical Library (jpg) → (originál)


The UCT Prague Library was one of the first chemistry-oriented institutions in Europe to install the electronic version of Chemical Abstracts on its local network. This resource provides constantly updated information dating back more than 20 years. Beilstein's Handbuch and Gmelins Handbuch, which cover the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry from the very beginnings of scientific chemistry at the end of the eighteenth century up to the present day, are now available via the CrossFire database in practically every UCT Prague workplace.


It houses more than 100 000 volumes of books, handbooks, encyclopedias, periodicals, and other publications. With access to electronic sources, the UCT Library represents the most extensive chemical library in the Czech Republic and one of the largest libraries in Central Europe.


UCT Prague Press

The UCT Prague Press publishes several scientific books, textbooks, and other publications in Czech and English. You can use the online catalogue of publications and buy the books in a bookshop located at the National Library of Technology.



Where to eat/drink?

The simplest and swiftest choice for good and healthy meals among students is the canteens, also known as "menza." There is one canteen within the Volha dormitory and another two canteens on the university campus, a mere 5-minute stroll away from UCT Prague.

   Location of the canteens

  • Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům): Bílá 6, Prague 6; offers 6 meals every day, of which at least one is always vegetarian.
  • Blue Canteen (Technická menza): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Prague 6; offers a wider selection of desserts and snacks. It is popular and therefore busy at lunchtime - if you go in a large group, you probably won't be able to sit together. You can even have breakfast here between 7:30 and 10:00.
  • Volha Canteen: K Verneráku 45, Prague

How much do you need to pay?

To get the student discount on lunch, you must pay with your student card (you will get it at the university on Enrollment day), which you can charge with your money.  There are two options for how you can set your card:

  • Either in cash (!) directly in the canteen, where you inform the cash desk personnel that you would like to deposit the money on your ISIC/university card. They will put the money there, and then you can pay for the meal. In the Red and Blue canteens, you take the food from the food desk first and then go to the cash desk. In the Volha canteen, money is deposited on the cash desk on the left side of the food desk, and to choose the meal, you need to press the number of the meal on the display of the meals and pay with the student card first. Then you can take the meal from the food desk. 
  • You can use the “Strávník app” for the Red and Blue Canteen to check your account balance.

Otherwise, you can pay for your meal in cash or by credit card, but without a discount. The discounted price for students is approximately 80–130 CZK (3 – 5 EUR).

Working hours of the canteens
Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům) Mon–Thu  9:00–19:00
Fri 9:00–15:00
Blue Canteen (Technická menza) Mon–Fri 10:45–14:20
Volha Canteen Mon–Thu 11:00–19:00
Fri 11:00—14:30



  • You may meet a canteen personnel who does not speak English well, in such a case prepare the card and the amount of money you need to deposit and smile.
  • Most Czech traditional meals  are meat-based, with thick, often creamy sauces served with carb-dense sides such as dumplings or potatoes. However, there is usually some familiar food like spaghetti, fried cheese, or chicken meat.  You can find some vegan options in the Blue canteen. 
  • Eating Czech dumplings with a hand is a big no-no. :-)

 Short dictionary for easier canteen navigation:

Cash desk – Pokladna

Chicken meat – Kuřecí maso

Pork – Vepřové maso

Beef – Hovězí maso

Soup – Polévka

Rice – Rýže

Potatoes – Brambory

French fries – Hranolky

Sauce – Omáčka

I want to put money on my card. – Chci vložit peníze na svou kartu.



Cafe Prostoru

Across from Building A in the NTK building is Cafe Prostoru, where you can have coffee, soda, beer or something good to eat. This place offers many fun evening events and is very popular among students during their study breaks.

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Shadi Al-nahari, 2 semesters, Yemen

  In life we always have to take decisions. We may make some bad ones that we regret, but eventually we learn from them. We also may make some good ones that grant a lasting victory. One of the best decisions I have made is to join Erasmus+ program and spend a semester at UCT Prague. Everything was beyond my expectations considering all manners. Not only that I gained a new experience regarding my study field but also in all life aspects. I enjoyed the beauty of Prague, made new friends from all over the world, and attended countless activities. Being in the center of Europe helped me a lot to achieve one of my life goals which is to explore Europe. Most importantly, this experience led me to open my eyes to a wide range of opportunities and helped me to decide what to do next after completing my bachelor which is to join Erasmus Mundus Master program. Currently I am an Erasmus Mundus master student in Membrane engineering proceeding a master’s degree at four different European universities in different countries (UCT Prague is one of them). Now I am back to UCT Prague to enjoy another whole semester full of excitement and celebrating my decision that resulted in a lasting victory. 


 Aliye Hazal Koyuncu, 2 semesters, Turkey

   At first, I have to say these words about whole ESN members and staff from the international office - they were super friendly, super helpful and patient! I was a bit late for orientation week but they helped me a lot to meet new people, discover the university and sure to discover Prague. And it was really easy to be integrated.

And step by step, I started to have lots of friends from all over the world. I have established really valuable friendships (we still keep in touch) and saved so much memories with them. During my stay, the ESN club organized several cultural activities, trips, parties and so on…. Since Prague is located in the central Europe it is also easy to travel everywhere!

But after all, we worked hard as well. Teachers were always helpful and motivating which resulted in having fun while learning as well. I gained so much experience here while working in the laboratory. UCT Prague offers not only really good quality lessons but also practical experience! I had a bit more complicated year because when I decided to come here, it was my last year of Bachelor studies and I was about to graduate. With the help of the whole international office (like them <3) staff at UCT Prague, I was accepted for Master Degree in here at the Faculty Chemical Engineering.

 Right now, I am in my first year of Master Programme and working on nanotechnology in Laboratory of Chobotix (with perfect colleagues!!). Despite all these things, still I could not learn Czech language (yes it is really difficult) but may be in 10 years, why not? :D Prague is really charming city to be for your Erasmus Programme guys! Never doubt about to come here, there are so much opportunities and good people are waiting for you!  

Michiel Smets, winter semester, Belgium

 Why to go to UCT in Prague?! If you’re up for the adventure of your life, Prague is the place to be! It all starts with orientation week, when you will meet people from all over the world. Get to know who you’re living with in the dormitories, which are provided by the university. Living together really gives this Erasmus a whole other dimension. Classes are given in English by competent professors. They will always help you with any questions or problems you might have concerning the classes. If you’re lucky, you can even go drink a beer with them in one of Prague’s finest bars. Classes are alternated with trips in and outside the Czech Republic, organized by the Erasmus Club. Be sure to become a member! These trips are well organised and give you the opportunity to visit this amazing country. An additional benefit is that they tell you all the places you must visit during your stay. If you still don’t know where to go on Erasmus … Choose the UCT Prague. You won’t regret it!  

Anne-Laure Pons, winter semester, France

 This Erasmus in Prague has been a part of my life that I will never forget. I was living in the dorms, which helps a lot in getting to know other people. Indeed, I was sharing my room with one Finnish girl and sharing the flat with two Portuguese girls. So, it was really easy to be integrated. Moreover, I lived too many things in Prague. First, I loved sharing about the differences between each country; second, I met a lot of amazing friends that I’ll keep in touch for sure; third, I discovered a beautiful city where there is a lot of things to do every day (I haven’t been bored anytime for five months); fourth, I visited a lot of great cities around (Berlin, Vienne, Budapest, Krakow…) without wasting a lot of money (everything is really cheap); fifth, I had interesting courses that I would never have in my university in France; sixth, I improved my English much more than I was expecting and I could continue this list many times over … To conclude, I really enjoyed my life for these five months and the most difficult part is when you have to come back to real life. 

Fahad Muhammad, winter semester, Portugal

 Initially, I was uncertain whether UCT Prague would accept me, owing to my ethnic background (non-EU citizen), but being a full-time student of an EU University cleared all my misapprehensions—but it came with a price of unwavering support from the International Relations office of the university, which requires special attention here, as the level of service they delivered is worth mentioning. The university is more research oriented rather than professional (job-oriented in my personal opinion), so if one is seeking higher studies up until the doctorates level, then UCT Prague would be the start and the end of your search as it will mould your thoughts and concepts essentially needed for research graduates. The professors are admirable as they have a very deep understanding of the concepts and they speak a fairly decent English and you can have your doubts cleared beyond the usual study hours. UCT Prague is partnered with the NTK library, which is the oldest and largest of its kind in Czech Republic and the best part of it is its proximity to UCT Prague (in fact, within the campus). In academic terms, the university is indeed a very good one; the rest depends upon the student and how he/she would like to utilize the opportunities offered. I have travelled to various countries and places and, undoubtedly, Prague is the most beautiful place I have ever visited. Prague, the architectural marvel in my personal terms is a gateway to the East and the West of Europe—no wonder it is called as the ‘’Heart of Europe.’’ It is the cheapest and the most affordable metropolitan city in Central Europe, especially if one has to consider accommodation, food, and travel. The best aspect of Prague is, one is never a foreigner, because most people speak English, but astonishingly this fact is never acknowledged by the Czechs themselves since they feel they lack the ear for English. The quality of the dormitory of UCT Prague (Sazava) is left without any complaints. Life in the dormitory was a unique experience where one gets the opportunity to make new friends from various countries. It is not the ideal place for bookish/studious candidate as there isn’t a night (more or less) when there is no party going on. Again, it is the ideal for Erasmus students…so party all the time. Indeed, I can proudly state that it was the most beautiful period of my life, which broadened my horizons of thinking and learning beyond boundaries. In short, these few lines are never enough to share my wonderful experience, for these are just words, but in order to experience the level of joy, one has to personally feel it by enrolling in Erasmus. Go for Erasmus, mates, and experience the all new life you have in store in UCT Prague. 

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 66902 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/erasmus-student-experience [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [76873] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => UCT Prague Erasmus+ Factsheet [seo_title] => UCT Prague Erasmus+ Factsheet [seo_desc] => UCT Prague Erasmus+ Factsheet [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 76873 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange/erasmus-fact-sheet [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 59531 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/short-term-study-exchange [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59532] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Traineeship at UCT Prague [seo_title] => Traineeship at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Step into a world of discovery and innovation in chemistry and technology with traineeship opportunities at the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT) in Prague. Our university cooperates with various traineeship programs designed to immerse students in academic research and practical application. 

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 Welcome to our university's traineeship exchange programmes webpage for exchange students!

 ◳ UCT Prague (png) → (originál)

UCT Prague is a natural centre of first-rate study and research in the area of chemistry in the Czech republic and is one of the country's largest educational and research institutions focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies.

Our university presents international students with the opportunity to experience our lively academic community and immerse themselves in a new cultural and educational environment. At UCT Prague, students' passion for chemistry and technology can meet the limitless realm of practical experience thanks to our modern laboratories furnished with advanced and top-tier equipment. The laboratories at UCT Prague also serve as dynamic settings where students evolve into adept researchers, actively participating in significant projects that drive scientific progress.


 Notable Research

Currently UCT Prague boasts a number of excellent experts such as Jana Hajšlová, member of the EU Advisory Group “Food Quality and Safety”; František Štěpánek, who has been awarded an ERC grant; Martin Pumera, head of the excellent team for advanced functional nanorobots.

UCT Prague researchers were very successful within the European Community framework programme, HORIZON 2020, and are actively involved in developing many new research projects and collaborations.

Notable prior efforts include:

  • RECOBA, Assoc. Prof. Juraj Kosek, Cross-sectorial real-time sensing, advanced control and optimisation of batch processes saving energy and raw materials
  • PARTIAL-PGMs, Assoc. Prof. Petr Kočí, Development of novel, high Performance hybrid TWV/GPF Automotive afteR treatment systems by raTIonAL design: substitution of PGMs and Rare earth materials
  • SElySOs, Prof. Karel Bouzek, Development of new electrode materials and understanding of degradation mechanisms on Solid Oxide High Temperature Electrolysis Cells
  • SuPER-W, Prof. Pavel Jeníček, Assoc. Prof. Jan Bartáček, Sustainable Product, Energy and Resource Recovery from Wastewater
  • Food Quality Projects : FoodSmartphone, Smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety; MultiCoop, Multidisciplinary approach to strengthen cooperation and establish novel platform for comprehensive assessment of food and feed safety; AUTHENT-NET – Food Authenticity Research Network, Prof. Jana Hajšlová, Monika Tomaniová, PhD
  • Science education: SCICHALLENGE, Petr Holzhauser, MSc, Next generation science challenges using participatory techniques and digital media



Traineeship exchange program opportunities


UCT Prague is active in various exchange programs and offers opportunities for traineeships that can provide valuable experiences for students looking to gain international experience and practical knowledge in the chemistry field. Visit our webpage about the programmes overview so that you can learn in detail about them.



Erasmus+ is a European Union (EU) program that offers a range of opportunities for students, including traineeships, to gain international experience and enhance their skills. Erasmus+ traineeships provide students with the chance to undertake a work placement or internship in another European country.


Erasmus+ offers mobility and cooperation opportunities in

  • higher education
  • vocational education and training
  • school education (including early childhood education and care)
  • adult education
  • youth
  • and sport

Detailed information on these opportunities, including eligibility criteria, is available in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide.


The outcomes of Erasmus+ are available in reports and compendia of statistics, as well as through the Erasmus+ Projects Platform. This includes most of the initiatives funded by the programme and a selection of good practices and success stories.


Bilateral Agreement

In accordance with the university's strategic goals, UCT Prague actively participates in international initiatives which broaden and deepen cooperation in education and scientific research with both European and non-European partners.

The basic pillars of international activities are interinstitutional cooperation agreements, multiple and joint degree programmes with other universities, Erasmus+ and other international programmes exchange activities (both incoming and outgoing student and staff exchanges), and international scientific and research projects.

UCT Prague is interested in partnerships with well-respected institutions worldwide which share similar visions and values. The international cooperation is administered by the Department of International Relations in cooperation with the Department of Research and Development, both managed by the respective Vice-Rectors.

International Education Exchange Programmes

UCT Prague is actively involved in a number of student and staff exchange programmes:

  • ERASMUS+ (KA103, KA107)

 Besides, the University offers the students to enrol for studies in Master's and Doctoral double degree programmes with partner universities, and students might also use the programme free-mover for exchanges worldwide. More information on the traineeship and scholarship offer for students is available on the webpage Exchange Programmes Overview.

 UCT Prague cooperates and intensively supports activities of the university's international student organizations, such as ESN (Erasmus Student Network), which mainly assists international students in adapting to new study and life conditions in Prague.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [59549] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Contact (incoming) [seo_title] => Contact (incoming) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => logo [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

  Department of International Relations

The Department of International Relations is located in the Building B, Zikova street 4, Room B2309.

Office hours:

Mon: 13:30 - 15:30
Tue: 13:30 - 15:30
Wed: closed
Thu: 9:30 - 11:30
Fri: 9:30 - 11:30

To contact us, please write to this e-mail address: b - use this email only for questions related to short-term exchange studies.

  ◳ UCT_Zikova_entrance (jpg) → (originál)

Delivery address

University of Chemistry and Technology                 
International Relations Office
Adéla Habartová
Technická 5
160 00 Prague 6 – Dejvice, Czech republic

Faculty Coordinators

⇒ in case you want to ask about the possibility of applying for an internship at UCT Prague

Faculty of Chemical Technology


prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek

Faculty of Environmental Technology


Doc. Ing. David Kubička, Ph.D. MBA.

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology


Ing. Monika Tomaniová, Ph.D.  

Faculty of Chemical Engineering


Ing. Pavel Hrnčiřík, Ph.D

Campus Dejvická

 The main campus of UCT Prague is located northwest of the Dejvická metro station, at Vítězné náměstí in Prague 6 - Dejvice

There are three buildings:

  • Building A – Technická 5 – further from the metro station, opposite the National Technical Library
  • Building B – Technical 3 – closer to the metro station
  • Building C – Studentská 6
  • From 2021, the university is also located in Prague 7 - Holešovice (School Of Business): Jankovcova 23 - near the Maniny tram stop

Visitors can only enter the buildings through the main entrances. The main entrances to buildings A and B are located on Technická street. The Department of International Relations, as well as the Dean's offices, are located in building B, with the closest entrance being on Zikova street

  When going to Enrollment Day or to the classes on the first day, we strongly recommend using the school EMIL application which will help you find your way to the class. 

 ◳ Mapa campusu (jpg) → (originál)


How to get to UCT Prague?


 From the airport:
We recommend using public transportation when going from the airport Letiště Václava Havla to the city as it is the cheapest and easiest option. See this instructional video on how to get from the airport by bus and metro.
Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). Take a bus no. 119 to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station. From there take a metro to Dejvická station - line A (green) - direction to Depo Hostivař station. The whole ride from the airport to Dejvice where UCT Prague is located takes approx. 20-25 minutes.
 From the dormitory (Sázava and Volha)

Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). Take a bus from the Volha bus stop to Chodov station and from there take a metro C (red) – direction Letňany. When you arrive to Muzeum station, here change to metro route A (green) direction Nemocnice Motol to Dejvická station.

How to get to dormitory?


When going from the airport to the dormitories, you will use the same direction as when going to the university. 

Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case that you do not have a long term pass yet). In front of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2, get on board bus 119 and ride to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station. After getting off the bus go inside the metro station, and catch a metro train in the direction to Depo Hostivař station. Ride to station Muzeum station and change lines - from line A (green) to line C (red) - and take the metro C to the Chodov station. At Chodov, there is a large shopping center just right above the metro station, therefore, you can do some after-arrival shopping if needed. After getting out of the metro, catch bus 177 and ride to the bus stop Volha. From there, dormitories are 3 minutes of walk away.

It will take about 40-50 minutes to get from the airport to the dormitories. 

  For more information regarding public transportation in Prague, please visit our webpage Public Transportation.  

Don’t forget to buy a ticket for public transport. You can do so by purchasing the ticket in a machine at the bus stop at the airport, or by buying the ticket in the PID Litacka application (we recommend using this app as you can also find the timetables of the public transportation there.)

 ◳ Metro Linka A (png) → (originál)    

                                                                                         (Click on the image)

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59549 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/contact-incoming [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66855] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => CEEPUS at UCT Prague [seo_title] => CEEPUS at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies and is a multilateral university exchange program. CEEPUS is based on lean management. The highest-ranking decision making CEEPUS body is the Joint Committee of Ministers that meets once a year and takes all strategic decisions. There are 15 member states who joined the current CEEPUS III agreement, each member state has a National CEEPUS Office. See list of National CEEPUS Offices.


 ◳ CEEPUS_LOGO (jpg) → (originál)

CEEPUS is an exchange programme that awards scholarships to students, who are citizens of the member countries, are studying at a CEEPUS network university and would like to go for a study exchange at another CEEPUS network university.

CEEPUS offers network mobilities and freemover mobilities. Network mobility is a mobility between universities which are part of the same CEEPUS network. List of currently registered CEEPUS networks is available hereFreemover applications are for students who would like to do exchange in the member countries but on a university which is not in the same networks as their home university. First the network scholarships are awarded, then for the summer semester, if there is still funding, freemover round is opened.


Who can apply?

  • Citizens of member countries (Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Prishtina/Kosovo) or students with “equal status” (e.g. residency in the member country)
  • Students from CEEPUS network universities
  • Students of Bachelor, Master and PhD
  • Students who finished at least 2 semesters of a regular course of studies by the time they are being exchanged
  • Students from network universities (winter semester and summer semester) or freemovers (summer semester)

 ◳ CEEPUS (png) → (originál)

Students can arrive to UCT Prague for a traineeship or to study courses. Bachelor and Master students can apply for exchange stay of 3-10 months. Shorter exchange stays are only allowed for students working on their thesis. The students can get scholarship for maximum 10 months per cycle.


Application process

To study at UCT Prague with CEEPUS grant, you should apply both for CEEPUS scholarship and to UCT Prague.

  • Contact your home university and your National CEEPUS Office to find out about the application process for the scholarship
  • Find a supervisor at UCT Prague for your traineeship OR Ask your university to nominate you for a semester of study stay (courses)
  • Submit application documents to UCT Prague either STUDY STAY or TRAINEESHIP according to the type of mobility you planning to do



CEEPUS deadlines:

  • Winter semester: June 15th
  • Summer semester: October 31st
  • Summer semester – Freemover: November 30th

UCT Prague deadlines:

  • Winter semester or whole academic year: June 30th
  • Summer semester: November 30th
  • In case of traineeships the deadlines can be moved upon agreement.

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66855 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/ceepus-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66854] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => AKTION at UCT Prague [seo_title] => AKTION at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

LOGO-AKTION-05 (výška 215px)


The AKTION Programme outlines bilateral co-operation between the Czech Republic and Austria in the field of science and education and fosters implementation of joint research projects and academic exchanges between institutions of higher education in both countries.

The programme includes scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers as well as project funding. Austrian students can apply for Aktion scholarships to finance their study stay / traineeship in the Czech Republic.

  • Aktion is administered by OeAD (Österreichische Austauschdienst) in Austria and DZS (Centre for International Cooperation in Education) in the Czech Republic.

There are several scholarship opportunities within this programme every year – the application process and deadlines depend on the chosen scholarship. The application for the scholarship is handled directly by Aktion, students have to apply to UCT Prague as well. If you were awarded an Aktion scholarship and are planning to spend the traineeship at UCT Prague please contact the Department of International Relations to get more information about the administrative process.

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 66854 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/aktion-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66852] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service [seo_title] => DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => mikroskop [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Students from Germany have the possibility to apply for a scholarship via Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

The organisation offers funding possibilities for both study stays and traineeships. You can search among over 200 scholarship programmes.

The application process depends on the kind of scholarship you are applying to. Application for a scholarship is handled directly by DAAD.

Application to UCT Prague is handled by Department of International Relations – application documents depend on the kind of exchange that you will be applying to (study stay, traineeship or research stay), so it is advised to contact us for more details once you have decided which scholarship you would like to get.

DAAD: German Academic Exchange Service

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66852 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/daad-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66850] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => A.T.H.E.N.S. courses at UCT Prague [seo_title] => A.T.H.E.N.S. courses at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~MzAwMI2PDzYzyA8ONvYOcTao9E0PdQQA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

ATHENS or Advanced Technology Higher Education Network, is an international programme started in 1997. Universities participating in this programme organize week-long intensive courses in technological fields. The courses are held twice a year (March and November), language of instruction being English, French or Spanish. The courses consist of approximately 30 hours of lectures, seminars and excursions, they are complemented by 12-15 hours of cultural programme so that the participants will also learn about the culture and environment of the host country.

UCT Prague is part of this programme together with Czech Technical University. We organize two Athens courses in November and one course in March - language of instruction is always English. More information about our courses can be found on this page. 

Applications are possible via official ATHENS website. (Our courses are listed together with the Czech Technical University's courses.)



Course coordinator: Prof. Aleš Procházka

Date: each year in november

Short description: 

The main goal of the course is to:

(1) present selected mathematical and algorithmic structures in MATLAB environment used for signal analysis and processing,

(2) study fundamentals of discrete Fourier transform and its properties in connection with signal and image analysis and discretization,

(3) analyse principles of digital filtering in the time (FIR, IIR) and frequency domains for signal de-noising and image enhancement,

(4) discuss selected mathematical methods of signal analysis and to present fundamentals of wavelet transform in signal decomposition, modification and reconstruction with applications,

(5) summarize basic principles of signal modelling in its prediction using both linear and nonlinear methods including neural networks,

(6) present selected applications of signal processing in environmental engineering, biomedical signal and image processsing and energy consumption data prediction 


  ◳ ATHENS (jpg) → (originál)



Course coordinator: Dr. Pavla Šmejkalová

Date: each year in November

Short description: 

The main goals of the course are to summarize basic principles of environmental technology in water and wastewater treatment, water and soil contamination removal and solid waste treatment, to study the fundamentals of biochemical transformations of pollutants, to discuss economical, energetical and social aspects of environmental protection, analyse the main problems of environmental protection in the Czech Republic and EU and to present selected technological methods used in environmental protection.


Fotografie0495 (šířka 450px)



Course coordinator: Ing. Martin Člupek, Ph.D.

Date: each year in March

Short description: The main goal of  the course is to provide an introduction to practical application of infrared and Raman spectroscopy, microscopy and nanoscopy.

[submenuno] => 1 [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66850 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/athens-at-uct [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66851] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Visegrad Fund [seo_title] => Visegrad Fund [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>


[ikona] => banka [obrazek] => 0001~~MzAwMIyP97YoLg7JNigLzq70Cqks8ws2yQuoDI0PyDKI9_YONXBzdAQA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 ◳ Visegrad Fund (jpg) → (originál)

The International Visegrad Fund was founded in 2000 by the Czech Republic, Hungary, the Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic, also known as Visegrad Group (V4) countries. The purpose of the fund is to promote closer cooperation in the V4 region and between the region and other countries (especially Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions).

The scholarships are available for students from Visegrad countries (intra-visegrad scholarships) and for students from Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine).


Application process

Scholarship applications are collected once a year – before 31 January. The application process and administration is being handled by the Visegrad Fund. UCT Prague can assist with acceptance letter and working plan, which are part of the application. For more information follow the main website of the Visegrad Fund.


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Welcome to our FAQ section for exchange study programmes! Here, we have compiled some of the most common questions asked by students interested in participating in exchange programs at UCT Prague. If you have any additional inquiries, feel free to reach out to us directly: 


1. May I participate in the Erasmus+ programme if I study in a non-EU country?

The Erasmus+ programme is designed for students studying in a Programme Country: member states of the EU and third countries associated with the Programme: North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey. For more information, check Erasmus + Programme Guide created by European Commission which you can find here.

Important: Students can conduct an Erasmus+ exchange at UCT Prague if their home university has signed a bilateral agreement with UCT Prague. Please ask your home university's Erasmus+ coordinator for details.


2. What is the tuition fee for Erasmus+ exchange? 

As an Erasmus+ student, your tuition fee is waived. You do not have to pay any tuition fees to UCT Prague. This also applies to students who want to study here under an exchange program other than Erasmus+, including those who want to apply for a freemover programme.


3. What is the language of instruction for exchange students?

All courses listed in the Erasmus+ course catalogues are taught in English.


4. Do I need English Language Certification for my study exchange application process?

Yes, all exchange applicants are obliged, as part of their application process, to provide a confirmation to the Department of International Relations. It must confirm their English level that corresponds with the minimum B2 level (CEFR)


5. What if I am not sure my language qualifications will be recognised? 

Please contact the Department of International Relations.


6. How many credits should I take?

 As an exchange student, you are required to obtain min. 20 ECTS/ semester.


7. What courses can I choose? 

  • Bachelor's Students (Undergraduate Students): You can opt for courses designed for undergraduate students in the Course Catalogue. 
  • Master's Students (Graduate Students): You can choose courses from both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Course Catalogue. 

Note: if you combine undergraduate and graduate courses, some subjects might overlap in your schedule,  and thus Learning Agreement changes will be required.


8. I am a Bachelor's Student; can I enroll in Master's courses?

Only exceptionally, with previous permission from the Department of International Relations. Master's courses assume certain previous knowledge of subjects described in the syllabus of individual courses, under the title, Entry Requirements. Please read the syllabus of your chosen courses carefully.


9. If I am an applicant for the study exchange programme, may I also choose courses which are not listed in Course Catalogue?

Only exceptionally, with previous permission from the Department of International Relations. If you would like to study in the Czech language, discuss your request for courses in Czech with the Department of International Relations in advance.


10. I would like to do an internship/work on a final project at UCT Prague. What is the procedure?

First, it is important to send us your:

  • Motivation letter including your area of interest/topic of your research/laboratory experience/scientific background
  • CV
  • Transcript of Records (academic results from your previous university studies)

We can then start to search for your supervisor.  Please check how to apply for the internship here.

Note: internship might be done within the Erasmus+ programme or within any other programme at the applicant's home university.

Will I receive financial support for my internship from UCT Prague?

No, UCT Prague does not provide any financial aid to interns.


11. Are the originals of my application forms requested?

All documents will be submitted by e-mail; therefore, no original forms are necessary. Only Double degree students might be asked to bring officially approved copies or originals of their application documents.


12. I have submitted my application; when should I receive the decision? 

Application decisions are made only with complete applications, usually within four weeks of applying. Applications that are not complete or do not provide all the required documents/information will be delayed.


13. I have been accepted for Erasmus+/traineeship at UCT Prague. When should I arrive?

All exchange students are expected to arrive in Prague for the start of Orientation Week, which is an excellent opportunity to get important information about studies at UCT Prague (Enrollment Day), and it is also a pleasant introduction to life in Prague.

Please see the Academic Calendar to learn when the Orientation Week starts. Trainees' arrival and the start of their internship depend on their previous agreement with their UCT Prague supervisor.

14. I have been admitted, but I cannot participate in Enrollment Day and start my studies on time. What can I do?

Please inform the Department of International Relations sufficiently in advance, explaining the reason for your delayed arrival. Having missed Enrollment Day, your official enrolment will be completed individually after your arrival at UCT Prague upon agreement with the Department of International Relations. UCT Prague might excuse your absence in classes for max. of 14 days after the semester starts.


15. When is the Orientation Week? When do classes start? When are exams over? When are vacations?

Please see UCT Prague's Academic Calendar, Study-related Information and Arrival webpages for more information.

Note: Orientation Week normally starts one week before the beginning of the academic year.


16. I am an applicant from a Non-EU country and need a visa. What is the procedure?

The whole procedure is explained on the Visa webpage. Read all the information very carefully there as the visa process is a very long procedure.


17. Will I get accommodation at the University?

Exchange students can apply for student accommodation in the UCT Prague Halls of Residence, which so far has managed to offer accommodation to all UCT Prague international students applying to date.

The Application for Accommodation should be sent to the Halls of Residence accommodation office ( by the given application deadline.

Note: UCT Prague Halls of Residence offer accommodation for international students only in double roomsmore info here.


18. I have submitted my application for accommodation. When will I learn if my accommodation application has been accepted? 

Halls of Residence accommodation office will notify you by email approximately 14 days before your arrival, informing you in which residence you will be staying.


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Details of short-term study exchange programmes:



Erasmus+ is a comprehensive programme that supports education, training, youth, and sports activities in Europe. The programme offers students, staff, and organizations various opportunities to participate in mobility projects and develop partnerships across the European continent.

Through our Erasmus+ Exchange Programme, students can study or work at partner universities, institutions, or organizations across Europe.

 ◳ Eramus+ (jpg) → (originál)


The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience is commonly known as IAESTE. It is an international, non-profit organization with a mission to connect science, engineering, technology, and applied arts students with paid, course-related professional internships abroad. Founded in 1948, IAESTE has since grown to encompass over 90 member countries, making it one of the world's largest and oldest student exchange organizations. IAESTE serves 3500+ students, 3000 employers, and 1000 academic institutions through career-focused professional internships abroad, social and intercultural reception programmes, international networking, and other worldwide career and employer branding activities.

 ◳ IAESTE (jpg) → (originál)


CEEPUS (click for more info)

CEEPUS is the short form for Central European Exchange Program for University Studies. CEEPUS is an academic exchange program established in 1994, comprising Central and Eastern European countries. It aims to promote the exchange of students and academic staff in various fields, encourage joint research activities, and strengthen regional cooperation in higher education. CEEPUS network includes universities and institutions from a range of Central and Eastern European countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and other participating countries. 

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ATHENS (click for more info)

The ATHENS Programme is an academic exchange network that brings together universities and students from various European countries. Founded in 1991, ATHENS aims to promote intercultural dialogue, foster academic collaboration, and enhance students' personal and professional growth through transcontinental mobility. The ATHENS Programme is aimed at carrying out intensive specialization courses, given at each member institution during one or two defined periods ("Sessions") of the academic year (November and March), enabling students to attend one of the courses offered by the network universities during 7 days. 

 ◳ Athens banner (png) → (originál)


Visegrad fund (click for more info)

The Fund is an international donor organization established in 2000 by the governments of the Visegrad Group countries—Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia—to promote regional cooperation in the Visegrad region (V4) as well as between the V4 region and other countries, especially in the Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership regions.

 ◳ Visegrad Fund (png) → (originál)


AKTION Austria - Czech republic (click for more info)

The AKTION Programme is an academic exchange initiative facilitating mobility between Austrian and Czech universities. Established as part of the Austrian-Czech Intergovernmental Agreement, AKTION aims to strengthen educational ties and encourage academic collaboration between the two countries. 

The programme offers scholarships for the preparation of final theses (master's or dissertation) for students; research stays for doctoral students or academics, scholarships for the preparation of habilitation for postdoctoral students and scholarships for participation in summer language schools.

AKTION also financially supports cooperation projects with themes of bilateral or regional interest and the aim of long-term cooperation. These activities include, e.g. summer colleges, joint scientific seminars and workshops, scientific excursions for students, professional schools, and research stays to acquire scientific background. It also supports the publication of outputs from completed projects and supports the preparatory phase for double degree programmes.

 ◳ AKTION (png) → (originál)



Students from Germany have the possibility to apply for a scholarship via Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD). The organisation offers funding possibilities for both study stays and traineeships. You can search among over 200 scholarship programmes.

The application process depends on the kind of scholarship you are applying to. Application for a scholarship is handled directly by DAAD. The Department of International Relations handles applications to UCT Prague – application documents depend on the kind of exchange that you will be applying to, so it is advised to contact us for more details once you have decided which scholarship you would like to get.


Free mover

The Freemover Exchange Programme allows students to independently arrange their study abroad experience at a university of their choosing, regardless of whether our university has an established exchange agreement with that institution. This programme is ideal for students seeking specific academic programs and unique cultural experiences or who wish to explore countries not covered by formal exchange partnerships.

While the Freemover Exchange Programme offers flexibility, it requires careful planning and research to ensure a successful and fulfilling experience.

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Applying for an exchange traineeship at UCT Prague involves several steps. UCT Prague, also known as the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, is a natural centre of first-rate study and research in the area of chemistry in the Czech republic and is one of the country's largest educational and research institutions focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies. Below is a detailed guide on how to apply for an exchange study at UCT Prague.

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[ikona] => svet [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


Following the steps for applying for a study traineeship at UCT Prague is crucial for a successful registration. It is essential to read the below instruction; any problems or concerns should be discussed with the Department of International Relations: 


There are three steps in applying for a traineeship at UCT Prague:

  1. Contacting the Department of International Relations UCT Prague
  2. Finding a supervisor
  3. Submitting application documents 

Only students who fulfill all 3 steps will be accepted for a traineeship.


 Contacting the Department of International Relations UCT Prague

If you are interested in applying for the study internship at UCT Prague, contact the Department of International Relations UCT Prague via this e-mail: 

It is also possible to send us a nomination. The nominations for traineeships shall be sent by the sending institution email to: 

Requests for traineeships are accepted during the whole academic year.

Type of exchange programmes

You can apply for various programmes that support study traineeship at your university. For inspiration, you can check our overview of exchange programmes.

Each programmes has its own rules for applying and for financing. For example, Erasmus+ traineeship has a minimum length of 2 months.

Please note:

  • Your primary source for applying for exchange programmes should be your university.
  • UCT Prague is NOT providing any financial payment or insurance to trainees during their traineeship, therefore It is the student´s responsibility to fund their stay in the Czech republic and provide us with a confirmation of the health and liability insurance.


 Finding a supervisor

You can find below links to our faculties’ websites together with contact information for faculty Erasmus+ Coordinators. On the websites, you can find information about the faculty’s departments and their current research. After you will choose a faculty and topic for your research, please contact the faculty’s coordinator, who can help you find a suitable supervisor.

In your e-mail to the faculty coordinator or potential supervisor, there is space to introduce yourself and present your experiences and background. Please state how long traineeship you would like to take, describe what area you are interested in, etc. The following attachments should be included:

  • CV
  • Transcript of records
  • Motivational letter for the specific laboratory/research topic

After you will have a supervisor, the Department of International Relations ( should receive a written confirmation from him/her (by e-mail), that you are accepted for a traineeship and at which dates.


For those who would be interested in the project or internship in the Faculty of Environmental Technology, we suggest checking the offer from the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering - their infosheet provides you with all the necessary information for the application process - the task description, literature, requirements, etc.

  • To find out more and apply, send your CV and cover letter to Ing. Vojtěch Kouba, Ph.D.:


ERASMUS+ Faculty Coordinators

Faculty of Chemical Technology

prof. Dr. Ing. Karel Bouzek

Faculty of Environmental Technology

Doc. Ing. David Kubička, Ph.D. MBA.

Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

Ing. Monika Tomaniová, Ph.D.  

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

Ing. Pavel Hrnčiřík, Ph.D


 Application Procedure

After your nomination/confirmation from UCT supervisor, the Department of International Relations will send you an informative e-mail explaining how to start the registration process for traineeship exchange at UCT Prague.

All completed, scanned, and mailed/uploaded application materials must be sent to To be successfully accepted to study at UCT Prague, students must follow the deadlines below:

Note: It is highly recommended to begin the application process as soon as possible. The Non-EU students need to ensure they have enough time to complete our application process and start the visa process.

Information regarding the visa process can be found here:


UCT Prague no longer accepts original paper forms, as scans and electronically signed copies are sufficient. The application process requires gathering various documents. Here is the application documents checklist:


1) Student Application Form

The form is used for registration in the university's internal system; therefore, it is necessary to obtain your personal data. The Student Application Form is online, and you will get the link when we receive the official nomination from your university. Please ensure that you fill in the data accurately - for example, your first and last name must be filled in and identical according to your passport/ID card, and the format of your date of birth should be dd/mm/yyyy.


2) Learning Agreement for Traineeship

The Learning Agreement for Traineeship is a formal document designed to outline the details and objectives of an international student's traineeship experience. It serves as a mutual agreement between the student, the home university (or sending institution), and the host university (or receiving institution), and potentially the receiving organization's supervisor. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure clarity, transparency, and accountability throughout the traineeship period.

What you need to watch out for (click for details) ​
  • Fill in your personal and university details correctly. Then fill in the name of our university in the Receiving Institution section, you can leave the faculty section blank, but then it is necessary to add Erasmus Code: CZ PRAHA01, university address: Technická 5, Prague 6 - Dejvice, contact person as follows: Adéla Habartová, International Relations Coordinator,  ; the same goes for your UCT supervisor. 
  • In Table A, you must fill in together with your UCT supervisor your traineeship plan at UCT Prague. 
  • In Table C, all the section should be crossed with answer NO as UCT Prague do not provide any financial suppport or insurance.

Duration and Timing

The start and end dates of the traineeship  must be clearly defined. This ensures that both the student and UCT Prague are on the same page regarding the duration of the experience. Inform yourself with your uniersity about your responsibilitis and the minimum lengths for your traineeship. For example, with Erasmus programme tryinee must stay abroad minimum 60 days to have a valid agreement and obtain full scholarship!

Download Learning Agreement


3) Proof of English Language Skills

UCT Prague requires that you have a good command of English to study successfully here, and you will need to provide us with proof of your English language skills.

Non-Native English Speakers: The minimum requirement is level B1, preferably B2 and above, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Recognised Certificates that UCT Prague accept are:

  • Cambridge ESOL: minimum PET/FCE
  • TOEFL iBT: minimum score 80
  • IELTS: minimum band score 5.0

Except the Cambridge ESOL, we only accept certificates for up to 3 years. Other Acceptable Formats (if you do not have any internationally-recognised certificate):

  • Online Linguistic Support Certificate
  • Certificate issued by a language center in the sending institution (accepted only if it confirms the minimum language skills level B1-B2)
  • Certificate issued by a language school (accepted only if it confirms the minimum language skills level B1-B2)
  • > Confirmation of language knowledge confirmed by a language center or a language school in case the student does not have any of the official documents mentioned above

Native English Speakers: Students whose mother tongue is English or who fully study in English at their home university are exempted from this obligation.

 From Academic Year 2024/2025, we will accept only B2 English level.


4) Medical Assessment Form

Work in the laboratories involves direct contact with chemicals that might endanger the student's health and put other persons' health in danger. For this reason, the  Medical Assessment of Fitness To Study at UCT Prague is requested. The exception is for students who will study only courses from the School of Business. 

5) Transcript of Records

Providing the Transcript of Records for a study exchange is of utmost importance, as it serves as comprehensive and official documentation of your academic achievements in your university. PhD students will provide confirmation of their PhD studies.

7) Scan of your passport/ ID

Please provide us with your passport or ID card so that we can confirm your personal data. For Non-EU students who are studying in Europe, it is also essential to send their residence card as well.

8) Confirmation of Health insurance and Liability insurance

Trainees needs both a Confirmation of Health Insurance and Liability Insurance* for various reasons, as these forms of insurance provide important protection and coverage during their time abroad.  A copy of your insurance will be requested by the Deparment of International Relations.

*Liability insurance provides coverage for any accidental damage or harm caused by the insured person to others or their property.

 Learning Agreement, Confirmation of Language Knowledge, and Transcript of Records forms must be officially confirmed by the respective representatives.


     Application Documents Submission

    The application documents should be sent by email to ⇒ please send scans of signed documents in .pdf or picture format. If it is required by the sending institution, the original documents shall be first sent by e-mail, then hard copies shall be sent to:

    b Address

    University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague
    Department of International Relations
    Adéla Habartová
    Technická 5
    166 28 Prague 6
    Czech Republic

    The documents will be signed and sent back to your home institution’s postal address.


    Note for Students from Non-EU Countries

    You will receive a Letter of Acceptance in the Czech language from us, which you must submit as part of your application for a student visa. Since it may take up to 60 days to process your visa application from the first visit to the Embassy (for more information, please get in touch with the Czech embassy nearest you), application forms should be sent to UCT Prague at least one month before the application deadline.

    UCT Prague can only issue a Letter of Acceptance after signing Learning Agreement.

    Information regarding the visa process can be found here:


     Starting and finishing the traineeship

    Once you are accepted for a traineeship, it is only possible to cancel the traineeship in exceptional cases (good reason should be provided, it has to be announced enough time in advance). This is because our laboratories are reserving the place for you (other applicants might be rejected, reservations for instruments are done, coworkers are registered for you etc.) which makes it very complicated for us to cancel the planned traineeships at the last minute.

    Traineeships can start at any time during the academic year, based on the agreement between you and your UCT supervisor.

    The trainees should visit the Department of International Relations after their arrival and before their departure (earliest 3 days before departure).

    Before arrival (click for more info)

    Before your arrival, send an e-mail to IR Department and set a meeting. During your visit to the IR Department, you will be asked to sign the documents above. Also, you will receive a login and password, so you can use wi-fi at UCT Prague and log into the university e-mail as well.

    Before departure (click for more info)

    • Bring any confirmation/certificate of your departure to the IR Department to sign it.
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      Quick Menu:

    [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


    In order to be allowed to live in the Czech Republic for study purposes, Non-EU exchange trainees must apply for a short-term (Schengen) visa for study in the Czech Republic If they want to stay for less than 90 days. Applications must be submitted to the Czech Embassy or Consulate in the respective country. If you are unsure whether you need a visa to stay in the Czech Republic, please consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country or the embassy of the Czech Republic nearest to you. 

    IMPORTANT: Non-EU citizens who have residency in another EU state do not need to apply for a short-term visa because it is allowed to stay in the Czech Republic under 90 days.

    The following is a step-by-step explanation of the visa process. Please make sure to follow provided information before you apply for a visa.

     ◳ Passport (jpg) → (originál)

     Who needs to apply for the visa?

    • Nationals living outside of the Schengen Area.*
    • National is a citizen of a state that is not in a visa-free regime/ have not a bilateral visa exemption agreement**

    * List of Schengen countries:
    Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland

    Note: Other EU or EEA Member States, i.e. BulgariaIrelandCyprusRomania and Great Britainare not members of the Schengen area.

    ** States whose citizens are exempt from the visa requirement for travel to the Schengen Area: here, visit the webpage Visa Free Regime and Bilateral visa exemption agreements.


    How long can I stay in the Czech republic with a short-term visa?

    While gathering all the documents, you must remember that a short-term stay is a stay of a maximum of 90 days during any 180-day period, which means a period of 180 days immediately preceding each day of stay (note: the length of stay is calculated according to the entry and exit stamps entered into the relevant travel document at the border-crossing point).

    Make sure your visa's validity refers to the period during which a visa, a legal document that allows a person to enter and stay in a specific country for a designated period, is considered valid and can be used for travel. The validity of a visa is determined by the dates specified on the visa sticker or in the visa approval documentation. For example, suppose a visa has a validity period of six months from January 1st to June 30th. In that case, it means that the visa holder can use that visa to enter the country at any time between January 1st and June 30th. Once the visa's validity period expires, the holder can no longer use it for entry.

    It is important to note that the validity of a visa is distinct from the duration of stay allowed by the visa. The duration of stay specifies how long the visa holder is permitted to remain in the country after each entry. It is essential to adhere to both the visa's validity dates and the allowed duration of stay to avoid any immigration issues.

    IMPORTANT: This is important to know when planning your internship, especially under the Erasmus programme! The minimum length of the Erasmus traineeship is 60 days, so plan your dates accordingly and ensure that you have enough period of your short-term stay in your passport. If not, your Erasmus traineeship will be invalid as before exceeding this max. permitted period, you must leave the Schengen Area. Third-country nationals are not allowed to enter again until they satisfy the stipulated conditions, i.e., they do not breach the rule of maximum duration of short-term stay (90/180).

     ◳ Schengen visa_Period (png) → (originál)

    We recommend using the "Schengen calculator", a useful tool for checking that you are not breaking this rule (to redirect to the European Commission website, please click on this link)

    Your stay is also governed by other requirements of the granted visa, such as:

    • number of entries (a visa for one, two or more entries), 
    • territorial validity (a visa for the entire Schengen Area or a visa with a so-called limited territorial validity for selected Member States),

    A visa granted by a Schengen country allows you to enter all the Schengen countries.  



     Applying for the visa appointment

    The applicants must schedule the appointment as UCT Prague has no authority to process visa applications or approve visa appointments with the Czech Embassy in other countries. The International Relations Department UCT Prague usually advises students to apply for a visa appointment as soon as they receive an acceptance letter (or signed Learning Agreement). For many students, it can take several weeks for appointments to be made!


    Gathering all documents 

    To apply for a short-term visa (visa for study purposes), among other documents, you must obtain three original documents (physical copies) from UCT Prague. You may request the documents after your application procedure is finished and confirmed. 

     Which documents can UCT Prague issue for you? 

          1.  Document the purpose of the stay 
          2.  Letter of Acceptance 
          3.  Proof of accommodation (ONLY IN CASE you are staying at UCT dormitories) 

    What should you provide? 

    Please contact the Department of International Relations ( and send: 

          • copy/scan of your passport 
          • information at which embassy you will apply for a visa (name of the city)
          • information if you will be staying at UCT Prague dormitories

    IMPORTANT: There may be variations depending on the country where you are applying for your visa, and additional documents may be required. Therefore, your primary source for obtaining the right and accurate information is the embassy´s website or the official website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech republic. 

      Here is the general list of the documents that you need to obtain for the visa (click on the link to learn more about the specific document):

    Applications are admissible (i.e. they can be accepted and processed) only if they confirm to ALL of the following: contain a valid passport, application form, photo and fingerprints, are submitted within six months at the earliest and 15 days at the latest ahead of the trip, and visa fee has been paid.


    Delivery of the documents 

    You must submit all the documents in paper form. To receive documents from UCT Prague, students need to contact the Department of International Relations ( after they receive confirmation that the documents are ready to be sent. 

    Students have two options: 

          1.  use regular delivery – UCT Prague will prepare and register the delivery. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks to receive the documents (it can be even more, depending on the country); students do not have to pay for the service. 
          2.  use DHL – Students must visit the DHL website and create an order for delivery. It will take approximately less than a week to obtain the documents safely; students pay for the express delivery service. 
            We recommend choosing express DHL delivery, as getting the documents as quickly and safely as possible is crucial. From our experience, it is the best way to obtain the documents without problems. If students’ visa requests are not approved on time, UCT Prague reserves the right to cancel their traineeship. 



     The Visa Appointment 

     For the visa appointment, please pay attention to the information the Czech Embassy will communicate. Consulates schedule their appointments mostly by e-mail or phone – refer to consulate websites for guidance.

    Schengen visa applications can be submitted six months at the earliest and 15 days at the latest ahead of the trip. Applications are lodged in person. An interview is held, and fingerprints are collected.  After applying for your visa,  applications are decided within 15 days after the consulate accepts the application. Exceptionally, the review period may be extended to a maximum of 45 days when further examination, consultation or verification is needed. The consulate will inform the applicant if this happens. As mentioned above, we have no authority with the Czech embassy in other countries

    Do not overlook:

          • Supporting documents may not be older than 180 days, with the exception of a passport and photo (if reflecting current appearance).
          • Supporting documents must be submitted in Czech. Documents in another language must also be submitted in official translation into Czech.
          • The following documents must always be submitted in their originalspassport and supporting documents on purpose of stay (in this case, acceptance letter or other similar confirmation). These originals will be returned to the applicant should they wish to keep them. The passport is always returned to the applicant and is submitted again when issuing the visa.
          • Other supporting documents may be submitted as originals or officially verified copies.
          • We kindly request that applicants also prepare a set of copies of all the requirements.
          • A long-term visa for the purpose of studies is issued for a period that is demonstrated with the confirmation of studies, however, not longer than 1 year.
          • Submit only complete applications containing all the documents ⇒ incomplete applications cannot be processed. Insufficient application processing must be suspended until the applicant adds the missing documents. This prolongs the overall processing!

    IMPORTANT:  Make sure to arrive at the appointment at the embassy on time! Not arriving at the appointment at all or being late will result in postponing the process of obtaining the visa. In some cases, you may not be given another time slot to visit the Embassy, which will result in the impossibility of arriving in the Czech Republic on time for your traineeship!

     Communication with the embassy

          • Kindly note that UCT Prague cannot legally help you with the visa appointment at the embassies; this is your responsibility. You are also responsible for collecting all the required documents.
          • Please check the embassy website and follow their instructions and requirements. Note that the requirements vary from country to country; make sure to have the correct information related to your citizenship.
          • Please remember that UCT Prague cannot communicate with the embassy or Ministry of Interior on your behalf. Information about your visa status is confidential and cannot be provided to UCT Prague. We understand that waiting for the embassy to contact you might be stressful, but note that embassies are extremely busy during the summer. Once the visa is ready to be collected, you will be contacted.
          • UCT Prague provides no assistance or invitation letter for your friends/partners/family members. In such a case, you shall follow the instructions on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the respective embassy of the Czech Republic.



      Arrival in Prague

    The Department of International Relations UCT Prague can accompany you on your way to apply for a visa and provide information. Once you have arrived in the Czech Republic, we will gladly provide additional information regarding registration at the Foreign Police or visa extension. 

    Third-country nationals are obliged to register their accommodation address in the Czech Republic with the nearest Foreign police department within 3 working days of entering the Czech Republic if it has not been done by the accommodation provider (e.g. Hall of residence - dormitory). When performing their obligations, the third-country national must present a valid travel document and a completed registration form (available at the office). During the performance of registration obligations, the police are entitled to demand the presentation of a travel insurance certificate. More information here



     Visa Extension 

    For trainees, extending the short-term visa is impossible; therefore, you must be sure your dates of traineeship are accurate. Once you get the visa, you cannot change the number of your short-term stay in the Czech republic.

    Schengen visas can be extended only in exceptional situations: for example, providing proof of force majeure or humanitarian reasons/proof of serious personal reasons preventing them from leaving the Schengen Area before the expiry of the visa validity or the stay duration authorised by the visa. Such situations are assessed by the Foreign Police, which extends the Schengen visa if it finds the conditions mentioned above have been fulfilled – the total duration of stay may not exceed 90 days (i.e. the maximum duration of a short-term Schengen visa). 

    [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72777 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/72777 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66196] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Long-Term Visa (traineeship) [seo_title] => Long-Term Visa (traineeship) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

      Quick Menu:

    [ikona] => dokument-1 [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


    In order to be allowed to live in the Czech Republic for study purposes, Non-EU exchange trainees must apply for a long-term visa for the purpose of study in the Czech Republic If they want to stay for more that 90 days. Applications must be submitted to the Czech Embassy or Consulate in the respective country. If you are unsure whether you need a visa to stay in the Czech Republic, please consult the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country or the embassy of the Czech Republic nearest to you. 

    IMPORTANT: Non-EU citizens who have residency in another EU state still need to apply for a long-term visa in case they are staying longer than 90 days.

    The following is a step-by-step explanation of the visa process. Please make sure to follow provided information before you apply for a visa.

      ◳ Passport (jpg) → (originál)

     Who needs to apply for the visa?

    • Thirds Country Nationals living outside or in the EU.*
    •  A third-country national is a citizen of a state that is not a member of the EU nor a citizen of Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway or Switzerland.


    The EU Member States are Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, Poland, Austria, Rumania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

    Note: Citizens of the United Kingdom are also considered as Visa students.

    Non-EU students who are already studying and living in the EU (holders of residency card for study purposes) can apply for an appointment for the visa in the Czech republic or at the Czech regional visa centre in Dresden. These students should first consult their visa application with the Department of International Relations.


     Applying for the visa appointment

    The appointment must be scheduled by the applicants as UCT Prague has no authority to process visa applications or approve visa appointments with the Czech Embassy in other countries. The International Relations Department UCT Prague usually advises students to apply for a visa appointment as soon as they receive an acceptance letter (or signed Learning Agreement). For many students, it can take several weeks for appointments to be made!


    Gathering all documents 

    To apply for a long-term visa (visa for study purposes), among other documents, you must obtain three original documents (physical copies) from UCT Prague. You may request the documents after your application procedure is finished and confirmed. 

     Which documents can UCT Prague issue for you? 

          1.  Document the purpose of stay 
          2.  Letter of Acceptance 
          3.  Proof of accommodation (ONLY IN CASE you are staying at UCT dormitories) 

    What should you provide? 

    Please contact the Department of International Relations ( and send: 

          • copy/scan of your passport 
          • information at which embassy you will apply for a visa (name of the city)
          • information if you will be staying at UCT Prague dormitories

    IMPORTANT: There may be variations depending on the country where you are applying for your visa, and additional documents may be required. Therefore, your primary source for obtaining the right and accurate information is the embassy´s website or the official website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech republic. 

      Here is the general list of the documents that you need to obtain for the visa:

    PURPOSE OF STAY – most frequently acceptance letter or similar confirmation


    FINANCIAL MEANS – OR proof that the student disposes of the financial amount that would constitute real housing expenses OR proof that all the costs will be covered by a third party (state institution, legal person or hosting organisation) – for example, a stipend OR grant

          • PARENTAL CONSENT (minors)
          • FEE
          • TRAVEL MEDICAL INSURANCE* – only if visa approved, not when applying; foreign nationals must take out travel medical insurance for their stay in the Czech Republic. When picking up your visa, submit an officially verified translation of the insurance policy and general conditions into Czech to prove that you possess such insurance and to what extent. Upon request, do submit the proof of payment for the insurance.

    * As a result of being parties to the International Treaty on Cooperation in the Area of Health and Social Security, medical travel insurance is not required from citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cuba, Japan, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, and Serbia. The same exception applies to participants of the Erasmus Mundus program, Fulbright scholarship program, European Voluntary Service of the EC Youth in Action programme, as well as holders of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by another EU member state and a GHIC card issued by the UK.


    Delivery of the documents 

    You must submit all the documents in paper form. To receive documents from UCT Prague, students need to contact the Department of International Relations ( after they receive confirmation that the documents are ready to be sent. 

    Students have two options: 

          1.  use regular delivery – UCT Prague will prepare and register the delivery. It will take approximately 3-4 weeks to receive the documents (it can be even more, depending on the country); students do not have to pay for the service. 
          1.  use DHL – Students need to visit the DHL website and create an order for delivery. It will take approximately less than a week to obtain the documents safely; students pay for the express delivery service. 
            We recommend choosing express DHL delivery, as getting the documents as quickly and safely as possible is crucial. From our experience, it is the best way to obtain the documents without any problems. If students’ visa requests are not approved on time, UCT Prague reserves the right to cancel their traineeship. 


     The Visa Appointment 

     For the visa appointment, please pay attention to the information the Czech Embassy will communicate. Consulates schedule their own appointments, mostly by e-mail or phone – refer to consulate websites for guidance.

    Applications are lodged in person. An interview is held and fingerprints are collected.  After applying for your visa, it can take up to 60 days from your first visit to the Embassy until you receive a response. If you have not been contacted or have no news after these 60 days, you can contact us by email. As mentioned above, we have no authority with the Czech embassy in other countries

    Do not overlook:

          • Supporting documents may not be older than 180 days, with the exception of a passport and photo (if reflecting current appearance).
          • Supporting documents must be submitted in Czech. Documents in another language must also be submitted in official translation into Czech.
          • The following documents must always be submitted in their originalspassport and supporting documents on purpose of stay (in this case, acceptance letter or other similar confirmation). These originals will be returned to the applicant should they wish to keep them. The passport is always returned to the applicant and is submitted again when issuing the visa.
          • Other supporting documents may be submitted as originals or officially verified copies.
          • We kindly request that applicants also prepare a set of copies of all the requirements.
          • A long-term visa for the purpose of studies is issued for a period that is demonstrated with the confirmation of studies, however, not longer than 1 year.
          • Submit only complete applications containing all the documents ⇒ incomplete applications cannot be processed. Insufficient application processing must be suspended until the applicant adds the missing documents. This prolongs the overall processing!

     After the appointment, wait for the decision. The legal processing time for a long-term visa for the study is 60 days.

    IMPORTANT:  Make sure to arrive at the appointment at the embassy on time! Not arriving at the appointment at all or being late will result in postponing the process of obtaining the visa. In some cases, you may not be given another time slot to visit the Embassy, which will result in the impossibility to arrive in the Czech Republic on time for your traineesship!

     Communication with the embassy

          • Kindly note that UCT Prague cannot legally help you with the visa appointment at the embassies; this is a responsibility of yours. You are also responsible for collecting all the required documents.
          • Please check the embassy website and follow their instructions and requirements. Note that the requirements vary from country to country; make sure to have the correct information related to your citizenship.
          • Please bear in mind that UCT Prague cannot communicate with the embassy or Ministry of Interior on your behalf. Information about your visa status is confidential and cannot be provided to UCT Prague. We understand that it might be stressful to wait for the embassy to contact you, but note that embassies are extremely busy during the summer. Once the visa is ready to be collected, you will be contacted.
          • UCT Prague provides no assistance or invitation letter for your friends/partners/family members. In such a case, you shall follow the instructions on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and the respective embassy of the Czech Republic.


      Arrival in Prague

    The Department of International Relations UCT Prague can accompany you on your way to apply for a visa and provide information. Once you have arrived in the Czech Republic, we will gladly provide additional information regarding registration at the Foreign Police or visa extension. 

    Third-country nationals are obliged to register their accommodation address in the Czech Republic with the nearest foreign police department within 3 working days of entering the Czech Republic if it has not been done by the accommodation provider (e.g. Hall of residence - dormitory). When performing their obligations, the third-country national must present a valid travel document and a completed registration form (available at the office). During the performance of registration obligations, the police are entitled to demand the presentation of a travel insurance certificate. More information here


     Visa Extension 

    Exchange students who want to extend their traineeship at UCT Prague must apply for an extension of their long-term visa. The extension can be done in the Czech republic by visiting the MOI  - Office of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy at Hládkov:

      MOI office Praha

    Responsibility for foreign university students with residence in the Capital City of Prague and the Praha-Západ and Praha-Východ districts

    Hládkov 682/9, 169 00 Praha III

    Praha 6 - Střešovice

    Tel.: 974 801 801

    Opening hours: 

          • Mo till Th: 8.00 - 16.00 (only for clients with an appointment)
          • Fr: 8.00 - 12.00 (only for clients with an appointment)

     ◳ OAMP Hládkov 6829 (png) → (originál)

    IMPORTANT: Check the online reservation where you can apply for the appointment! Ministry of Interior offers the applicant the closest term for an appointment possible. It needs to be checked whether offered term falls within the time limit prescribed by the law for the respective legal act (i.e. for submission of the application).

    The necessary documents and information that you need regarding the extension can be found here. UCT Prague will issue the confirmation of the prolongation of traineeship. If you are staying at the dormitories, the Halls of Residence accommodation will issue the accommodation proof.

    Note: the visa extension is only possible upon discussion with the Department of International Relations.

    [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66196 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/visa-non-EU-students [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66191] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Accommodation for Trainees [seo_title] => Accommodation for Trainees [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

    UCT Prague offers limited accommodation options in dormitories Volha and Sázava, located in the southern part of Prague near the metro station Chodov. 


      • Sázava dormitory: Chemická (Ekonomická) 952, 148 28 Praha 4 – Kunratice 
      • Volha dormitory: K Verneráku 950, 148 28 Praha 4 – Kunratice 


    Sázava Dormitory 

    • Mainly apartments which include 2 rooms, each with 2–3 beds + kitchen + bathroom and toilet  
    • A limited number of single rooms with a bathroom 
    • The shared laundry room is located on the ground floor of the dormitory 
    • Fitness centre with a gym, fitness zone, and table tennis 

    Volha Dormitory 

    • Mainly apartments which include 2 rooms, each with 2–3 beds + bathroom and toilet  
    • A limited number of single rooms with a bathroom 
    • Each floor is equipped with a shared kitchen 
    • Laundry rooms located on the 1., 4., 7. and 11. floor 

    Note: The kitchens are not equipped with any kitchen utensils; students bring their own pots and plates if they are going to cook in the kitchen.  

    The price for accommodation in the dormitories ranges from 3 780 to 6 400 CZK per month. 


    How to Get to the Dormitories From the Airport 

    When going from the airport Letiště Václava Havla to the dormitories, you will use the same direction as when going to the university. 

    Buy the ticket for 40 CZK (in case you do not have a long-term pass yet). In front of Terminal 1 or Terminal 2, get on board bus 119 and ride to Nádraží Veleslavín metro station. After getting off the bus, go inside the metro station and catch a metro train in the direction of Depo Hostivař station. Ride to station Muzeum station and change lines - from line A (green) to line C (red) - and take the metro C to the Chodov station. At Chodov, there is a large shopping centre just right above the metro station; therefore, you can do some after-arrival shopping if needed. After getting out of the metro, catch bus 177 and ride to the bus stop in Volha. From there, dormitories are 3 minutes of walk away.

    It will take about 40-50 minutes to get from the airport to the dormitories. 

      For more information regarding public transportation in Prague, please visit our webpage Public Transportation.  

    Don’t forget to buy a ticket for public transport. You can do so by purchasing the ticket in a machine at the bus stop at the airport or by accepting the ticket in the PID Litacka application (we recommend using this app as you can also find the timetables of the public transportation there.)



     How to Apply for Accommodation in the Dormitories 

    Once the supervisor confirms the traineeship, the exchange trainees will receive from an admission officer an e-mail with information on how to register at UCT Prague, including information about the dormitory accommodation option. 

    The steps required for applying for dormitory accommodation are as follows:

    1. Read provided information here

    2. If you wish to stay at the dormitories, inform the Department of International Relations immediately:  and confirm that you would like to stay at the dormitories + give the approx. date of your arrival and departure. We will send a notice to the dormitory office beforehand. It is important to remember that the Department of International Relations is not directly involved with dormitory accommodation; therefore, you need mainly communicate with the dormitory office!

    3. Download the application form and send the document directly to the dormitory office: (put in a copy, so we know you applied for it). Further communication is then directed between the student and the dormitory officer.

    4. Wait for confirmation from the dormitory office.

    IMPORTANT: The sooner you apply for the dormitory, the better because the capacity is limited, especially in September and October.


    Academic Year 2023/2024 

    Trainees must send their       Application for Accommodation for the winter semester to the Halls of Residence accommodation office ( as soon as possible. 


    The room allocation 

    You will be contacted by a dormitory officer who will inform you about which room has been assigned. Your request for a specific type of room might not be met because of the limited capacity of the dormitories.  



    When you arrive, you will need to visit the reception of the assigned dormitory, identify yourself with your passport, and the receptionist will provide you with documents, a room key, and bed linen. The documents must be signed and handed over to a dormitory officer (in the Student Accommodation office). Should you arrive on the weekend, you will be given the documents and must visit the Student Accommodation office on Monday morning.   

    Note: Once you arrive in the dormitory, you must pay an administrative fee of 400 CZK and a refundable deposit of 5000 CZK. The fee may be paid in cash in Czech currency or by card (Visa or Mastercard).  

    When you visit the Department of International Relations for the final registration, you will be provided with login information into the dormitories system ISKAM. In the ISKAM system, you will see your monthly expenses (accommodation fee, laundry fee, gym fee...), and you can also report any malfunctions in the room. 

    Bed Linen 

    Each bed is equipped with a pillow and a duvet. When you register, you will be given bed linen (1x pillowcase, 1x duvet cover) and a fitted sheet. The fitted sheet shall be put on the mattress. The pillow shall be placed inside the pillowcase, and the duvet shall be placed inside the duvet cover.  

    We advise changing the bed linen and the fitted sheet for hygiene reasons optimally once a week. You can get a clean bed lined in the bedding storeroom or the manager's office of your dormitory.  

    Wi-Fi in the Dormitories  

    In the dormitories and buildings of the university, there is Wi-Fi "vscht" available in all areas, to which students log in using the same login details as they have for the (university e-mail).  In addition, in the dormitories, there are two unlimited Wi-Fi, "volha" and "sazava", which all students can access after providing their phone number at check-in to the dormitories. An SMS with a password is sent to their phone after the check-in. 


    Dormitory website 

    Detailed information about the dormitories and a price list is to be found on the official website of the dormitories here. 



    Students can have breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner in the Residence Volha canteen. 

    There are also two canteens on the university campus Dejvická close to UCT Prague: 

    • Menza Studentský dům ("Red canteen"): Bílá 6, Praha 6 
    • Technická Menza ("Blue canteen"): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Praha 6 

    UCT Student Card holders can purchase meals in these canteens with a student discount. 

    Read more about canteens here. 



     Off-Campus Living

    If you wish to stay closer to the university and prefer privacy, you can search for a private flat. When looking for a flat in Prague, be careful about the fake offers. We highly suggest not paying anything before seeing the flat and signing a contract. We recommend reading articles about the issues, e.g. here or here.

    Note 1: You must register your residence at the Foreign Police (Non-EU nationals within 3 days from the arrival to the Czech Republic; EU nationals within 30 days). See the guide at the bottom of this page. 

    Note 2: You have to take the accommodation contract with you to the Foreign Police Office; therefore, make sure that the person who signed the accommodation contract is a legal apartment owner! 

    International students living in the dormitories do not need to register their arrival to the Czech Republic at the Foreign Police; the dormitories take care of this. 


    Tips for accommodation

    UCT Prague does not collaborate with any of the listed accommodation providers; therefore, the room quality cannot be guaranteed.

    Click for some tips (Please note that the capacities might be limited):

    Belgicka Apartments - Vinohrady, Prague 2

    - Commuting: 15 minutes by metro (direct connection, no transfer)

    - Prices from 9750 CZK / 400 EUR (monthly) 

    The Fizz Holešovice, Prague 7

    - Commuting: 25 minutes by tram or metro (with transfer)

    Students House Botic - K Botiči 1349/5, Praha 10

    - Commuting: 40 minutes by tram or metro (with transfer)

    - Prices from 9000 CZK / 375 EUR (monthly)

    Student Republic - various locations

    - Commuting: all locations are in the city centre - around 20 minutes by metro or tram 

    - Prices from 9000 CZK / 375 EUR (monthly)

    Prague Residential - Prague 2

    - Commuting:  20 minutes by metro or tram (direct connection, no transfer)

    Zeitraum - various locations

    - Commuting:  20 minutes by metro or tram (direct connection, no transfer)

    TVM Tower - Praha 12

    - Commuting:  40 minutes by metro or tram (with transfer)

    - Prices from 375 EUR

    Accommodation search engines :

    Student Room Flat

    Expats in Prague

    Erasmus in Prague

    For Students


    [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 66191 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/66191 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_galerie_velka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59555] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Before Arrival (traineeship) [seo_title] => Before Arrival (traineeship) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => info [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

    The Department of International Relations will send students an informative e-mail and ask them to set a meeting with the Department of International Relations and UCT supervisor. 


     Acceptance and Documentation

    You are officially accepted for traineeship once your Learning agreement is fully signed. Before you arrive, check If you sent all the requested documents to the Department of International Relations and you applied for accommodation in Prague.


    Confirmation of Acceptance

    A Letter of Acceptance will be sent to the International Relations Office at your university upon request. If you decide to withdraw from the study exchange programme for any reason, please inform the UCT Prague Department of International Relations – as soon as possible.


    Confirmation of Accommodation

    If you have applied for a room in the UCT Residence Halls, you will be informed via e-mail about the status of your application approximately 2-4 weeks before your arrival.

    As for the private accommodation, make sure that your accommodation is valid. Be aware of scammer and false advertisements! We highly suggest not paying anything before actually seeing the flat and signing a contract. We recommend reading articles about the issues, e.g. here or here.


    Notice of Arrival

    The Department of International Relations asks you to confirm the exact date of your arrival and set a meeting for the final registration.


      Student Visa

      Non-EU students will have to apply for a student visa. Gather all necessary documents for your student visa, including your acceptance letter, passport, proof of sufficient funds, and any other required documents.

      Applications must be submitted to the Czech Embassy or Consulate in the respective country. More information is available here.

      Information regarding the visa process can be found here:


       Pre-Arrival Checklist

      Before arriving in the Czech Republic as an international student, there are several pre-arrival obligations and tasks you need to complete to ensure a smooth transition and a successful start to your academic journey.


      Health and Liability Insurance

      As an international student in the Czech Republic, you must have health insurance coverage for the duration of your stay. The type of health insurance you need depends on your nationality and specific circumstances. 

      • EU Countries: You can use your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) if you are from an EU country. This entitles you to have free emergency healthcare here in Prague. We suggest you ask your health insurance company which covers medical care, and if necessary, to take out an additional policy in case of injury, serious illness, etc. More information is available here.
      • Non-EU Countries: Students from non-EU countries will submit proof of health/travel medical insurance as a part of their visa application to the respective Czech Embassy/Consulate. More information is available here.

      Liability insurance provides coverage for any accidental damage or harm caused by the insured person to others or their property. A copy of your insurance will be requested by the Deparment of International Relations.


      Medical History

      We recommend that you fill the Medical History form before you arrive in the Czech Republic and have it with you in case you will need to visit the UCT Prague doctor during your study stay at UCT Prague.


      Travel Arrangements

      Book your flight tickets well in advance to secure the best deals and to ensure you arrive in time.


      Cost of Living in Prague

      The official currency of the Czech Republic is the Česká Koruna ( Czech Crown, CZK). We suggest familiarise yourself with the exchange rates and always check the current rate before you exchange money. The cost of living in Prague can vary based on personal lifestyle choices, but overall, it is considered more affordable compared to other major European cities.

      Studying abroad in the Czech Republic can be a rewarding experience, but it is essential to manage your finances wisely to ensure a smooth and enjoyable stay.  You can use this website to compare Prague prices with those in your hometown. For more information, please visit Cost of Living in Prague here. (will be updated soon)


      Public Transportation

      Prague has an extensive public transport network rated as one of Europe's best and most reliable. Thanks to public transport, you can reach even the most remote corners of the metropolis quickly and easily.

      • You can use the underground (metro), trams, buses or suburban trains, i.e. public transport (MHD) to travel around Prague. All traffic information, latest news, schedules and travel rules are on the  ebsite of the Prague Public Transit (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy – DPP).

      For more information, visit the Public Transportation webpage, where you can learn about the fares (prices), schedules, travel card etc.

      How to get to UCT Prague/dormitory?

      On the Contact webpage, you will find information regarding the campus address of the Dejvice section, UCT Prague and how to get from the airport to the university in the dormitory.


       Do not also forget... 


      Contact your Supervisor for your project.

      If you have been accepted for project work under the supervision of one of UCT's professors, you are expected to contact them before you arrive. You will inform him/her about your arrival and arrange your first meeting.  For more information, please visit the Course Catalogue webpage.


      Learn about the Erasmus Student Network club

      ESN UCT Prague is a student club run by students at UCT Prague. Its primary purpose is to care for international students who come to study at UCT Prague. Check their webpage for more information, including valuable tips on what you should do before arrival and also about student life in the Czech Republic:


      Request a Buddy

      You might be interested in having a "buddy" (i.e. student volunteer acting as a contact person). Buddies can help you get settled in your new hometown and assist you in several situations; for example, they can pick you up at the airport, accompany you to your residence, show you around the city, and more.

      The Buddy Program is very popular among our international students, so please do not hesitate to apply for your "buddy"  at least three weeks prior to your arrival.

       Buddy is a volunteer programme organised by ESN; it is entirely free.

      [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59555 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/before-arrival-incoming-traineeship [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59557] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Arrival (traineeship) [seo_title] => Arrival (traineeship) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

        Quick Menu:

      [ikona] => info [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>



      After being accepted for a traineeship at UCT Prague and signing Learning Agreement, you will receive an email about the final registration from the International Relations Department (usually 2-3 weeks before your arrival).

      It is only possible to cancel the traineeship in exceptional cases (good reason should be provided, it has to be announced enough time in advance). This is because our laboratories are reserving the place for you (other applicants might be rejected, reservations for instruments are done, coworkers are registered for you etc.), which makes it very complicated for us to cancel the planned traineeships at the last minute.

      Traineeships can start at any time during the academic year, based on the agreement between you and your UCT supervisor. The trainee must visit the Department of International Relations after their arrival. The visit after the arrival is to confirm their arrival and to activate the trainee's account.

       Try to avoid coming for an internship in September and mid-October in case your only option for housing is dormitories. During this period, the dormitory has very limited capacity!

       ◳ Studying at UCT Prague (jpg) → (originál)


      Before final registration with the IR department

      Via email, the International Relations Department will send you information explaining how to get to UCT Prague and what is required from you. The department will also ask you to read the registration documents (the documents will be attached). You must read them since you will be asked to sign them once you arrive.

      • Personal Information Policy 
      • Initial Training – Safety and Health Protection 
      • Regulations for Using Computers 


       Download the School App EMIL (Android | Apple)

      EMIL is a UCT university app specially developed for students. It has several features which will be helpful for you throughout the whole course of your studies. 

       You can use EMIL especially for: 

      • Map of study rooms and laboratories (use it for finding the room where the Enrollment takes place)
      • Schedule of your classes 
      • Real-time notifications related to your studies (e.g. exam results, cancellation of classes...)
      • Menus in canteens
      • Contact details of professors and university staff 

      Note: you can log in there after you receive your login credentials during the Enrollment day.


        Download Guide for Exchange Students

      To help you orientate yourself, we prepared a simple guideline with essential information regarding your study at UCT Prague. The policy can download here. (will be updated soon)



      A dormitory officer will contact you to let you know which room has been assigned to you and information on when you can move into dormitories.

      When you arrive, please visit the reception of the assigned dormitory, identify yourself with your passport, and the receptionist will provide you with documents, a room key, and bed linen. The documents must be signed and handed over to a dormitory officer (in the Student Accommodation office). If you arrive on the weekend, you will be given the documents and must visit the Student Accommodation office on Monday morning.  

        Kindly note that upon your arrival, you must also pay an administrative fee of 400 CZK and a refundable deposit of 5000 CZK. The fee may be paid in cash in Czech currency or by card (Visa or Mastercard). 

      Find detailed information about the accommodation in dormitories here.


       Set a meeting

      Before you arrive, you must set a meeting with your supervisor and with the Department of International Relations. It is important that you need to know when and where to meet and If it is necessary to prepare some documentation (ask your university as well).

      Check our webpage Contacts, where you can learn how to get to UCT Prague.

       Pre-arrival tips:


      First day at UCT Prague

       During your first day at UCT Prague, your supervisor and the Department of International Relations will help you register and explain the structure of the university, including the campus Dejvická. 

      The final registration with the Department of International Relations is mandatory. If you cannot visit the department for a serious reason, you must contact them and set a new date for the meeting.

        Address of UCT Prague:

      Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze (UCT Prague)
      Technická 3, Prague 6 – Dejvice (Building B)

       ◳ UCT Prague_s názvem (jpg) → (originál)

      Considering the day's hectic schedule, we recommend carrying water and a light snack with you. 

      Bring with you:

      • Pen
      • Passport / ID Card
      • Cash of 300 CZK if you want to purchase an ISIC card (payment by card is not possible)
      • Water and small refreshments
      • Prefilled arrival certificate if necessary

      The International Relations Department will contact you with details and explain when and where to meet. 


      Arrival Certificate/Confirmation of Arrival

      Bring printed certificates/confirmations of arrival that your university might request. We will stamp and sign them for you, but only if prefilled! If you can, fill in your name, in the section for signature, prefill the name of your coordinator: Adéla Habartová, position: International Relations Coordinator, etc. 

      The form may request a signature from your supervisor as well. In that case, give the document to your supervisor to confirm and send us a copy scan.

      Please check with your university about what documents they will need. It is also possible to send the form by email to, and once electronically signed, you will receive it again by email.  


      UCT Student Card

      On your first day, you will be asked to visit our Card Center – Kartové Centrum (building B). 

      Prepare to show your ID card and fill in some form. Please bring your pen! The person in the Card Center will ask you if you want ISIC (international student card) or a university student card. ISIC costs 300 CZK and can be issued for students under 26. With ISIC, you get discounts in several shops, and you can also use ISIC to claim your student discount for public transportation in the PID Lítačka app. The university student card is free and is also sufficient.

      • Enter all three UCT buildings
      • Use university computers
      • Pay for the photocopies
      • Purchase meals in canteens with a student discount


      Login and Password

      The Department of International Relations will provide you with a login and password for accessing the university email and UCT computer network in the UCT Copy Centre.

      Before using it, please change your given password according to the rules.

      • Password to UCT Prague Computer Network – read the document at the bottom of this page! 


      Meet new people

      ESN is a platform for international and domestic students to come together, exchange experiences, and build lasting friendships. ESN hosts social events, cultural gatherings, and outings to help you feel at home within our university community.

       ◳ ESN (png) → (originál)

      ESN organises various cultural adjustment programs and events to help international students adjust to the new cultural environment. These activities allow them to meet other students, engage with the local community, and explore the country's rich cultural diversity.

      If it is possible, the Department of International Relations will provide you with a link to join a particular WhatsApp group for international students!


      Join the official UCT Prague Facebook Group. 

      You can follow the official UCT Prague Facebook page here: 
      Most information on this page will be provided in the Czech language; however, it can be easily translated, and the page serves as a perfect overview of what is happening at the university. 


      Arrival Obligation

      When you arrive in the Czech Republic, you must familiarise yourself with the following obligations. Do not forget!


      Foreign Police Reporting Duty

      EU and Non-EU students Living in Residence Halls

      Registration of your stay in the Czech Republic at the Czech Foreign Police is unnecessary if you stay in the Volha or Sázava residence halls; the residence halls will register on your behalf.

      Students in Private Residences

      If you are an EU student and will not live in Volha or Sázava, you must register at the Foreign Police office within 30 days of your arrival if your stay in the Czech Republic exceeds 30 days.

      Non-EU Students in Private Residences

      All non-EU students who do not live in Volha or Sázava must register at the Czech Foreign Police within three days of arrival.


      Registration of European Health Insurance Card

      Students from an EU country must register their national public health insurance (EHIC blue card) with a Czech health insurance company - VZP is recommended as the largest health care provider in the Czech Republic with the highest number of cooperating doctors. After showing the EHIC card or  confirmation that substitutes the card, the health insurance company will immediately issue a registration document with a registration number from a Czech health insurance company. Later, if you need to see a doctor, take this document along with the EHIC card.

      Students from Turkey need to take to the VZP office the paper they have from their Health insurance provider in Turkey and register it as well.


      Public Transport Pass

      Under 26

      If you are under 26, you might qualify for a public transport student discount. The Department of International Relations may prepare the confirmation of your student status upon request. If you have a buddy, they can pick up your confirmation before you arrive in Prague. Then you can go ahead and arrange your travel pass directly after you arrive in Prague with your buddy's help. In addition to the confirmation, you'll need a photograph and the amount of money. After obtaining an ISIC card at UCT Prague, you may purchase your ticket online via PID Lítačka with a student discount.

      26 and older

      If you are 26 and older, you must buy a traffic pass for the total price. A student discount is not available.


      Student life at UCT Prague

      At UCT Prague, we take pride in providing good quality services and facilities to create a positive environment for students, faculty, and staff.

      • Check our webpage UCT Services Facilities, where we present a brief overview of the key services and facilities - study breakrooms, copy and card centre, places where to eat and relax, etc.
      • Check our webpage Campus and Student Life, where you will find information regarding Campus Dejvická, library NTK or canteens.                   

      [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59557 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/arrival-incoming-traineeship [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59559] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Before Departure (traineeship) [seo_title] => Before Departure (traineeship) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

      As your study exchange program ends and you prepare to depart from UCT Prague, several necessary steps must be considered to wrap up your experience on a positive note. 

      [ikona] => info [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


      Departure information

      Once your traineeship approaches the endit is essential to notify the Department of International Relations and your supervisor about your planned departure date. This allows them to prepare any necessary paperwork or documentation related to your traineeship completion that your university requests. 

      Prolongation of stay

      Extending your traineeship at UCT Prague involves a series of steps and careful planning to ensure you can continue your traineeship.

      Start considering the possibility of extending your traineeship well in advance. Check the regulations and policies of your home university and UCT Prague to understand if the extension is possible and the requirements. For an extension of your stay, contact the Department of International Relations: and your supervisor.

      Note: If your exchange involves obtaining a student visa, you also need to extend your visa long-term visa to cover the additional period. For more information, check our webpage about visa here. In the case of a short-term visa, the extension would not be possible!


      Moving Out

      Follow the procedures for checking out of the dormitory or apartment. Inform the dormitory or landlord of your intention to leave and learn any specific checkout procedures they provide, which may include submitting a notice in advance: for example, you are asked to announce your departure date to our dormitories and Department of International Relations one month in advance.

      It is very important to make sure you clean and organise your living space and ensure you have returned any keys or access cards. Please check that you paid your rent or other housing-related bills as well. Also, If you paid a security deposit, inquire about the process for receiving it back. Ensure you follow the steps to ensure a timely return of your deposit.

      If you are leaving before the end of your lease agreement, inform your landlord or dormitory as early as possible. They might have specific procedures for early termination. If you want to prolong your stay at dormitories, this must be discussed in advance with the Department of International Relations and the Residence Hall.

        Tip: Before you leave, take photos of the cleaned and tidy living space as evidence of its condition. This can be useful in case there are disputes over cleanliness or damages.


      Certificate of Attendance

      The Certificate of Attendance is essential for trainees participating in the study mobility program. It officially confirms your participation in the program and confirms the exact day of your study stay at UCT Prague.

      At most, three days before your departure, you can send us the Certificate of Attendance (i.e. Departure Confirmation), which you must present at your home university. If your university has its own form, please take the prefilled (!) form when you visit the Department of International Relations / send it via email to . If you can, fill in your name, in the section for signature, prefill the name of your coordinator: Adéla Habartová, position: International Relations Coordinator, etc. 

      You can also use our form:  Download Certificate of Attendance.

      The form may request a signature from your supervisor as well. In that case, give the document to your supervisor to confirm and send us a copy scan.

       It is important to inform the Department of International Relations about the EXACT date of your departure:

      • The start date of the study period is the first day the student needs to be present at the host institution and not the date of arrival (the first day can also be the student accesses activities, for example, enrollment, welcoming events, language and intercultural courses organised by the host institution).
      • The end date of the study period is the last day the student has been present at the host institution and not the date of departure ( the previous day can also be the student accessing activities, for example, the end of the exam period, courses or mandatory attendance period).


      Project Evaluation

      If you need a detailed confirmation of your traineeship, you can ask your supervisor to fill in the form Project Evaluation. The signed copy scan by your supervisor needs to be sent via email to

       Download Project Evaluation 


      Submit Reports or Assessments

      Some traineeship programs require trainees to submit reports, evaluations, or assessments at the end of their placement. Make sure you complete any necessary documentation as per the requirements of your traineeship program.


      UCT Card

      Remember to check the balance on your UCT Card, and if you still have funds available, remember to collect them at the respective office. The card can be returned to the Copy centre at UCT Prague.


      Close your Bank Account

      Close your bank account before leaving the Czech Republic sufficiently in advance before your departure. Contact your bank in person, over the phone, or through their online banking portal. Inform them of your intention to close your student bank account. Ask if any specific requirements or documents are needed for the closure process. Also, ensure all outstanding transactions, such as pending deposits or withdrawals, are completed before initiating the account closure.


      ChemTK Library

      Make sure that you have returned all library books, materials, and items that you've borrowed. Check your account to ensure that there are no pending checkouts. If you have any overdue items, return them as soon as possible. Libraries often charge fines for late returns, so it's best to clear them before closing your account.

      [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 59559 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/before-leaving-incoming-traineeship [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72588] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Campus and Student Life [seo_title] => Campus and Student Life [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

      Campus Dejvická is located in the Dejvice district, which is known for its vibrant student community and excellent transportation connections. It is home to several educational institutions (Czech Technical University, Charles University – Catholic Theologic Faculty), including our university, which is one of the country's leading institutions in the field of chemical and technological sciences

      [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

      The University of Chemistry and Technology consists of 3 buildings (A, B, C) on the Dejvická campus in Prague 6. We recommend using the university application EMIL (Android | Apple) for better navigation for UCT Prague buildings.


      Campus Dejvická

      Campus Dejvická is situated in the heart of Prague, making it easily accessible by public transportation. The Dejvická metro station, which serves the A (green) line, is within walking distance from the campus. Trams and buses also stop nearby, allowing students to explore the city conveniently.

       Tip: You can join the Facebook and Instagram pages so you do not miss exciting events.

      How to get to Campus Dejvická?

      You can check the instruction on our webpage Contacts.

       ◳ Campus Dejvická (jpg) → (originál)


      Library ChemTK

      The UCT Prague Library, ChemTK, is housed in the National Library of Technology (NTK), opposite building A. You can register at the NTK registration desk on the library's ground floor with your valid ISIC/university card and national ID Card or passport. 


       ◳ National Technical Library (jpg) → (originál)


      The UCT Prague Library was one of the first chemistry-oriented institutions in Europe to install the electronic version of Chemical Abstracts on its local network. This resource provides constantly updated information dating back more than 20 years. Beilstein's Handbuch and Gmelins Handbuch, which cover the fields of organic and inorganic chemistry from the very beginnings of scientific chemistry at the end of the eighteenth century up to the present day, are now available via the CrossFire database in practically every UCT Prague workplace.


      It houses more than 100 000 volumes of books, handbooks, encyclopedias, periodicals, and other publications. With access to electronic sources, the UCT Library represents the most extensive chemical library in the Czech Republic and one of the largest libraries in Central Europe.


      UCT Prague Press

      The UCT Prague Press publishes several scientific books, textbooks, and other publications in Czech and English. You can use the online catalogue of publications and buy the books in a bookshop located at the National Library of Technology.



      Where to eat/drink?

      The simplest and swiftest choice for good and healthy meals among students is the canteens, also known as "menza." There is one canteen within the Volha dormitory and another two canteens on the university campus, a mere 5-minute stroll away from UCT Prague.

         Location of the canteens

      • Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům): Bílá 6, Prague 6; offers 6 meals every day, of which at least one is always vegetarian.
      • Blue Canteen (Technická menza): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Prague 6; offers a wider selection of desserts and snacks. It is popular and therefore busy at lunchtime - if you go in a large group, you probably won't be able to sit together. You can even have breakfast here between 7:30 and 10:00.
      • Volha Canteen: K Verneráku 45, Prague

      How much do you need to pay?

      To get the student discount on lunch, you must pay with your student card (you will get it once you visit the Department of International Relations), which you can charge with your money.  There are two options for how you can set your card:

      • Either in cash (!) directly in the canteen, where you inform the cash desk personnel that you would like to deposit the money on your ISIC/university card. They will put the money there, and then you can pay for the meal. In the Red and Blue canteens, you take the food from the food desk first and then go to the cash desk. In the Volha canteen, money is deposited on the cash desk on the left side of the food desk, and to choose the meal, you need to press the number of the meal on the display of the meals and pay with the student card first. Then you can take the meal from the food desk. 
      • You can use the “Strávník app” for the Red and Blue Canteen to check your account balance.

      Otherwise, you can pay for your meal in cash or by credit card, but without a discount. The discounted price for students is approximately 80–130 CZK (3 – 5 EUR).

      Working hours of the canteens
      Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům) Mon–Thu  9:00–19:00
      Fri 9:00–15:00
      Blue Canteen (Technická menza) Mon–Fri 10:45–14:20
      Volha Canteen Mon–Thu 11:00–19:00
      Fri 11:00—14:30



      • You may meet a canteen personnel who does not speak English well, in such a case prepare the card and the amount of money you need to deposit and smile.
      • Most Czech traditional meals  are meat-based, with thick, often creamy sauces served with carb-dense sides such as dumplings or potatoes. However, there is usually some familiar food like spaghetti, fried cheese, or chicken meat.  You can find some vegan options in the Blue canteen. 
      • Eating Czech dumplings with a hand is a big no-no. :-)

       Short dictionary for easier canteen navigation:

      Cash desk – Pokladna

      Chicken meat – Kuřecí maso

      Pork – Vepřové maso

      Beef – Hovězí maso

      Soup – Polévka

      Rice – Rýže

      Potatoes – Brambory

      French fries – Hranolky

      Sauce – Omáčka

      I want to put money on my card. – Chci vložit peníze na svou kartu.



      Cafe Prostoru

      Across from Building A in the NTK building is Cafe Prostoru, where you can have coffee, soda, beer or something good to eat. This place offers many fun evening events and is very popular among students during their study breaks.

      [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72588 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/72588 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72590] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => UCT Services Facilities [seo_title] => UCT Services Facilities [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

      At UCT Prague, we take pride in providing good quality services and facilities to create a positive environment for students, faculty, and staff. University support extends beyond the classroom, ensuring that everyone has access to the resources they need to succeed and thrive. Below, we present a brief overview of the key services and facilities we offer:


       Central Laboratories

      UCT Prague Central Laboratories are located in building A and B and consist of the following laboratories:

      Laboratories provide research backgrounds for students, professors, and research staff and are equipped with modern and top-level instrumentation. The laboratory staff is experienced in routine as well as specialised experiments.  The services of Central Laboratories are used for grants,  industrial applications, or student projects, as well as are offered to external customers (universities, private companies, and others).

      Central Laboratories staff teach several courses, seminars, workshops, and others for members of the UCT Prague community. The courses include practical skills as well as spectra interpretation.


      UCT Prague Press

      The UCT Prague Press publishes several scientific books, textbooks, and other publications in Czech and English. You can use the online catalogue of publications and buy the books in a bookshop located at the Czech National Library of Technology.


      Computer Rooms 

      Computer rooms are located in building B. Use EMIL (Android | Apple) maps to find the rooms

      • Ground floor (opposite Respirium)
      • First floor, room B13
      • Basement, rooms BS4 and BS5

      There are also computer labs for students in their faculty departments.

      In case further assistance (wi-fi, password) is needed, please get in touch with the technical support of the Computer center: 


      Copy Center

      The Copy Center provides printing, copying and scanning services. The price of printing a black and white page is 0,9 CZK, and the cost of a colour page is 6,5 CZK. 

      Where can you find it?

      If you need to print a document, you can do so at the self-service printers located in the Copy Center in building B. To find the Copy Center; from the main entrance door in building B, you go to the right-side hallway, pass the Respirium, and continue to the first staircase. You will see a sign Kopírovací centrum at the column of the stairs. You need to go one floor down where you will find the Copy Center behind the grey door. 

      The printers are connected to all computers in adjacent classrooms, the study room, and virtual classrooms.

      • Location: Building B, basement S82
      • Opening hours: Mon– Thu 8:00–16:00 |  Fri 8:00–15:00

      Note: Printing requires inserting money on your ISIC / university card (done by the copy centre staff). Remember that there are separate "wallets" in your ISIC / university card, meaning that with the money put on the card in the Copy Center, you cannot pay in the canteens and vice-versa. 



      Study Breaks

       At UCT Prague, we understand the importance of balance in academic life. University study breaks allow students to relax, recharge, and indulge in enjoyable activities during their demanding educational journey. 



      AT UCT Prague, there are two dedicated study rooms called "Respiria" located in building B. Respirium is a relaxation zone and a popular meeting place for students, especially during breaks. You can study there, enjoy a chat with your friends, have a snack, or hang around and meet new friends.

      Respirium I (on the picture below) ⇒ ground floor to the right of the main entrance. This room offers a microwave, kettle, sink, vending machines and a cloakroom for storing clothes and luggage. You can also buy school promotional items. There are regular board games, occasional concerts and orchestra rehearsals.

      Respirium I is open:

      • during the semester from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. (collecting items from the cloakroom until 6:30 p.m.)
      • during the exam period, the staff presence time may be reduced (always indicated on the door
      • during the holidays, the staff is not present, but the respirium is usually accessible

      Note: access to the respirium may be restricted during planned events.

      Respirium II (room B2302) ⇒ 1st floor, the entrance from Zikova street is smaller, cosier, and thus provides a place to rest and prepare for lectures in the newest part of building B. One floor above, you can find vending machines.

       ◳ Respirium (jpg) → (originál)


      Club Carbon

      Club Carbon is a non-smoking student café in the basement of building B designed to be a modern and friendly place to meet with fellow students and teachers. In addition to small snacks, good beer and coffee, Carbon regularly hosts PubQuiz and other social events. It's a tradition to celebrate passing the exams with your friends there. The club is the best place for strengthening contacts and friendships.

       ◳ Carbon (jpg) → (originál)


      Canteens and Buffets

      There are two university canteens on the campus. When using a university card / ISIC, students can get student discounts. 

      ·      Red Canteen (Menza Studentský dům): Bílá 6, Prague 6

      ·      Blue Canteen (Technická menza): Jugoslávských partyzánů 3, Prague 6

      For more information visit our webpage Campus and Student Life.

      If you are hungry after the lecture, there is a buffet in both buildings A and B. You can buy baguettes, sandwiches, panini, toasts, salads, pastries, cookies, as well as coffee, soup and other drinks. They are open most of the day, and you can pay by cash or card. In building A, you will find a buffet named "U Miláčka" ⇒ ground floor, to the right of the main entrance. In building B, you can find the buffet right next to the main entrance before the turnstiles. In addition to refreshments, you can also buy forgotten small school supplies here. 

      [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72590 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/72590 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72589] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Student Support and Assistance [seo_title] => Student Support and Assistance [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

      At UCT Prague, we are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students, including our international student community. We understand that studying abroad can be both exciting and challenging, and we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support and assistance to ensure a smooth and successful transition to university life.

      [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

       ◳ Photobank_Unsplash (jpg) → (originál)


      Pre-Arrival Guidance

      Even before you arrive on campus, the Department of International Relations is available to help you with pre-arrival preparations. We provide valuable information about visa application processes, housing options, pre-arrival information, and any other queries you may have.

      UCT Prague prepared many useful guides that are designed to assist you in preparing for your arrival at our campus, offering essential information and resources to help you make the most of your academic journey:

      Housing Handbook - a comprehensive guide about university dormitories; here, you will find everything you need to know about our dormitories, accommodation options and tips about living there.

      Freshmen's Guide 2022 - 2023 will be updated soon; this guide is more suitable for full-time degree students; however, you can still find valuable information about studying at UCT Prague.

      Czech Survival Guide - UCT Prague strive for an ever-increasing number of students and workers from abroad. For years we have come across funny, bizarre, and sad stories that stem from cultural misunderstandings or a simple lack of information. That is why the university put together a brochure to prevent these situations as much as possible. Please read on and find out what makes us Czechs slightly different from others, making your experience in the heart of Europe smoother.

      The arrival guide for Exchange students - 2023 will be updated soon; the Department of International Relations prepared an easy guide for upcoming exchange students where they can read basic information about their arrival obligations and study tips.

      Living in Prague website - still actively updated; here on this website, in the section Living in Prague, you can find essential information regarding public transportation, medical care and more.


      International Student Orientation

      Upon arrival, you will be warmly welcomed to our university through a comprehensive orientation program. This orientation week is specifically tailored to address the needs of international students, helping them familiarise themselves with the campus, local culture, academic expectations, and support services available.

        For more information, please visit our webpage Arrival.


      Language Support

      For exchange interns who are non-native English speakers, we created a webpage about Czech language tips (which will be updated soon!) to enhance their language skills, academic communication and living in Prague experience overall. 


      Counselling Services

      We recognise that moving to a new country and adapting to a different culture can be emotionally challenging. UCT Prague counselling services provide a confidential and supportive space for international students to discuss any concerns, homesickness, or personal issues they may be facing.

      For more information, visit the Counseling and Career Center website of UCT Prague, where you can read more details about the support and assistance for students.

      Psychological counselling

      Psychological counselling is a safe place for anyone who needs free mental health help. If you are worried about problems that make it difficult for you to study, don't be afraid to contact us and find a suitable solution together with the psychologist. Whether you are in a crisis situation, dealing with long-distance family, personal problems or troubled by interpersonal relationships, we can find the right help for you.

      Studying with specific needs

      UCT Prague aims to address any barriers arising from your disability that might restrict you in your studies. University provides diagnostics, counselling and other services to compensate for your disability without compromising the quality of your studies (compensatory aids, extra time in exams, a different form of exams, etc.). Counselling and Career Center work with faculties and individual teachers on support measures. If you are interested in these services, please register. All services are free of charge.

      The positive social environment at UCT Prague

      UCT Prague is dedicated, over the long term, to fostering a cultural, fair, and friendly social environment. UCT Prague rejects all forms of behaviour that violate human dignity, including discrimination, aggression, bullying, intimidation, sexual violence, or other forms of oppression.

      UCT Prague fully supports positive relationships in the university environment, including respect for others and a collegial, open, and balanced way of acting and communicating. UCT Prague’s academic community and employees respect and adhere to the Code of Ethics. University now offers a consultation and notification service for discussing incidents you perceive as running against UCT Prague's ethical principles. Such incidents include, for example, misunderstandings between superiors and subordinates, co-workers, academic and non-academic employees, employees and/or students at any level of study; interpersonal conflicts; ambiguities in faculty policies and/or procedures; humiliating behaviour; unfair treatment; bullying; sexualised behaviour (and so on) in educational, creative, and other university-related activities.

      ⇒ SafeTalk application (anonymously, if you wish) can be found here.


      Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

      ESN is a platform for international and domestic students to come together, exchange experiences, and build lasting friendships. ESN hosts social events, cultural gatherings, and outings to help you feel at home within our university community.

       ◳ ESN (png) → (originál)

      ESN organises various cultural adjustment programs and events to help international students adjust to the new cultural environment. These activities allow them to meet other students, engage with the local community, and explore the country's rich cultural diversity.

        ESN also participates in the so-called Buddy programme for exchange students. A “BUDDY” is a primary contact person who provides information and guidance to you during your first weeks in the Czech Republic and, if the circumstances allow, during your stay. Our buddies are Czech students who usually have experience as exchange students abroad from the past. They will pick you up at the airport, show you the way to the dormitories and the university, and help you arrange your accommodation. They will help you get “started” and provide you “inside” information about student life in Prague, the UCT Prague university and Czech culture in general.

      [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72589 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague/72589 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 59532 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/traineeship-at-uct-prague [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [66759] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Master Double Degree [seo_title] => Master Double Degree [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~Cwt29giJT8svyU9KzMtOjDcwsgAA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

      Studying under a double degree program enables students to receive two diplomas (one from the home university and one from the partner university) during a shorter time, than if the studies would be done at each university separately.

      For foreign students to be part of this program at our university UCT Prague has to have a Master Double Degree agreement with their home university. The two partner universities recognise the courses of the partner university in the particular study program – the study plan of Master Double Degree is arranged in a way, that students fulfil requirements to receive a diploma at both universities.

      Students who successfully finish this program receive two diplomas from two different countries, which gives them advantages for their future career.

      UCT Prague currently has Master Double Degree agreements with following universities:


      Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC)

      Length of study (ECTS Credits): 2 years = 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits)

      Period studied at UCT Prague: 1st and 2nd semester (60 ECTS credits)

      Contact persons at UCT Prague: Dr. Petra Ménová

      Organisation, study plans: Dr. Petra Ménová

      Application process, registration: Adéla Habartová

      Nominations possible from:  1 April 

      Deadline for submitting application documents for the period spent at UCT Prague: 20 April

      Start of studies at UCT Prague: September

      Number of ECTS credits acquired when starting at UCT: 180 from bachelor programme 

      Application documents to be submitted to UCT Prague can be found here.


      Université de Lorraine (France)

      Degree awarded at UCT Prague: Master in Chemistry and Chemical Technologies (Chemie a chemická technologie)

      Degree awarded at UL-ENSIC: Master in Process and Bioprocess Engineering (Génie des Procédés et des Bioprocédés)

      Length of study (ECTS Credits): 2 years = 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits)

      Period studied at UCT Prague: 3rd and 4th semester (60 ECTS credits)

      Contact persons at UCT Prague:

      Organisation, study plans: Dr. Ivona Sedlářová, Prof. Karel Bouzek

      Application process, registration: Adéla Habartová

      Nominations possible from: April 1st

      Deadline for submitting application documents for the period spent at UCT Prague: June 30th

      Start of studies at UCT Prague: September

      Number of ECTS credits acquired when starting at UCT Prague: 240 ECTS credits (180 for bachelor programme + 60 for the 1st year of master double degree)

      Application documents to be submitted to UCT Prague can be found here.


      Universtitá degli Studi dell’Insubria (Italy)

      Master of Science (MSc) in Biotechnology and Food Science at UCT Prague and Laurea Magistrale (LM) in Molecular and Industrial Biotechnology at UI

      Length of study (ECTS Credits): 2 years = 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits)

      Period studied at UCT, Prague: 3rd and 4th semester (60 ECTS credits)

      Contact persons at UCT Prague: Adela Habartová (Application process, application documents)

      Nominations possible from: April 1st

      Deadline for application documents for the period spent at UCT Prague: June 30th

      Start of studies at UCT Prague: September

      Application documents to be submitted to UCT Prague can be found here.


        Universitá degli Studi di Cagliari (UniCa), Italy

        Degree awarded at UCT Prague: Inženýr (“Ing.”) having completed the Master Degree Programme in “Chemické inženýrství a bioinženýrství” (Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering) 

        Degree awarded at UniCa: Laurea magistrale in Ingegneria Chimica e dei Processi Biotecnologici (Master of Science in Chemical Engineering and Biotechnological Processes), academic title “Dottore Magistrale”

        Length of study (ECTS Credits): 2 years = 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits)

        Period studied at UCT Prague: 3rd and 4th semester (60 ECTS credits)

        Contact persons at UCT Prague:

        Organisation, study plans: Zdenek Slouka

        Application process, registration: Adéla Habartová

        Nominations possible from: April 1st

        Deadline for submitting application documents for the period spent at UCT Prague: June 30th

        Start of studies at UCT Prague: September

        Number of ECTS credits acquired when starting at UCT Prague: 240 ECTS credits (180 for bachelor programme + 60 for the 1st year of master double degree)

        Application documents to be submitted to UCT Prague can be found here.

        Study plan at UCT Prague: Download here.


        University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, School of Life Sciences (HLS) (Switzerland)

        Master of Science (MSc) in Drung Synthesis and Manufacturing at UCT Prague and Master of Science (MSc) in Life Sciences FHNW at HLS

        This application process is applicable only to students currently enrolled at FHNW who have been nominated to UCT Prague by the programme coordinator. External applications are not possible.


        Manufacturing of pharmaceuticals

        Biotechnology and Food Science

        Length of study (ECTS credits): 2 years = 4 semesters (120 ECTS credits)

        Period studied at UCT Prague: 3rd and 4th semester (60 ECTS credits)

        Contact persons at UCT Prague: Adela Habartová (Application process, information)

        Nominations possible from: April 1st

        Deadline for application documents for the period spent at UCT Prague: July 31st  

        Start of studies at UCT Prague: September

        Application documents to be submitted to UCT Prague can be found here.


         Registration process

        • Application documents to be submitted to UCT Prague can be found here.


        Medical assessment

        Work in the laboratories involves direct contact with chemicals that might endanger the health of the student as well as put into danger the health of other persons. For this reason the Medical assessment of fitness to study at UCT Prague is requested. 

        Students applying for Double degree programme have to submit the confirmed form together with their application.


        No tuition fees required at UCT. Students are themselves responsible for any additional costs such as accommodation, food, public transport etc.

        [urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [68981] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Contact [barva_pozadi] => cervena [uslideru] => false [text] =>

        University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

        Department of International Relations

        Technicka 5
        166 28 Prague 6
        Czech Republic


        [iduzel] => 68981 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => infobox [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 66759 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/master-double-degree [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72468] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Living in Prague [seo_title] => Living in Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

         ◳ Prague (jpg) → (originál)

        Prague is a favourite tourist destination and offers a wide variety of interesting places to visit and possibilities how to spend free time. Here is a summary of starting tips for any newcomer.

        Prague in the Middle Ages:

        Prague became an important centre during the rule of dukes of house Přemysl. Both a trading settlement in today’s Malá Strana and the rotunda of St. Wenceslaus in the Prague Castle can be dated back to the 10th century. Foundation of the castle Vyšehrad occurred in the latter half of the same century. Prague became a a fortified city in the 13th century in the High Middle Ages.

        Prague was further expanded and in general developed during the rule of Charles IV, when it was the capital of the Holy Roman Empire.

        The historical centre of Prague, full of the atmosphere of medieval streets that reminisce the old trade routes, opulent royal processions, knightly tournaments, and Hussite upheaval, is listed in as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

        The main landmarks of Czech statehood are the Prague Castle and Vyšehrad.

        The premises of the Prague Castle consist of numerous historical palaces, churches, and the cathedral of St. Vitus, that bear traces of the rule of the Czech kings and princes throughout the centuries. If we want to get and idea of the authentic atmosphere of the centuries past, we can go to Zlatá ulička or to Nový svět. There are also numerous exhibitions, galleries, and various cultural events in the premises of the Prague Castle. Also worth mentioning are the baroque terrace gardens beneath the Prague Castle, which were part of the noble palaces built below the castle in Malá Strana.

        Another landmark of Prague, Vyšehrad – a hillfort above the river Vltava – is part of the Czech mythology from its earliest times.

        Many eminent Czech figures are buried in the Vyšehrad Cemetery, which also houses the oldest rotunda in Prague, the rotunda of St. Martin.

        Charles Bridge, the oldest bridge in Prague dating back to the 14th century, connects both banks of the river Vltava. It is named after its founder, Charles IV, King of Bohemia and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. Statues of saints flanking both sides of the bridge are from the baroque period. The most popular is the statue of St. Jan Nepomucký, who – according to legend – was thrown off this very bridge.

        Prague’s Old Town is the true heart of Prague, settled since the 11th century, is along with the Prague Castle the oldest part of the city. At its centre is the Old Town square. Part of the Old Town is still based on the original medieval ground plan, whose narrow passages are surrounded by houses with oftentimes an interesting, intriguing, and mysterious history. The Old Town Square is often cited as the most beautiful town square in Europe. Its main attraction is Orloj, a medieval mechanical clock with moving figures of apostles. The Old Town Square is interesting for more reasons that just that however and has an unmistakable and lengthy history. It was witness to several important historical events and even today is the centre of affairs in Prague. The Old Town Hall was founded as the centre of administration for the Old Town of Prague.

        Karolinum, the site of the Charles University – the oldest Czech university dating back to the 14th century – is not far from the Old Town Square.

        Josefov (also known as the Jewish quarter) is the most preserved complex of Jewish historic sights in Central Europe.

        Jewish merchants and moneylenders made their home in Prague since the 10th century. The Jewish population governed itself from the outset, having their own schools and synagogues. The Old New Synagogue from the last quarter of the 13th century was the main synagogue of the Jewish community in Prague. Other synagogues in Prague include Pinkas Synagogue, Maisel Synagogue, and the Spanish Synagogue. The Old Jewish Cemetery is called Beth-chaim, “House of Life”, and is a memorial of global import.

        What is interesting amongst modern architecture:

        The Municipal House is an excellent example of Prague Secession. It was built by the Prague community in the years 1905-1912. It primarily serves representative purposes and as a place for cultural events, such as concerts or exhibitions.

        The National Museum was founded during the time of the Czech National Revival. There you can find regular collections as well as temporary thematic expositions. The Neo-Renaissance building of the National Museum forms the most prominent feature of the Wenceslaus Square.

        The tallest structure in Prague is the Žižkov Television Tower, which offers wondrous views of the city of Prague.


        Further places of interest:

        Zoo in Troja

        Botanical garden in Troja


        For fans of nature:

        Petřín and its lookout tower

        Šárka – close to UCT Prague

        Prokopské údolí – natural reserve

        Prague’s parks Stromovka, Riegerovy sady, Grébovka, Kampa

        [urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [72474] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Medical Care and Health Insurance [seo_title] => Medical Care and Health Insurance [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

         European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

        An EHIC card is a proof that you are insured in an EU country, including Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

        In the Czech Republic, the EHIC card is issued automatically with your national health card by your Public health insurance provider. If you are an EU citizen, you receive a blue EHIC card valid in all EU countries including Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

        The EHIC card is a free card that gives you access to medically necessary, state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in another EU country under the same conditions and at the same cost as people insured in that country. However, while travelling, we recommend you to take an extra travel insurance, as the EHIC card covers only necessary care.

        What to remember
        • is NOT an alternative to travel insurance. It does not cover any private healthcare or costs such as a return flight to your home country or lost/stolen property,
        • does not cover your costs if you are travelling for the express purpose of obtaining medical treatment
        • does not guarantee free services. As each country’s healthcare system is different services that cost nothing at home might not be free in another country.
        • The right can be claimed only by doctors and a health facilities that are connected to the national system. This right cannot be claimed by private doctors.


        Citizens of EU countries & holders of EHIC should register their card with a Czech health insurance provider after their arrival. We recommend VZP as the largest health care provider in the Czech Republic with the highest number of cooperating doctors (meaning that the medically necessary expenses of your medical treatment should be covered without any issue).

        Registering your EHIC in the Czech Republic will make it easier for the insurance company to bill your medical expenses to the health insurance company in your home country. You will also be assigned a “health insurance number” which will make it easier for doctors to look up your medical files.

        You will receive an insurance card stating “Lékařsky nezbytná péče” = medical necessary healthcare:

         ◳ nezbytná péče (jpg) → (originál)

        Note that treatments exceeding the necessary medical health care will be billed separately and may be very expensive!

        Students from Turkey need to take to the VZP office the paper they have from their Health insurance provider in Turkey and register it as well.

        Then when visiting a doctor, take both your EHIC and the yellow insurance card with you.

        Do not forget to bring your passport with you when visiting the branch of VZP.


        It is also possible to register for full healthcare. In such a case you have to visit a branch of your health insurance company in your home country and fill in the so-called S1 Form. In some countries, your health insurance company will do the process online and send the form automatically to the Czech Republic, in some other countries, you will be given a hard copy of the form to submit it in person in the Czech Republic.

        Once you arrive in the Czech Republic, visit a branch of the VZP health insurance company. You will be assigned a “health insurance number”, and you will receive an insurance card stating that you are entitled to “Plná péče” = full health care.

         ◳ plná péče (jpg) → (originál)

        Registration of EHIC Card

        We recommend making an online registration with VZP.

        Send an email to: and attached these following documents:

        1. the copy of your EHIC (students from Turkey send a copy of the paper they have from their Health insurance provider in Turkey).
        2. Copy of your passport or ID card.
        3. Filled in the registration form.
        More information

        VZP - Insurance cards

        VZP - Branches

        VZP - English website


         Medical care

        If you are a foreigner living in Prague (or closeby), it is good to know where to go when you are not feeling well. The majority of Prague’s large hospitals have an emergency department where the emergency services mainly focus on providing diagnostic and medical care not only to Czech citizens but to foreign citizens as well. 

        Practical information

          In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call the emergency medical services at 112 or 155.


        • Health center Puls 

        Nearby UCT Prague dormitories. Ask your buddy to accompany you since they do not speak English there. Bring your health insurance card/confirmation and money with you. 

        Tel.: 267 189 156 - check the opening hours here. 


        • University Hospital Motol - Department for foreigners 

        The department of the hospital will arrange a visit with a doctor, take care of all the administrative details regarding payment, and assist with language or other issues.

        Info details

        Adress: V Úvalu 84, Prague 5, tel. +420 224 438 590


        Opening hours: Mo - Fr 6:30 - 19:00; weekends and holidays nonstop

        Tel.: +420 224 433 681, +420 224 433 692 (Health Care Services for Foreigners)

          You can find other tips for hospitals that could help you here and here.

        Available on Czech public health insurance and to holders of European Health Insurance Cards (EHIC) as well as for patients who are not covered by these public health insurance options. 

        Info details

        Contact person: MUDr. Youngová & spol., s.r.o.

        Address: Vítězné náměstí 829/10,160 00 Prague 6

        Tel.: +420 222 366 166



           Psychological care

          Students should focus on positive mental health that would help them to thrive and reach their optimal potential at work, study, and in life. At times, students might experience difficulties that may cause disruption and confusion in their lives. Studying usually involves a significant commitment of time and effort and requires a disciplined routine in order to achieve academic success. That itself can place significant stress on mental health. It is important that, in times of high stress, students have strategies in place to protect their mental health.

          • 112 – Emergency Telephone Number


          Counselling and Career Centre UCT Prague

          UCT Prague offers psychological counselling. Psychological counselling is a safe place for anyone who needs free mental health help. If you are worried about problems that make it difficult for you to study, don't be afraid to contact  Counselling and Career Centre UCT Prague and find a suitable solution together with the psychologist. Whether you are in a crisis situation, dealing with long-term family or personal problems or troubled by interpersonal relationships, Counselling and Career Centre UCT Prague find the right help for you.

            For more information, visit Counselling and Career Centre UCT Prague webpage here.

            [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72474 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/living-in-prague/medical-care-and-health-insurance [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72577] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Foreign Police (incoming) [seo_title] => Foreign Police (incoming) [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

            Upon arrival, students from EU and non-EU countries are obliged to register after arrival with the Foreign Police, if it has not been done by the accommodation provider.

              Reporting duty 

             Registering at the Foreign police is obligatory for anyone who is staying in the Czech Republic for more than 30 days.

            • Non-EU citizens are supposed to register within 3 days within arrival.
            • EU citizens on the other hand have 30 days for the registration. 

            Students from both non-EU countries and EU countries are obliged to report changes concerning their stay in the Czech Republic, such as a change in address, a change in their travel document or family status. Changes must always be announced within 30 days. 

            The Foreign Police is responsible for:

            • checking on the legitimacy of stays in the Czech Republic
            • dealing with you reporting of your place of residence in the Czech Republic within the given statutory period
            • extending stays in the Czech Republic - only for holder of a short-term visa
            • verifing an invitation
            • issuing of short-term residence certificates or certificates certifying a legitimate right of residence in the Czech Republic (e. g. for marriage)

            If you do not adhere to this obligation, you could be fined up to 3 000 CZK.


             EU and Non-EU students Living in Residence Halls

            Registration of your stay in the Czech Republic at the Czech Foreign Police is not necessary if you are staying in the Volha or Sázava residence halls; the residence halls will register on your behalf.

            • Students from both non-EU countries and EU countries are obliged to report changes by themselves concerning their stay in the Czech Republic, such as a change in address, a change in their travel document or family status. 


             Students in Private Residences

            If you are an EU student and will not live in Volha or Sázava, you are obliged to register at the Foreign Police office within 30 days of your arrival if your stay in the Czech Republic exceeds 30 days.

            All non-EU students who do not live in Volha or Sázava must register at the Czech Foreign Police within 3 days after their arrival. This duty also applies to those visa students who are due to pick up their long-term or permanent residence permits in the Czech Republic.

            Make sure to ask your accommodation provider first, If he/she registered you before you will go to the Foreign Police. An accommodation provider is considered to be anyone that provides accommodation in return for financial compensation or that provides accommodation to more than 5 foreigners, except for the case where the relationship between the accommodated foreigner and the accommodation provider can be regarded as being close.

            For the purposes of the Aliens Act, an accommodation is understood to be a contractual relationship based on a contract for accommodation, rental contract, sub-rental contract or any other contract with similar contents.

            Useful links

            Address: Olšanská 2176/2, Praha 3, 130 00 (nearby Flora metro station)

            Tel.: +420 974 820 317 (speaking Czech only)


            Opening hours: Mon and Wed: 8:00 – 17:00 ; Tue and Thu: 8:00 – 15:00 


            How and Where you should register?

            All EU and non-EU citizens who are here on a visa need to register at the Foreign Police.

            Contact details

            Immigration - info for schools

   - Reporting of the place of aliens' residence

            EU Nationals - reporting duty

            Thirds Countries Nationals - reporting duty

            It is a good idea to get there early to avoid long lines. 

            Registration must be completed in person.

            When you get to the station, you will need to get a number and fill out a form that you can get at the information desk. Although they will likely not speak much English, you can request an English registration form. Try to ask your Buddy or Czech speaking friend if he/she is willing to accompany you.

            Documents required for the registration:

            • Passport or ID card
            • Proof of health insurance
            • Proof of accommodation

            There is a 3,000 CZK fine (penalty) for not registering on time - you can read more about the exact rules on the Czech Police website in English


             What do you need to be aware of?

             The police are allowed to stop you on the street and ask to see your passport and check your registration under various circumstances: if they suspect that you are undocumented, if you are in the proximity of a governmental buildings, travel terminals or other areas of importance. It is also common for police to check your documents late at night especially near popular bars. 

            If you are stopped without your passport, the police will either take you to the station or will escort you home and check your documents there.

            • You can get an extra fine of up to 2,000 CZK for not having a passport or ID card on you at all times – this law is applicable almost everywhere in the EU. 
            [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72577 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/living-in-prague/foreign-police-incoming [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72472] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Public Transportation [seo_title] => Public Transportation [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

            Prague has an extensive public transport network that is rated as one of the best and most reliable in Europe. Thanks to public transport, you can reach even the most remote corners of the metropolis quickly and easily.


            Transportation in Prague

            You can use the underground (metro), trams, buses or suburban trains, ie.e public transport (MHD) to 
            travel around Prague. All traffic information, latest news, schedules and travel rules are on the 
            website of the Prague Public Transit (Dopravní podnik hlavního města Prahy – DPP).

            • When you travel by any means of transport, you are required to have a valid and properly marked ticket. The ticket is invalid if not marked. 

            • If you travel around Prague regularly and often, it is worth it to buy a travel pass with long-term validity (the so-called Litacka, or a paper coupon).



             ◳ Litacka (jpg) → (šířka 450px)

            The Litacka Prague travel card is designed to be used by adults for periods of between one month and one year.

            There are two ways how to obtain the travel card:


            1) Go to Škoda Palace Jungmannova 35/29, 110 00 Prague 1 („Můstek“ metro station) with a passport-sized photo. 

            2) Go to: (or donwload the app) then  fill in the basic information and add a valid photo.

            Create a PID Litacka Account

            If you have not registered before, go to select the EN option and complete the steps.

            Click on the Activation link that will return you to PID Litacka website, where you shall: 

            • Add a Travel Voucher
            • On the left menu select “Season Tickets”
            • Select your Tariff
            • Select the date that you want the voucher to start
            • Choose Payment Type
            • Enter your payment card details and then click on the orange “Pay xxx” button
            • Validating the voucher

            Do not forget to add your ISIC number, so you can get the student discount.

            Now you can take metro, tram and bus for free when  you want in Prague.


            Public transport in Prague consists of:


            • Line A (green): Depo Hostivař - Nemocnice Motol
            • Line B (yellow): Černý Most - Zličín
            • Line C (red): Letňany - Háje

            Transfer nodes are located at the Můstek (A, B), Muzeum (A, C) and Florenc (B, C) stations.

            Intervals: at peak hours ranges from 2 to 4 minutes, during non-peak hours, it is never more than 10 minutes; at night from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday, the interval is 20 minutes.


            Trams are a reliable and convenient option for surface transport. For sightseeing tours we recommend using the “nostalgic line” 42

            Important notice: At pedestrian crossings, trams always have the right of way over pedestrians!

            Intervals:  peak hours every 8–10 minutes, off-peak every 10–20 minutes, night connections every 30 minutes.


            Getting on and off the bus is possible through all the doors of the bus.

            Intervals: peak hours every 6-8 minutes, off-peak hours every 15-30 minutes; night operation every 30-60 minutes.

            Night Service

            Night service (from about 0:30 to 4:30) replaces daily metro, tram and bus lines. The backbone of night service is nine tram lines (91-99) at a uniform interval of 30 minutes (20 minutes at night from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday) and night city bus lines (901–915) run at intervals of 30 minutes (20 minutes at night from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday) or 60 minutes and at selected transfer points they connect to trams or other bus lines.

            You can reach Václav Havel Prague Airport from the city center at night by night bus 910 without transfer. The line runs every 30 minutes. The driving time from the I.P. Pavlova stop, for example, is 42 minutes.

            Other forms of transportation:


             For more information regarding barrier-free travel on public transport, click here.



            Passengers should familiarise themselves with the conditions of travel in Prague's public transport system prior to arrival. This will help prevent possible complications during transport control.

            Ticket validity is based on only on time - the number of transfers does not matter. When transferring, do not stamp the ticket again - restamping invalidates the ticket!

            • 90-minute ticket - CZK 40
            • 30-minute ticket - CZK 30
            • 24-hour ticket - CZK 120
            • 72-hour ticket - CZK 330

            Free and discounted transport in public transport in Prague:

            Free transport or a discount on the fare is conditional on proof of age with an official document stating the name, surname, photograph and date of birth (passport, ID card).

            • children up to 15 years:  gratis
            • persons over age 65:  gratis
            • persons aged from 60 to 65 years:  half-fare (90-minute ticket - CZK 20,  30-minute ticket - CZK 15,  24-hour ticket - CZK 60)

            • passengers with a valid travel document can transport a dog free of charge within Prague (except for PID trains and the AE line). A dog without a crate can be transported if it has a muzzle and is kept on a short leash.
            • small luggage up to 25x45x70 cm, animals in a crate, pram with baby or bicycles (only in the metro, on ferries, on the cable car to Petřín and at specified time intervals in selected tram sections)
            • more detailed information can be found here.


            How to purchase tickets:

            • ticket vending machines: Ticket vending machines are installed in all metro stations and at some surface transport stops. Most vending machines only accept Czech coins, but increasingly, ticket machines allow you to pay using a contactless payment card.
            • Information centers or points of sale in metro stations
            • contactless payment cards: the payment terminal is located in the middle of each tram. After purchasing a ticket (printed on the spot), it is not necessary to stamp the ticket. In buses, it is possible to pay contactlessly only on the lines to Václav Havel Airport (119 and Airport Express). It is not yet possible to pay by card directly on metro trains.
            [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72472 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/living-in-prague/public-transportation [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 72468 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /student/incoming-student/living-in-prague [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59539] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [barva_pozadi] => bila [text] =>

            UCT Prague Exchange Studies

            Information for students from different universities, who are planing to visit UCT Prague during their studies. 
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            UCT Prague
            Technická 5
            166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
            IČO: 60461373 / VAT: CZ60461373

            Czech Post certified digital mail code: sp4j9ch

            Copyright: UCT Prague
            Information provided by the Department of International Relations and the Department of R&D. Technical support by the Computing Centre.